What is Account Based Marketing?
Video Transcript
(00:00) alright so in this clip we are going to talk about what is account based marketing also known as a BM so there’s always these new sales and marketing jargons coming about but before we talk about this thing this account-based marketing thing if you like Clips like this don’t forget to subscribe if you like business and marketing and sales stuff to help you grow so account based marketing what is it exactly so when you think about it let’s say I want to work with coca-cola well if I want to work with coca-cola in the past what I would
(00:28) do is maybe create my dream 100 this is from the late Chet Holmes yeah so Chet Holmes the ultimate sales machine right and he talks about the dream 100 all the time and make your dream 100 maybe coca-cola’s in there and maybe your target is the VP of Marketing that’s who you want to hit and maybe that’s the person that you focused on right your laser targeting your Spearing who you want to go after now account based marketing if I want to reach coca-cola nowadays maybe coca-cola and not maybe for sure they have multiple people on
(00:54) their marketing team and maybe I have software and I want to reach their digital marketing team and I want to hit four people from their team and instead of just going for one I’m hitting multiple people on their team and I’m going for the account I’m not just going for an individual so that is what account based marketing is I’ll give you an example of how we’re doing it nowadays at single-ring what we’re doing is if let’s say coca-cola visits our website and two people two IP addresses from coca-cola visit our website what we
(01:18) will do then is we would then find four people from their marketing team because we don’t know who exactly visited but we’re gonna find those people and we’re gonna reach out to them saying hey we noticed that you visited this piece on SEO and but we’ve got some more SEO resources for you in fact we’re doing a webinar if you’d like to check it out just click on this link it’s a browser-based webinar it’s free this is not spam this is very real check it out right because at this point what I’m doing is I know what they want already
(01:42) even though I don’t know who exactly visited my website I’m kind of taking an account based marketing approach where I’m hitting for email addresses that I’ve identified through this loop that I’ve put together which I’ll talk about in another video another time but basically I’m doing this in an automated way and I’m getting people to consume more content I’m adding more value to them and that’s how I’m doing account based marketing right other ways we’re doing based marketing is sure you can just hit him with a sledgehammer I just
(02:04) keep going going going going going until they finally you know kind of get on their knees and say okay fine we’ll talk right because you’ve annoyed them to that point you can certainly do that and does work the numbers work after you hit sales really hard if you can think about another way where you add value and you are seeing more of this consultative sales person instead that’s gonna help you go a long way so account based marketing it has been getting more popular in the last couple years I want to say maybe the last three or four
(02:29) years or so and with technologies now like the technology that I’m talking about like hold I owe clear a bit and also outreach combining these different technologies together you could really add more value it’s just that I was just saying all the time come buy my stuff right so again account based marketing and a high level just just to keep it simple is you are hitting not just one person in the account you are hitting multiple accounts so it’s account based marking it’s not just individual marketing anymore so if you enjoyed this
(02:56) video let us know what you think in the comments by the way on how you plan on using account based marketing what you got from this video and again if you enjoy this please help us spread to love whatever platform you’re on right now just rate review and subscribe it does help us grow and it is going to help us get the word out faster and with that being said we’ll see you tomorrow
Account-Based Marketing (ABM) is a targeted approach that focuses on engaging multiple decision-makers within a target company or “account” rather than focusing on just one individual. Traditionally, marketers might have zeroed in on a single person, such as a VP of Marketing, within a company. However, ABM recognizes that decisions often involve several stakeholders. Thus, marketers engage with multiple team members to improve the likelihood of a successful sale.
Using ABM, companies can personalize outreach based on observed engagement. For instance, if several employees from Coca-Cola visit a marketer’s website, the marketing team can identify multiple contacts within Coca-Cola’s marketing department and offer them relevant content, such as webinars or resources. This approach aims to provide value and build relationships rather than overwhelming potential clients with repeated sales pitches.
ABM has grown in popularity over the past few years due to advancements in marketing technology, which enable precise targeting and personalization. Tools like Clearbit and Outreach allow marketers to identify and engage multiple relevant contacts within a target organization, helping them nurture a collaborative rather than aggressive sales approach. This method ensures a more consultative interaction, adding genuine value to prospective clients and increasing the chances of conversion.