ZoomInfo Tips: How To Use Intent Topics For Sales Prospecting
Video Transcript
(00:01) [Music] hey everyone how’s it going it’s James here and I have a quick Zoom info tutorial for you today so we will be talking about setting up intent topics and using them in your sales program now to get to my screen you’re going to want to tab over to intent just over from advanced search and click the intent drop down under select filters if you have a fresh account yours uh your screen will look a little different from mine as I already have in topics but to get started all you’re going to have to do is Click explore all
(00:36) topics now as an example let’s say my company sells CRM Integrations so it would probably make sense to have some of the most popular crms as in 10 topics for me so if we look at HubSpot there’s a topic [Music] Salesforce maretto to name a few so once we have a short short list of about 6 to 12 intent topics you can also see their weekly search volume over here on the right um in your topic screen and now to actually get these onto your account all you’re going to have to do is contact your Zoom info account manager and ask them to put them
(01:17) in it’s super quick and easy now once you have all of your intent topics as I do you’re just going to come back over to intent and now yours should look the same as mine so for the example we have an email sequence specifically looking at HubSpot Integrations so I’m interested in what companies have been searching for HubSpot recently so now to filter those all I have to do is drop down and click my HubSpot intent topic all of your others will kind of be bucketed in parent topics as you can see uh with mine so now just selecting HubSpot and
(01:58) clicking apply now now we are looking at every company over the past month that has searched for HubSpot now 67,000 is a little too many to really um have quality prospects so I want to get this number down a lot less and a couple ways to do that is by using the intent filters so the first one here that is important to note is the date range um so I have a set for past month I think I want people that have searched maybe a little more recently to today so past two weeks should work well for that um that’s going to take about 30,000
(02:34) results out and then the next thing to look at is signal score which I don’t think is all that important and you can probably ignore um and then audience strength is quite useful this is basically how many people um in per search are looking so in this example that’s one person searching I would recommend dragging this to groups of at least three people searching at a time and I’ll see how many that takes out so that dropped a few more thousand out of our results and then the final thing to consider here is spikes in date range so
(03:10) this is separate occurrences of people searching for your intent Topic in the case of HubSpot and our other filters if right now I have it at one so this is basically just meaning groups of three or more people over the past week searched for HubSpot once now it would show more intent if they search for it multiple times times so if I just put it two here this should narrow our our results even further uh and we’ll see what that does okay perfect so we have 800 results at the end of it this basically means over the past two weeks audiences of
(03:46) around three to five people search for HubSpot twice within the given date range um this is a pretty high intense search and and also a digestible amount of results from E start going after next steps from here would be opening our 800 companies into search and starting to look for contacts that make sense with within the context of our sales program so hopefully that helps um and of course if you guys have any issues setting up a tent we will be more than happy to help you walk through it um and give you some
(04:17) more best practices for Effective use so hopefully you found this helpful and have a great day
The video provides a detailed walkthrough on how to use intent topics in ZoomInfo for effective sales prospecting. The process starts by accessing the “Intent” section in the ZoomInfo platform. From there, users are instructed to click on the “Explore All Topics” button to identify relevant topics for their business. For example, if a company sells CRM integrations, they might select CRM-related topics like HubSpot or Salesforce. Once you have a list of intent topics relevant to your offerings, such as HubSpot integrations, you can contact your ZoomInfo account manager to have those topics added to your profile. This customization allows for more targeted prospecting based on real-time search data.
After setting up your intent topics, the video moves on to explain how to filter and refine the results for more targeted sales efforts. You can apply various filters, including date range, which allows you to focus on companies that have recently shown interest in the selected topic. For example, narrowing the search to the past two weeks helps you identify businesses that have been actively searching for HubSpot-related information recently. This approach ensures that the leads are not too cold and are more likely to engage with your sales outreach.
Another important filter discussed is audience strength, which refers to the number of people in a company actively searching for a given topic. By setting the filter to include only searches by multiple people (e.g., groups of at least three), you ensure that the companies on your list are genuinely interested in the subject matter. Additionally, the spikes filter is helpful in identifying companies where multiple searches for the same topic occurred over a short period, indicating higher intent. The video recommends setting this filter to capture only companies where the topic has been searched multiple times within the given date range.
After refining the results with these filters, the final step is to review the list of companies that meet the criteria. In this case, the presenter narrows the search to 800 companies that have shown consistent interest in HubSpot integrations over the past two weeks, making them highly relevant and qualified prospects. The next steps involve examining these companies in more detail and reaching out to the key contacts within each company that align with the goals of your sales program.
In conclusion, the video serves as a practical guide for using ZoomInfo’s intent topics to enhance sales prospecting. By effectively narrowing down search results using filters like date range, audience strength, and search frequency, users can focus on high-potential leads, increasing their chances of successful sales outreach. The presenter also offers support for anyone facing challenges setting up intent topics and emphasizes the importance of using these tools to maximize sales success.