Linkedin Account Based Marketing Strategy [2023 Complete Guide] – How to Start with Linkedin ABM? – YouTube
Video Transcript
(00:00) in this video i’m going to show you how you can boost your sales using linkedin account based marketing step by step keep watching let’s start riding with step number one understand the abm formal account based marketing is a strategy that focus on targeting companies instead of people it’s basically a sales oriented marketing approach that flip the classic marketing form in the classic marketing approach you tell your marketing team go get some leads then they built a classic marketing funnel to generate inbound
(00:30) leads for sales so they generate awareness through content ads physical events webinars they capture contact details like emails phone numbers with lead magnet or get demo booked with forms and then they pass the lead to the sales so they can organize meetings but what usually happens here is that sales receive tons of unqualified leads for marketing marketing is usually judged by the ceo on the number of leads that generate so they focus on quantity not quality and sales lose their time on calls with unqualified leads wit
(01:03) account based marketing the funnel is a little bit different tell your marketing team exactly which leads to go after and the goal here is to really reduce the amount of time you or your sales team spend on calls with unqualified leads here is the process sales marketing and executives map together the accounts they want to close for the company and then sales marketing and executives coordinate their efforts to get meetings with the right decision makers inside these accounts for example marketing can run linkedin ads on the same people that
(01:36) are currently prospected by the sales team more on that later sales are really happy because they’re only getting meetings with really qualified leads now that you’ve mastered the fundamentals let’s get to step number two define your icp icp means ideal customer profile really important here customer mean company and not a person it means that before you start digging into linkedin database you need to think about which account could be perfect clients for your product or your service activity geography industry size growth
(02:10) rate technologies they are using are they opening a new country you can list all the criteria that could make these accounts perfect clients for your business and keep them on the google doc for example we are going to use them later and pro tip for you guys if you like inspiration on this just look at your existing clients because they are the perfect data sample for you to identify your ideal customer profile except if you don’t like them you are obviously going to have a wide variety of accounts here and not every account
(02:41) will have the same importance some accounts will be given a higher priority for your business and some accounts will need to be approached differently than others which lead us to step number three use the abm share system abm tia system is really useful to prioritize your sales and marketing efforts on your targeted accounts when you do account based marketing with linkedin accounts are usually split into three groups called tiers and basically the tiers define the importance of their accounts to your eyes they also define which
(03:14) marketing and sales strategy you’re gonna apply to close them tier one are the whales top icons that your business absolutely need to close to be successful there are usually big enterprises big logos that will look wonderful on your websites and you don’t have a second chance to make a first good impression with these guys but your best sales and top executives will be in charge to do manual outreach and create relationships with the decision makers tier 2 are the big fishes these guys are your core clients it’s usually easy to
(03:45) close them at the base of your revenue and you know that you can scale by closing more of them you have a good experience creating these guys and you can let your sdrs contact them in a personalized way along with marketing efforts to get meetings tear three are the small fishes these guys are low hanging fruits you will not become a billion dollar company with them but they bring additional revenue you don’t refuse they are really easy to close so you can add up the fully automated prospecting strategy here because you
(04:16) don’t want to spend too much time writing personalized email for these guys now it’s time for step number four use linkedin sales navigator to find accounts and decision makers you absolutely need a sales navigator account to do account based marketing leveling them this tool is absolutely necessary if you want to find accounts find decision makers and build super targeted linkedin ads okay so i am on the sales navigator homepage right now and the first thing you want to do is to click on icon filters here to look for accounts into linkedin
(04:48) database so on your left you’re going to have all the filters available to a digging tool in the database and let’s say for example i want to build my t1 list of big software companies so [Music] i can look for the computer software industry here add some big ad counts select companies that are hiring on linkedin for example with funding events in the past 12 months something like this then i will have some search results and the second step is to build an account list out of these search results so for that you can hand pick
(05:28) the companies by ticking the check boxes here and you can also click here to select all the results of this page after that you click on save to list create account list and then you can name your list and i will call it like tier one software and i will need to do that for every page this is a little bit painful but there is no other way so for every page you get to click on it select all and save to lists like this so you can add all the filters you want here i take a simple example uh to build the tier list so let’s say i
(06:09) want to to build my tier 2 composed of smaller companies so here i selected different ad count smaller ad counts and same thing here click on save to list plus tier 2 software you know and here same thing select all save to list and then i click on your tools to there and i can do the same thing for tier 3 by selecting even smaller company accounts once you have finished building your account tier list they will be available under the account list tab here you can see tier 1 tier 2 and gr3 now we are going to use
(06:56) them to find decision makers inside these companies so we are going to click on lead filters here go into workflow account list and then select a list like tier 2 for example and the cool thing here is that on the right will appear all the people that work at these companies now i can refine my search by adding some criterias like job title let’s say i want to have all the head of sales of the companies in my account list i can go on the job title filter write head of sales and here all the head of sales of the companies in my list
(07:45) will appear here and you can obviously repeat this operation for tier one and for tier three and same thing the head of sales will appear on the right you can obviously add other filters if you want to the next step right now is to extract this search into a csv and for that we are going to use the eva boot chrome extension so i’ve added the link in the description and once you have downloaded the extension you have this new button here extract with everboot so you just need to click on it and then it will open the evapo platform
(08:23) and you will just need to name your search right here tier 2 decision makers software and to launch the extraction and eva boot will extract all the information available on the linkedin profiles of the decision makers but also all the information available on the company pages so the website company size the number of employees etc you can see right now that the extraction has been launched and we just need to wait a few minutes to have the results once your extraction is ready evaboot will give you the opportunity to find
(09:04) the emails of all the decision makers inside your list for that you just need to click on find emails and enrich leads and then you just need to wait a few minutes for the algorithm to add the emails on your file after a few minutes you can see that the emails here have been added and you can download your file in this file you will be able to see all the data that have been extracted from linkedin like first name last name position company name website linkedin url industry speciality all the data available on linkedin and if you scroll
(09:43) on the right you’re going to see all the emails that have been added and verified by the everboot email finder you can see that the process is pretty simple and straightforward now what if i told you that you could automate it that’s what we are going to see in step number five use self-churches to automate your abm lead generation this is one of the best tips you’ll see in this video okay so to save your search you just need to go on the top right and click on save search here then just need to name your search like
(10:19) jm1 software saved and click on save search to access your saved churches just need to click on save searches here and then you’re going to see all the saved icon churches and savely churches you have previously saved basically linkedin here will allow you to see if new companies are fitting your search filters because every week there is new company pages that are created on linkedin and new companies may grow and fit your search filters so you’re going to see here in the color new results that when new companies are fitting your search
(11:02) results linkedin will give you the lists here and then you just need to repeat the same process that is to say create a list like new accounts for jr1 you know and then go on the lead filter go to workflow and then select you know the new account list you just created and then add the job titles as well this will allow you to feed your sales pipeline with new opportunities and to generate leads on autopilot every week okay so now you’re basically a master of linkedin abm targeting you know how to build account lists find decision makers
(11:56) find their contact details and even automate the whole process and that leads us to step number six get in touch with decision makers the way you approach decision makers will change depending on the account tiers you just built with linkedin sales navigator for chair one your sales and executive can use linkedin company pages to send the right message to the right person at the right time let me show you how linkedin company pages are really cool if you want to manually prospect tier one accounts so they are composed
(12:27) of three parts people insight and alerts so the first part is the people and linkedin will show you a knack on pap with some decision makers you can contact so the people will be divided in three cheers like the accounts so tier one will be top decision makers tier two will be medium decision makers and tier three will be low decision makers or operational so linkedin will build a default account map but you are able to modify it by drag and dropping people like this that way you can build your archery strategy by choosing to directly contact
(13:06) tier 1 top decision makers or to use the bottom-up arteries strategy it’s a strategy that i described in the blog post and this strategy consisting first contacting tier 2 and your three people and to ask them who is the best decision maker to talk about your topic then you can leverage the relationship you have created with tier 2 and tier 3 people as an ice breaker for your message to tier one and the fact to already have foot inside the company will help you get replies from super busy decision makers especially if you are prospecting big
(13:46) enterprises you can have more details on the bottom up outreach strategy in a blog post in the first comment the second part of the linkedin company pages is the insights gonna have many information about the growth of the company the number of employees the distribution of headcount between the department the new hires and the job openings so you can totally use this to add some personalization in your messages to find icebreaker ideas for your messages you can also check the alerts section where you’re going to be notified every
(14:25) time the company publish a news or someone is promoted and you’re gonna have tons of information here like for example here i can check the post from the company page maybe like it put a comment and then copy paste the link to send it to decision makers and to say congratulations and to use this post ironized breaker to start the conversation for tier 2 you can use a semi-automated prospecting strategy by using a call outreach tool so here we are going to use a cold outreach tool to automate our email and linkedin messages sendings but
(15:03) we are going to spend some time to manually add some personalization to all of our messages for tier 2 i love to use what i call the air abt formula which stands for reason for outreach ask a question back up with data and tease your solution for example let’s look at this message i’ve recently sent to my prospects so this message had 28 percent reply rate and i followed the labt formula so the first part is a reason for outreach you want to explain to your prospect why you think it’s relevant for you to have a conversation with him here
(15:43) i’m saying i’m reaching out because i’m trying to gather linkedin ces naruto users feedbacks and so you were one of them because in my targeting i built a list of linkedin sales navigator users then you want to ask a question to verify if your prospect has the problem you can solve because you know too many times people try to offer a solution right away but the first step is to know if your prospect has the problem you can solve obviously if someone has not a problem you can solve your solution won’t be of value to them
(16:17) so first make sure the prospect has a problem and second propose the solution so here i’m asking if the prospect has a problem solved by everboot do you spend a lot of time cleaning and double checking your search results when you create lead lists then i want to backup my question with data i want to explain why it’s relevant for me to ask this question here i ask this question because this is a common challenge i’ve spotted among 17 percent of users i’ve recently exchanged with so this question does not come out of
(16:50) nowhere have already exchanges with other people like you other people of your community these parts help your question to appear legitimate to your prospect and then in the last part you want to tease your solution you don’t want to give too much details because this message is focused on the problem not the solution you just want to tease a little bit your solution to give your prospect a reason to reply and for our automated messages we are going to keep the same question back up and teasing for every messages but we are going to
(17:25) personalize the reason for archwitch for every lead so to do that you’re gonna upload the eva boot file to google sheet and create a new column named refo in this column you’re gonna write a reason for outreach personalized for every lead so for that you can visit the linkedin url here or the website of the company or the linkedin company page and then write one or two line for your prospect you may think at the beginning that this process is too painful but trust me it’s gonna make a huge difference in your reply rate
(18:02) this will help you stand out from all the spammy messages your prospect received every day so you simply need to fill uh this column with refers like no i noticed that your company you know etc and do this for every line so once you have your list and your air referrals ready you can upload your list to lagross machine a gross machine is the tool i personally use to send my outreach campaigns but obviously you can use any tool you want here i just show you this tool so you can have a clear view of the step but it will be the same
(18:43) for every tool so the first step is to import the lead list you have created with everboot so you click here import leads import csv and then upload the csv you have just created we have a boot and then the next step is to match the column so basically you’re gonna tell your trish tool where are the relevant information for the rfos we’re gonna add them into the custom attribute one and this will be really important for the next step and then after that you match you know the right command here first name last name the email the job
(19:23) title etc and you make sure that every data go to the right place once the matching is finished you click on import leads and here you can create a new audience like tier 2 decision makers software and you can also write a little description and then lagos machine will take a few minutes to import your leads on their tool the second step is to create a campaign so for that we are going to click on create campaign here and then select among the template i personally like to use linkedin plus emails in my outreach so you can like first you know contact
(20:18) people on linkedin and if people don’t accept your connection request or don’t reply to your messages you can do email follow-up so let’s click on create campaign and here we are going to be able to by clicking on the squares and then edit to write our messages and this is where the magic happens because you are going to be able to add some variables here so here for example the first name of my prospect and most importantly the reason for archwitch i manually had it to my file so you remember i added them into the custom
(21:00) attribute one so here i will add my reason for my reasons for outreach here and in every message the custom attribute one will be replaced by the small paragraph i added on my google sheet so if i take the previous message it looks like this so high first name my reason for outreach here and then the rest of my message that will be the same for everybody then i just click on save and i can write my follow-ups and then once all my follow-ups are ready i can click on save and launch here and lagross machine will
(21:39) start sending linkedin messages and emails to my prospect for tier 3 we are going to use a fully automated prospecting strategy it means that we won’t spend time to writing a referrals for every lead but we are going to use the same rfo for everybody basically what it means is that you are going to delete here the custom iphones you are written for every lead but for tier 3 you will have the same text for everybody like this so take some time to write a good reason for outreach that you can send to all your prospectory leads because they will
(22:17) all receive the same and now it’s time for our last step synchronize prospecting and linkedin ads what if i told you that you can use leading ads to target exactly the same people that will receive your emails and your linkedin messages that’s too good to be true actually it’s not i’m going to show you right now how to do this the first step to build super targeted linkedin ad is to extract your account list with everboot so select the account list your decision makers come from and then click on extract with everboot
(22:53) here and then just name your search and extract the list like i’ve already shown you the second step is to upload this account list to linkedin ads so i will go on work advertise select an account click on create campaign click on next select lead generation and here in the targeting i will select audience list upload and company list and then upload a list and this is where i will upload the data i extracted with everboot little disclaimer here you will have to modify the eva boot file so it fits the template expected by linkedin so here
(23:52) you can see the template and you’re gonna have basically to rename the column so they fit exactly the name of the headers here once you have done that you will be able to select the lists you have just uploaded here and now i’m going to show you this secret tip to target exactly the same decision makers you have uploaded in your cold outreach tool so you are going to click on narrow here audience attribute job experience and job titles and here you are going to be able to write job titles exactly like in sales navigator so i was
(24:34) targeting head of sales so i just need to tick out of sales here and my linkedin ads will target head of sales in the companies i just uploaded here you can see that this is really simple and that will make a huge difference in your prospecting campaigns the cool thing with this technique is that you can decide to show different ads to tier 1 tier 2 and tier 3 because maybe between the different tiers the personnel will change and your proposition value will not be the same this technique we want to activate the
(25:12) mirror exposure effect the mere exposure effect is a psychological phenomenon by which people tend to develop a preference for things merely because they are familiar with them and here the more your prospect will be exposed to your brand the more they will likely to reply to your linkedin messages and your emails because they will be like i already see that name somewhere like yeah okay let’s connect you know there is three type of ads that you can run using this technique the warmer pads that are ads that will run before you
(25:41) launch your prospecting campaign so the decision makers can get familiar with your brand before getting contacted by yourselves cover ads that you will show to your prospect while your hdr yourselves or yourself are prospecting decision makers and this will increase their replies to your follow-up because maybe you know you will send an email or lend a message to someone they will forget to reply and then they will see your ads and then they will remember to reply to your messages and the last one is wake up ads
(26:13) if your prospect say that they are not interested or is not the right time for them to buy your product or your service you can put them into linkedin ad audience so you can stay top of mind in their head and they will get back to you when they will be ready hope this video helped you understand how linkedin account based marketing can help you boost your sales pipeline if you learn something new from this video make sure to subscribe to the eva boot youtube channel right now just click on the subscribe button below this video and if
(26:44) you want more details about all i have said make sure to check the blog post where share templates and advanced abm strategies it’s in the first comment and if after reading the blog post you still have some questions you can ask them in the comments below the video i read and reply to every comment i will never give you up so if this video inspire you to take action i highly advise you to watch this video here about how to use linkedin sales navigator to generate leads it will put you in the top five percent of the linkedin sales navigator
(27:20) users see you in the next one [Music] you
This guide explores using LinkedIn Account-Based Marketing (ABM) to boost sales, focusing on targeting companies instead of individual leads. Traditional lead generation often delivers unqualified leads to sales, wasting time and resources. ABM flips the funnel, aligning marketing, sales, and executives to focus on high-value accounts only. Key steps include understanding the ABM approach, defining your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) by industry, size, geography, etc., and then dividing accounts into tiers based on their value. Each tier is approached differently to ensure time and effort are spent where it matters most.
Key Takeaways
- Define Tiers in ABM: Segment accounts into Tier 1 (high-value enterprises), Tier 2 (core clients), and Tier 3 (low-hanging fruit). Allocate resources accordingly—use personalized outreach for Tier 1, semi-automated strategies for Tier 2, and automated methods for Tier 3.
- Use LinkedIn Sales Navigator: This tool is essential for ABM, allowing users to filter companies by size, industry, growth, and hiring patterns, then save these accounts in lists to easily find decision-makers and target them with custom messages.
- Automate and Scale: Tools like Eva Boot help extract LinkedIn data and automate email enrichment. Setting up saved searches and lead generation campaigns means your sales pipeline refreshes automatically with new, qualified accounts.
LinkedIn ABM is a powerful approach to target only the most relevant leads, ensuring marketing and sales efforts are aligned with high-quality prospects. By using Sales Navigator, automated tools like Eva Boot, and carefully planned outreach strategies for each tier, businesses can efficiently build relationships with key decision-makers. This strategy not only increases engagement but also keeps your brand visible with LinkedIn ads, maximizing the chances of conversion and keeping potential clients engaged.