How to measure ABM (account based marketing) and demand gen across the full funnel

Video Transcript

(00:01) hey guys and welcome to the new live episode of uh the full final life um that I don’t have a lot of people joining us live uh so we’ll have an intimate conversation and as promised today I’m going to dig a little bit into measure and account based marketing and demand generation programs across the full funnel because traditional of a look at these motions right uh simple in terms of Revenue or pipeline generated and rarely will uh we have a comprehensive overview of how this motion impacts the full funnel right and especially for the

(00:44) companies um that uh start them out or building their pilot ABM motion or demand generation motion it’s hard to prove the efficiency of these programs especially if they have long sales cycle right so there is definitely between revenue outcomes and the uh current performance and quite often this is what I have experienced recently um I chatted with a few fellow CMOS of B2B tech companies that exactly fit that category along sales Cycles high acidity Etc and they mentioned that um they rolled out pilot they were actually

(01:29) for companies was whom I chatted recently so they mentioned they started the pilot motion pilot ABM and demand generation Motion in January this year and it was should done at the end of April why because generally speaking the reason was like we don’t see Revenue outcomes we don’t see the results uh so it makes no sense to to invest more into these programs and by the way I’m curious guys if you have ever faced the same issue or if you maybe have heard from your colleagues that somebody else is dealing with with

(02:09) the with the same challenge right starting out uh these motions and these programs are shut down in three four months type Plus in the chat here as to see if uh if you have seen or maybe you have experienced the same issues as well let me know in the chat hear us to hear your feedback and uh while you are sharing uh I would quickly um quickly give you an agenda so what I’m going to talk about today and by the way feel free to type any questions in the chat or unmute yourself and join the discussion so I’m happy to answer all of

(02:59) your questions so what I want to share right I want to share how to measure and basically how to prove the efficiency of the main generation and ABM while the program is let’s say while you have the pilots uh or it’s just the earlier stage right so it’s hard to Overlay so what metrics to look at I would share with you several examples and um also an example of the report and we’ll look through metrics that belong to print awareness and demand generation then we’ll chat about demand capture and declaration and finally the revenue

(03:45) report and also let me know in the chat where you guys are joining me from so I’m again Colin from Split Croatia where you guys are all from let me know here has to say Prague Czech Republic London UK got the sale health we have somebody from North America let me know in the chat and I would meanwhile let other folks to join us yes hi cool good to see you Sarah uh cool so let’s dive in and let’s start with the first category of print awareness and demand generation metrics so how to measure ABM and demand gen right

(04:43) uh I usually suggest to look at several metrics right something that’s um basically we can uh split it between uh metrics that uh could be tied to revenue right and then we can look at the positive signals of positive outcomes whatever you’ll call it of kpis right that’s uh basically approve the efficiency of the program so first let me share with you a simple report the way how we look at it at all final uh probably can probably can see my screen right now let me know guys if you can see my screen uh type Plus or

(05:30) thumbs up if you can see my screen yeah okay cool uh so the example monthly report right I would look at few things I would look at website results from Target accounts and if you want to dive deeply you can uh even structure it by tier one zero two tier three accounts right so how many visits did you have from the target accounts uh during a specific months and obviously this is uh This Is My Philosophy this is what I’m saying lots of companies are looking at uh b2c companies or SAS companies that are selling Mass market products let’s say

(06:11) five dollars CRM subscription right and obviously these companies are operating as a com or as a commoditor right they are selling to product markets and they uh really focus on search engine optimization they want to grow the traffic they don’t uh really care a lot about the traffic quality when this cell High CV products right when you flip the view and we need to focus on the traffic quality right this well less is more comes from right and then what we want to basically to achieve a server demand generation strategy is increasing the

(06:54) Visas from our Target accounts right because ultimately what’s the point of generating I don’t know 10K 100K traffic to our website if the majority of people right who are checking our websites don’t fit our ICP it makes no sense right we can say yeah it’s for awareness but what’s uh what’s the sense of create an awareness right for completely irrelevant audience hence I would look at this right and the way how uh I’m looking at this uh so basically we set up the intent data you can use any kind of software you want uh where use

(07:34) albacross and in albacross we set up this um simple dashboard as you can say so past Saturdays then we exclude the um segments like competitors uh customers Etc uh you might be yeah so I generally speak and in your case you might include customers it’s up to you to decide in our case we just want to focus solely on Netgear accounts right so that’s why customers are not here then we have the engagement we have the locations and then we set up the industries that we want to exclude from that list right so basically the disqualification criteria

(08:18) and then you have this metric right so ICP feed also we want to look it’s up to you to decide but in our case we’ll uh Define the meaningful engagement should be at least 10 minutes consuming the content on the website and uh basically in this case you see that 176 companies right um basically fit that category and then they put down that metric uh to the let’s say if you measure this on the monthly basis you just put it here right it’s incorrect obviously I just um will replace the key assets I just left March and April as an

(09:02) example for you just needed to add one more column uh so next um what I highly recommend to track is the engaged accounts right engaged accounts are those who also visited your price and or demo page right so we can assume it’s not the buying intern buy an impact happens when they book a demo right but this High engagement intent and in this case um this is the uh this is the another dashboard that we have we call it high income source to account based marketing right so again let’s say Saturdays ago uh set up and then we have a list of

(09:43) companies that fits that category right and as you can see in our cases um consultant page this basically a page where our services are described right and ultimately what we want to achieve with our demand generation program right we want to create more companies that fit that category which means that if you have ideally if you have this cohesive model ABM and dimension right you can Source these accounts to ABM program and you can start proactive warm up or nurturing and activation process to generate opportunity with these companies why

(10:25) because first of all they are already aware of you there are some level of trust right so there are some level of credibility and you can expect a higher engagement rate with your sales and marketing team so in our case we won’t dive deeply into it today but if you want uh just let me know in slack in our community on LinkedIn I can share with you an episode uh about the next steps uh when you are sourced on this account these companies to ABM programs right so next we usually do the account qualification account

(11:05) research then matching the insights collected from account research with the brand journey and decided what exactly would be our next Playbook what content should we share with this specific account how we should share it right should we use paid should we use Direct Mail should we use social sell and should your small testware that engagement whatever I thought there should be another tactic to to activate these accounts so if this is something that you you guys would be interested in so pinned me these are on slack or unlimited and

(11:41) whatever you prefer and let me uh check your questions uh how do you attract Anonymous visitors so as I told you we use software called albacross uh if you guys are interested uh by the way so the salba cross we are long-term Partners I’m using this software for already four years and will host a webinar just in few weeks from today so one of the best from my subjective opinion one of the best software in that category if you would be interested in testing it again just pinned me I can make an intro to the gym so you’ll get a

(12:18) better deal and also extend the trial so yeah uh select Channel our trenches community so in uh Slack so uh indeed you can use I I just told you we’re using albacross you can there are multiple Solutions clear a bit demand base zoom in for lead feeder actually plenty of them so feel free to select what fits your needs right good so next what Australia call is a newsletter sign ups by Target accounts and this is obviously uh this this metric works if you run email newsletter right you can substitute it with uh different

(13:09) activities so also keep in mind this is just an example report so we usually tweak this report and adjust it to every client needs to school with whom we are currently working right I’m just sharing the metrics that um can demonstrate this High intent and it makes sense to track so next one is newsletter signups by Target account so in our case uh that’s uh that’s an important metric so we track this for full funnel because we have um probably a lot of you are subscribed to our newsletter uh we treat it as a

(13:47) micro block and uh we also have um specific newsletter for three categories for go to market strategy for account based marketing and for demand generation right and we can call it as a as an additional Channel email nurturing right so that’s why we are tracking this and in this case you can set up as you can see right um so we set up also the high intent uh people who were visiting uh or click on the workplace as page right and then we have the companies we also have this uh text we have this account enrichment and

(14:28) what type is this people are interested where they are currently in the email nurturing right and obviously one of the goals as in our case right um the buy and journey I won’t even say the sales cycle uh the buying journey in our case is 8 to 12 months this is a typical one and I mean 8 to 12 months from the first touch point from the first Contact that was you know connection request engagement at LinkedIn and then there is kind of engagements or different uh activities demand generation activities like this live podcast like our

(15:09) assignment webinars Etc right then we have this email nurturing and usually it takes that time that’s that’s that’s why we’re focusing a lot on that metric right it gives us a good understanding of uh where we are going and how many accounts potentially we can expect uh I mean how many accounts would later convert into sales opportunities and in our case we have purely inbound pipeline that don’t do any outbound so that that that’s why we’re tracking it but again if you are not trying an email newsletter right if you don’t have this

(15:46) automations you can I mean skip that metric in that case uh I believe most of you are doing any kind of events virtual or field events right and then it makes sense to uh track the sign ups by Target accounts so even field events right virtual events in our case uh we don’t do that much uh field events uh because we are serving the global audience so that’s not that much convenient so the cost like I haven’t even today as you all mentioned we have people from United States in the Europe right so it’s kind of a little bit inconvenient

(16:26) the but request regular this full final live podcast and the the monthly webinars right so you can see the difference in attendance right so podcast usually uh generates around 100 sign ups and then we have 22 30 people hanging out with us life and then we have uh the webinars usually it rise from 600 to 1K signups depending on the topic and one of the metrics that I highly recommend you to track is how many Target accounts are signing up for these events right so that could be correlating with this one website visits from Target accounts it’s

(17:09) the same it’s uh High engagement uh metric right so something that you can track again just to make it concrete and specific it’s not the buy-in intent right the reason why people and the same like the reason why you joined me today doesn’t mean that you are supposed to be full funnel client right so um the same is with your events right uh event sign up doesn’t mean the by an intern so but it means High engagement and it means that this account should be proceed for further engagement um so coming back yeah just a comment

(17:47) about albacross John just there me on LinkedIn on slack uh whatever is more convenient and I would make an intro to to that no problem uh cool so what are are the things that I suggest to look at I just mapped it out right so this is uh this is the report that you can share with exact sent with sales and from my point of view it makes perfect sense it makes perfect sense uh usually sales appreciated a lot right because then you can uh you can if you if you’ll be doing this full final tracking right later you can

(18:27) always connect the dots from okay so let’s say um in q1 we had whatever 500 engaged accounts right from this 500 engaged accounts regenerated whatever 50 Discovery calls and from this fifth I discovered calls we had 40 sales opportunities right so then when you’ll have this historical data it would be way easier to prove the efficiency of all the campaigns that you are doing right so if you are not measuring it uh that way I highly recommend to start maybe you don’t need to have I mean really a huge report just
(19:10) focus on the metrics that makes sense what are other good metrics when it comes to parent awareness so the brand mentions brand mentions uh what I suggest attract first of all you can use software which is called or feel free to find an alternative I believe there are lots of Alternatives so mention.
(19:36) com helps you to set up alerts when your brand is being mentioned in specific threads and uh what are the good uh good metrics what are the good triggers here right so for example that was a listicle by somebody the top companies in your industry right to follow or the top companies whatever so so watch in 2023 for example right so that’s a good one uh the mentions in the authority industry media right so maybe you have like another space we have um cxl for example or marketing props daily right so if you if you have been mentioned in these resources right
(20:19) that’s another great success so mentions in the communities when somebody recommends your product all that stuff about dark social right so whenever somebody asks um just a specific example can you guys recommend a good ABM consultant or ABM agency right and then if full funnel has been mentioned in that thread so fast that’s that’s a great successful metric so you can collect all of this insights and I also recommend you to make screenshots right out of it so you can always prove it right uh next inbound requests there’s a
(20:59) servers you can I mean I don’t need the focus here and talk about self-attribution I believe you guys all have heard about self attribution from every corner so I don’t need to spend a lot of time here and Next Media invites uh this is uh uh kind of consequence of all your dementia and activities right uh if you are doing trades if you are running on paid demand generation program if you are doing sort leadership right um as an outcome of your activity aside from inbound opportunities you’ll be getting all these media invites uh being
(21:42) interviewed on the top podcasts right uh opportunities for guest posting on high separated websites speaking opportunities maybe invite and somebody um from your Executives right to uh to specific podcasts as the guests right or talkative industry give a talk at your industry conferences so that’s another way to measure it this more about print awareness right um than demand generation but it makes perfect sense to track it now uh these are the metrics that you can present you can share right but aside from this I’m looking also at some
(22:24) qualitative metrics right something that also proves us that we are doing the right job and then uh you can again increase website visits from the target accounts this is what we have discussed so ideally we want to see this Spike here right so um that’s traffic from the target accounts is constantly growing uh price and demo visits next total time spent and repetitive visits right so for example uh let me open that screenshot so let’s say this company a doc process uh what I would love to see are they regularly check on our website or no
(23:04) right so is it just one time visit or there is a pattern and they are coming back to our website right and engage and engage and engage in the Solar content that’s a good sign that means that somehow we’re resonating for them right and they treat us as a as as a source of information as a reliable source of information right um so what else I also recommend you to look at some qualitative metrics as increased acceptance rate or reply rate from sdrs you can always ask them uh you can run the pipeline review meter and something that
(23:46) I posted today about unlimited and uh you can you can discuss right if the attraction is uh if they’re using Salesforce or any other software right Outreach they can see if if they if the acceptance rate of the ascendant connection requests on LinkedIn right or if the reply rate has increased right and that that that will happen and that would definitely happen if you the source and disengaged accounts to them if you’ll have a good playbook right I’m not saying a good playbook is obviously not um I mean spam and everybody hey you
(24:25) visited our website let’s book a demo right not not that kind of playback so um but if if you have a good nurturing and activation Playbook you’ll definitely see a higher acceptance and reply right so that’s that’s a good metric to look at uh what’s next let’s move forward right uh increased mentions and list accounts something that we have covered already and increased brand mentions recommending your product on social and in the communities so this is uh the parent awareness and demand generation part when it comes to
(25:04) ABM and dimension programs uh let me know in the comments if you have any questions if it was clear um and if you have some questions feel free to type I will make sure to call them so the next one uh I would look at demand capture and activation and again as as you can see we are going through the full funnel right so when it comes to demand capture and activation obviously depends on how you structure your playbooks right if you’re if you are running an account based market and then one of the metrics I would be looking at
(25:40) uh is account penetration account penetration means with how many people from the buy-in committee your team was able to connect and engage and I don’t mean the accepted connection request on LinkedIn right the the fact that these people accepted connection request doesn’t mean that you was able to penetrate into that account I mean with how many people your team was actually able to start the conversation it could be not even sales conversation but at least this is a chat where you have you about whatever industry Trends about the
(26:22) trigger why you decided to reach out right maybe if they attended one of your recent webinars asking for the feedback right so these things uh that’s a good metric next uh it’s uh uh usually when it comes to demand uh capturing right and activation you might have specific campaigns right you might run you might run paid retargeting you might be doing account but you might have some ABM playbooks right so you need to set up um this this uh this dashboards that you can you can share with crtm and uh basically when it comes to it’s it’s
(27:01) just an example right of how you can uh report on your ABN campaign so imagine that last month you generated uh such a high intent accounts right that were qualified um your friend and account research you know their needs you matched out you matched uh the value proposition you’re offering with the binder on your stage right you know that you can definitely help this company or your product might be helpful and you know there is a need right so the next is uh the next step is trying to generate opportunities with
(27:40) these companies and then let’s say you sort of this such accounts to ABM then you have uh 12 accounts that reply to you right that engaged with you then you have five sales opportunities and obviously you can I mean if you want you can tweak this report I’m just sharing the examples with you right you can look at the cost per opportunity one accounts acquisition conversion right sales pipeline value cost of acquisition Revenue ACV Etc and then you can track the campaign budget right so ads Direct Mail Etc so this uh these are just the
(28:19) real numbers don’t look as I mean something that I just picked up and uh created simply just for this podcast so uh these are the the metrics that I recommend you to track right in this case you can um literally approve the efficiency of the program and also it helps in case uh you know these conversations when companies uh when companies work like in the lead generation mode or companies that are sales lab right the outbound function is prioritized over marketing right uh quite often you might have these conversations yeah but
(29:03) outbound works better Etc so in this case if you have this detailed campaign record and you can always compare it right so in this case we had certain total accounts right and we were able to generate five sales opportunities so conversion to Opportunities let’s say almost 17 and then you can look at the outbound sequence right whatever called colon and then you can for example compare it okay so this cold colon campaign we had 1000 accounts in the cold colon sequence right so from this 1000 accounts we were able to like
(29:42) only let’s say 10 replied and then we were able to generate only two sales opportunities then you compare the conversion Etc and you can present the outcomes right then it becomes uh obvious for everybody what works and what doesn’t work so that’s really important to track let me check here let me check your questions uh are we going to get the ABN playable framework in The Bootcamp not sure I am following Egypt because Boot Camp is completely different story we are talking about uh we are right now recording the podcast status are feel
(30:24) free to delete me on LinkedIn oh and slack I would answer your question Daniel uh the most important question will you share access to this notion document I mean no problem if you guys need the access to this notion documents again just ping me I prepared it for this session if you need a copy just pinned me and I will send you and finally I wanted to present you the revenue report um um didn’t have time to to collect the the template but I will quickly explain to you so what we want to have in the revenue report and how you can connect
(31:00) the dots right so the revenue report is the final metric or let’s uh let Let’s Make a Difference just give me a second I would um I would share with you I would find one revenue report and uh share with you the example uh and yeah feel free to ask any questions meanwhile okay here we go here’s the revenue report for this smiling didn’t post about it let me open the full screen uh this is the report that I’m referring to so in this case I would explain the idea behind that report right and now probably will make a total sense for you as you
(32:03) can see the full picture so what are new mtels first of all let’s define who are mpls market and qualified leads for us mkls are the engaged accounts that will the source to the ABN program so these companies it means that these companies feed our ideal customer profile that’s the first criteria next these companies already demonstrated engagement right so there is the heat specific engagement threshold as you can as you saw in the examples that I have shared with you guys so mkos these are not uh I mean people who
(32:50) downloaded your gated content whatever right so now it’s definitely not this and uh the most important thing these are the contacts that’s don’t have by an Intel right hence you need to know continue nurturing them warming up them and trying to generate opportunity behind players right that’s the most important thing so this is what we call mtls and this is how you can connect top of the funnel activities right so if they’ll come back to our notion page right um you can see that uh we had let’s say this 160 76 engaged account this should
(33:34) be our MTL metric right next sqls SQL is basically these are companies that fit our ICP right and those that booked Discovery call with our sales team right or requested information about the product service and they feed our ICP and the next one is market and Source sqls why I suggest you to track it maybe later you can get it uh get it out that metric but uh there is one reason why I’m suggesting to track it at least in the beginning because that would be uh quite often sales would uh or Executives right depend on I mean on the
(34:18) let’s say the culture inside your company right people might prioritize uh sales and always say yeah but really it came out of sales activities it’s because of our Network Etc right so just to avoid these conversations and justify uh market and efficiency it makes sense and then you can always say hey but actually this account was already packed as mql has engaged account right and that was sourced by marketing to sell so ideally what what we want to do right what we want to achieve we want to go from Silas to uh
(34:58) joint operations by sales and marketing right and then we can say so it’s not about uh let’s say uh uh getting medals for marketing for generating it but it’s just proven right that everything that we are doing makes perfect sense so next uh sales qualified opportunities these are basically I mean we don’t need to spend a lot of time these are the opportunities that sales edit the CRM right as qualified and with a high probability token then we have new customers and you can always justify how many new customers were sourced from
(35:35) marketing lost sales qualified opportunities just win rate average sales cycle lengths net new revenue and again market and Source Revenue I know and also we had this conversation on our assignment that it should be everybody’s Source Revenue but again just considering the reality and that we need to justify Investments and marketing it makes uh sense to show that metric and again just all the time just to find the importance of marketing and uh the results right and then we can look at net ACV so and we can look at total revenue total
(36:17) invoices and average ACV right because this would be two different metrics not a service so this is average contract value from the new customers and average SUVs so this is the uh average contract value from all the invoices that were sent to customers during that specific period of time and then we have uh sales by applying velocity formula right and ideally so what is the sales pipeline velocity this basically the trajectory of your Revenue based on your Revenue metrics as a number of sales qualified opportunities your win rate your sales
(36:56) cycle length and your ACV right based on this metrics you can uh and this is basically the best way to make the more or less correct forecast of where you are going right because lots of companies when they plan and set up targets they do it kind of Handler right they never look at their historical and current data and they say hey so the raised money we hired a few people now these are the goals we want to Triple our Revenue but is there a real opportunity to Triple Revenue right so the uh pipeline velocity gives you a
(37:34) more realistic picture of where you are going and obviously all the activities that you guys are running ABM demand generation Etc they would have an impact on sales pipeline velocity and ideally what you want to achieve is increasing the win rate increase in the sales qualified opportunities increase on ACV right because even this Matrix uh itself can generate themselves can generate higher Revenue right and certainly in the sales cycle shortening the cell cycle length so these are the most important things I
(38:10) wanted to share with you uh let me know if you have any questions happy to cover everything and let me check the in the chat so question from Daniel and uh meanwhile guys if you want uh let me give you an opportunity to uh uh yeah so if you want you can unmute yourself and start with a and jump in I would cover the questions so question from Daniel do you see an uplift in the campaign’s performance when using internet-based platforms like sixth sense or demand base and um I would reply um I I would give you my honest feedback
(38:50) so first of all uh there is a misbelief and misunderstanding of uh how this platform should be used so lots of companies assume that purchase and demand base is essential to run account based marketing strategy but this is just a platform right so and uh ABM strategy and account as marketing could be done without these tools right so it could be done on a lean stack uh you can use just simply link it in sales Navigator or the platforms that are already available right so that can generate the data like for example
(39:30) newsletter right your CRM you know marketing exists and market and automation right the date of uh about sign ups to your events Etc so these platforms uh honestly without having a good strategy and proven playbooks and these proven playbooks should uh basically what is account based market and Playbook right this is how you are going to select accounts right then how are you going to research and collect the insights of uh from the buy and committee next how you’ll be matching your value proposition and offering with
(40:10) everybody and Committee Member and then depending on the tier of that specific company how are you going to Market them to them and present in your product right and there are multiple ways of doing it and quite often I I mean I’m always saying that but this is my point of view I’m not saying that this is uh like the ultimate view on account based Market I honestly don’t don’t believe in uh one too many ABM so when where you can upload you know 1K 2K accounts and just Target them with display ads so this allows excuse always and this is a laser
(40:49) excuse of not running an appropriate demand generation program so ABM stands for one on one to one and one to few really right so this is what you do for tier one and tier two accounts and uh hence the answer to a question if you have solid processes right if you have already proven playbooks then demand base can just simplify a lot uh the orchestration the track and write the dashboards Etc uh programmatic ads is just a fancy ad onto this uh to these campaigns right why because you guys all know that the banner blindness is real right not so
(41:30) many people are clicking the banners nowadays so it’s just a fancy I don’t to everything but uh let’s say demand base has a fantastic feature for orchestrating the campaigns uh also combining all this uh insights that I was sharing with you today like website visiting right event engagement Etc so if you have good processes it makes sense to and this software might help you right if you don’t have good processes I mean then it would be just a cost and the second question was let’s say we use internet-based platforms like six
(42:06) cents and run display ads campaigns through that platform how would you report it on the performance of the uh this is what I was actually I was answering so display ads is not a campaign itself and this is what I mean this is the problem this is the reality so lots of B2B marketers as I said uh ABM platforms and think that programmatics programmatic ads uh are the ABM strategy right or ABM campaign itself so programmatic ads could be as as I’m saying it could be a good add-on to your playbook that’s not Playbook
(42:41) itself so I’m not even tracking the display ads I mean clicking the display ad means nothing so what means right is the account engagement so if these people clicked right and then spent time on your website uh let’s say spent above 10 minutes they uh consumed if you create let’s say personalized landing page or maybe you were thrive on this traffic to Dedicated personalized content hubs right then they have a clicking the resources and inside that content Hub they spent more than 10 minutes right that could be a
(43:18) good way to to measure it but ultimately uh in this case you can if if you want to to add display ads performance right to to your campaign report and then feel free to do it but uh I won’t track uh display ads you know clicks Etc or reach just um as a metric to justify the account based marketing program so that’s that’s my feedback uh good you’re welcome uh let me know guys if that episode was helpful type Plus or some sub uh if that was helpful and uh if you have some some more questions feel free to type or just unmute yourself and jump
(44:07) in um otherwise if you need the notion page or the examples that I was sharing pinned me on slack or on LinkedIn and I’m happy to help thanks a lot for showing up thanks a lot for the great questions and see you in one week cheers calculate the rest of the week bye bye


This video focuses on how to measure the impact of Account-Based Marketing (ABM) and demand generation programs across the entire sales funnel. Traditional measurements like revenue or pipeline generation often fail to capture the full picture, especially for companies with long sales cycles. The speaker discusses alternative metrics that can be tracked from the early stages, even during pilot phases of ABM, to demonstrate program efficiency and gain buy-in from executives.

Key Takeaways

To measure ABM effectiveness, companies should track multiple metrics across the funnel. Engagement metrics, including website visits from target accounts, newsletter sign-ups, event participation, and content interaction, are crucial for gauging interest levels. Tools like Albacross can help identify and monitor these target accounts. For higher engagement accounts, tracking interactions with buying committee members provides insight into account qualification and progression, helping evaluate the depth of penetration into key accounts. On the demand capture front, companies can measure account penetration rates and analyze high-intent activities like demo requests or visits to pricing pages. Using these insights, marketers can tailor subsequent actions to move accounts further down the funnel. In the revenue attribution phase, segmenting leads by type—such as marketing-sourced leads, sales-qualified leads (SQLs), and market-qualified leads (MQLs)—enables businesses to track the journey from initial engagement to conversion, thus proving the program’s impact.


Accurate measurement across the ABM funnel, from brand awareness to revenue generation, helps justify marketing investments, especially for long-cycle B2B companies. By tracking metrics like engaged accounts, qualified leads, and revenue generated from target accounts, companies can develop a data-driven understanding of ABM effectiveness and make a compelling case for sustained investment in these strategies.

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