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How To Land SMMA Clients Using LinkedIn For Beginners | HeyReach Tutorial

How To Land SMMA Clients Using LinkedIn For Beginners | HeyReach Tutorial

Video Transcript

(00:00) hey guys welcome back to another YouTube video sham the side and in this video I’m going to be showcasing you exactly how you can use this tool to automate all of your LinkedIn Outreach for your agency and land Clans using LinkedIn with just this one simple tool it will do everything for you from connection request to follow-ups all you need to do is click the like button and wait for it so you’ll find the link to this exact software down below so all you need to do is click on that and you’ll be taken to this page which will give you a
(00:25) 14-day free trial so all you need to do is you need to click on start for free once we click over here it will open up our start for free free plan trial so I’ll just put in my name let’s do sh Gupta I’ll do my email address which I want on to be my account now I’m going to do a different one because I’m already a user of this and what I’m going to do is I’m going to do a password uh let’s see there we go and I’m going to register uh as I’m going to agree to the terms and policies and I’m going to register over here you can see the
(01:00) LinkedIn Outreach tool for agencies and teams I can’t sell this enough and the best part about is they they guarantee that your account will not get will not get banned so that is the number one thing that a lot of people face with the thing so let’s see select which conversations to load into uh Linkin I’ll say only future conversations from now on uh I’ll put in my LinkedIn details and get back so there we go all I had to do is put in my login details get the security code in and here’s where I reach so I’ll just put this as
(01:29) this organization how many accounts will you connect right now one uh who am I I’m an agency owner uh what no this is my first time and all I do is Summit and it’ll take me in now my free trial has started I don’t need any team members so I’ll just skip this step but as you can see welcome to hatre and I’ll just click on free add free new prospects now you guys can see here we have everything over here uh you can see welcome to he I’m going to give you the tour so we don’t need this but basically what we’re going to do is I’m going to
(02:00) create a campaign in front of you showcase exactly how you can use this to actually do outrage so let’s go to LinkedIn first all you need to do is go on LinkedIn and search for your Target demographic now who are you actually targeting number one in terms of your Outreach so say for example basis let’s say uh we are targeting real estate broker all right let’s take the example of a real estate broker or it’ll all show up over here now what kind of people do you want in your filters that is what you’re going to have to select
(02:34) so let’s go on filters and under filters I want them to be United States based and I want second and third degree connections because this will make it easier for them and me to connect because obviously I’m not uh you know in the profile now one thing that you need to make sure is that your profile is obviously optimized to the niche that you’re reaching out to you don’t have to do something that you know you’re reaching out to real estate owners but you’re actually uh your whole profile is based on agency owners so make sure that
(03:01) you have content based on your LinkedIn in terms of the Outreach that you’re going to be doing so that it increases your chances or people saying yes to your offer and people saying yes to your connection request so now you can see we’ve got about 306,000 results with everybody who’s a real estate broker in USA and is a second or third degree connection now what I’m going to do is I’m going to copy this and take it back into uh your uh he over here I’m going to extract from URL and enter search URL over here and you can see it should give
(03:33) me the option to start importing you can see it’s already loading so what it’s going to do is now it’s going to pick up the data from LinkedIn and put it on over here so now you’ve got 300,000 300,000 people actually coming on to your he account that you’re going to be sending connection requests to messages to which I’m going to show you the exact framework how it works now uh after the 14-day free trial the tool is $75 a month but trust me in the first 14 days of the free trial only I landed my first meeting which was totally worth it
(04:03) because again I was also just testing out the platform so this is what I always tell people that if you want to grow your account if you want to grow your agency you need to make sure that you’re investing some sort of capital into your agency that is why this is not for somebody who is just starting out who is looking for their first client if you have the budget 100% go for it highly recommend it but if you don’t have the budget stick to cold DM stick to Twitter DM uh land your first client from there and then move on to cold
(04:29) email and Linkedin Outreach because these are all automated ways of reaching out there’s not require manual labor and that’s why they cost you like $75 a month or however however it may be so let me just pause this let the list get done and I’ll I’m going to catch you once the list is over so now you can see I just had to list the name of my list and the account that I’m going to be using to do Outreach and now it’s going to start importing from the LinkedIn search bar so you can see it’s already started to re you know get all these people in who
(04:58) are real estate brokers again my exact demographic that I am targeting and let me just stop importing for now because I just need to give you the example but you can see we’ve got some kind of people already in this list you can see all of these are real estate brokers we can find their email we can do so much but we don’t want to find the email because we’re going to be actually making a campaign and how do you make that campaign I’m going to show you exactly how to do that so we’re going to go back to our dashboard you can see
(05:24) basically how many connection requests you sent how many got accepted how many messages were sent how how many messages you got replied to and how many email replies did you get so what we’re going to do is go into campaigns and start a new campaign new campaign I’m going to say smma incubator cuz that is smma incubator campaign because I’m going to obviously showcase you how it works now we select our list as the one that we named which is LinkedIn real estate brokers you can see it downloaded 100 prospects in 2 minutes because I had
(05:53) paused the uh stopped it there’s no exclude list so I’ll just do none now these are some really interesting options that you you really need to make sure that you take so I always exclude prospects with no profile picture because obviously that means that they don’t have a strong LinkedIn profile and I don’t want to be reaching out to people who don’t even have time to put on a profile picture so I’m 100% Going to exclude that now you can exclude first connections as well if you want to or you can Al also I’m going to exclude
(06:19) all already messaged prospects because I don’t want to message them again in case I’ve already had a chat with them it just makes it really awkward so I’m going to just take these two you can take whatever you feel is more liable to you I’m going to click on continue under account settings I’m going to click on this which shows you can send up to 40 connections a day that means I’m sending up to 40 DMS a day on automation just by setting this up in front of you right in this 15 minutes it’s all going to be set
(06:45) up and I don’t even have to do anything so I’m going to click on continue and now this is where the fun begins so now the campaign will start now you have to add an action now what the first action I want it to be is a view profile that basically means that the first action that my LinkedIn account will do is go onto the prospects profile and actually view it once now after the one day is over of them viewing it what we’re going to do is we going to follow them uh and uh we want zero days with no daily once
(07:14) we follow them we are going to like that post so what happens now is we view their profile one day later we come and follow them and we also like that post so now it will show on their profile sham Gupta liked your post sham Gupta followed you shamta viewed your profile now these are three ways that they be able to see our name just before you even reach out to them or even connect with them so these are three things that I’m going to be doing now once that is done I’m going to send them a connection request now once you send them a request
(07:42) again like you can see non- Premium Accounts can only send 5 to 10 personalized invites each month uh if any of your sending accounts can’t send a personalized note the connection request will be sent without a note so again if you have a premium account on LinkedIn you can send a message with every connection request if you don’t have that it’ll just send the reest so here you can see we’ve have all these options that we can take so let’s build a message say for example I’ll say hey first name would love to connect with
(08:16) you with you over here as simple as that I can even add a message personaliz by variation that I want to test out so if I click on ADD message variation I can do here first name looking forward to connect so it’s not sending out the same message again and again and that’s it fall back message I don’t have any now withdraw this connection request basically means that if the connection request is not accepted within a particular amount of time what is going to happen is it’s going to go back and actually take out
(08:50) the take out the connection request basically unfollow them and un request unmatch them basically in every sense of things so that your profile stays in good standing you don’t have a lot of of pending requests that have not been accepted so over here you can put it at 25 days and save so now what’s going to happen is it’s going to send a connection request now if it’s accepted what do you want to happen if it’s not accepted what do you want to happen so if it’s still not accepted I’m going to like an other post and then I’m going to
(09:16) send this up an inail by saying you know herey first name I think we can bring each other value and etc etc like why do you want to connect with them and add this as a step and over here if they do reply back to you if do do accept your request then you can send them a message saying whatever your offer is again you don’t want to be offering them a meeting but what you can offer them is a free asset so you can just do hey first name thank you so much for accepting my request my name is Shivam and rest of your introduction and then offer them free
(10:12) value call to action so it can be uh a loom audit a Content calendar strategy ebook free posts whatever it may be something of free value so that they reply back to you and basically once they do if once they reply it will end it if they still haven’t replied then you can even add another message which is a followup message to your first one so you can see we can build out this whole Automation in a sense of the tree being like you know you start with nothing you start with no connections and you’re sending out 40 connection requests a day and
(10:54) you’re also having a conversation with them without you actually having to do anything so this way for $70 a month I’m just sitting back relaxing and having to reach out up to 40 into 30 which is what like 48,00 people a month without lifting my finger once I set this whole thing up so I 100% recommend you to come over here try this out for 14 days set up your own campaign see what’s working for you what’s not working for you dependent on that I would say LinkedIn is one of the best methods to do outrage because there are serious people on it
(11:27) these are all businesses to business people and if you a strong profile built out so for example if I show you my profile my profile is more built towards you know people who are in the smma space who are agency owners so you can see social media marketing expert two successful smma Ventures guiding you through the running of smma uh taking you on a journey from learning to earning uh you can see a professional profile picture you can see a professional uh you know uh backdrop you can see I also have featured post where
(11:54) I was a podcast feature I also have some kind of like you know post wherein I tell them how you can uh land their first client what are the tools that they can use you can see I have a strong presence to get clients the only thing you want is the right mindset so you can see all of these are geared towards agency owners and newbies Freelancers who are starting out their Journey but you need to make sure that the people that you are reaching out to matches the kind of content that you have on your page if you mix these of these two
(12:22) together I’m 110% sure you can start Landing Clans through Linkedin immediately yeah I hope you like this if you did do let me know down below and I’ll see you on uh he if you have any questions do let me know I’m always happy to answer and I really hope you enjoy the St as much as I have been enjoying it and I’ll see you in the next one bye


In this video, the presenter shares a step-by-step process for using LinkedIn to land clients for your agency with the help of an automation tool called HeyReach. First, the presenter demonstrates how to sign up for HeyReach and start a 14-day free trial. The tool automates LinkedIn outreach, from sending connection requests to follow-ups, without the risk of account bans, a common concern for many users.

Once logged in, the user connects their LinkedIn account to HeyReach. Then, the presenter shows how to search for your target demographic on LinkedIn, using filters like location and degree of connection to narrow the search. For example, targeting real estate brokers in the U.S. is demonstrated. Once the prospects are selected, the list is imported into HeyReach.

After importing the list, the next step is to create a campaign in the HeyReach dashboard. The campaign setup allows users to automate actions such as viewing profiles, following prospects, and liking their posts before sending a connection request. This helps create a more organic and engaging outreach process. The tool can also handle variations in the connection request message to avoid repetition. After sending connection requests, follow-up messages can be automatically scheduled, such as offering free assets or value in the form of audits, content calendars, or strategy guides.

The presenter emphasizes the importance of having a well-optimized LinkedIn profile for better success with outreach. It should align with the target audience you’re reaching out to. For example, the speaker’s profile is focused on social media marketing and helping agency owners.

By setting up this automated outreach process, users can reach up to 40 new prospects a day without manual effort. The tool offers a cost-effective solution for agency owners, especially those who have the budget to invest in automation. The speaker recommends trying out the 14-day free trial to experience the potential of LinkedIn outreach and start landing clients.

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