How to Find Decision Makers and their Contact Information | Clay Sales Prospecting
Video Transcript
(00:01) all right so now I’ve got this list of companies I’ve got information I’ve enriched the companies to a point where I feel like I know who I want to reach out to and who I do not the next thing that’s popping into my mind is okay I want to get a contact information and so naturally you know my next step might be to go to emails and click find a work email the issue is and we’ll see this really quickly is we haven’t actually identified prospects yet right we do have the company domain but we haven’t found people at the company yet and so
(00:31) essentially what we’ve done is we’ve kind of skipped the step and for this to run we’re gonna have to find people not an issue what we can do is first just enrich this with the find people LinkedIn integration so if I search find people see this here this again I’d say is one of those um core Integrations that I’d say most people really do use and I’m just going to go ahead and fill this out so let’s say I’m just looking for one person uh I’ve got the company domain here which I’m going to map I’ve also got the company LinkedIn
(01:03) profile because I have enriched the companies on LinkedIn so I’m going to expand this and click on this URL right here and then let’s say in this case I’m looking specifically for the founder CEO or co-founder um I know you might be thinking okay let’s say I’m looking for just a head of sales or VP of sales and there’s going to be multiple results for that if that’s the case for you um look in the advanced section of enrichment because I’m going to show you exactly how to do that but again in this case I’m just going to be looking for
(01:36) this one person and so it’s going to be a little bit simpler so I’m going to say yes I want them to currently be at the company these additional filters do not matter to me such as location industry skill and I’m going to click save changes and then I’m going to go ahead and run that for the first 10 rows and you’ll see what happens is for most of these companies there’s going to be a match and I’m going to then be able to click few details and that match is going to contain there we go I’ve got the LinkedIn profile title name
(02:10) essentially all the information is great from their profile and now that gives me the information that I need to then find their work email so again if I then go to find work email I can simply map the name from that integration so I’m going to look for the find people integration in here which is right here just going to go in there’s going to be nested results so just keep clicking down until you see the result you need and in the full name I’ve got that right here I’m going to click map and then for the company domain I’ve
(02:43) already got that so I’m going to click map save changes and again run it for the first 10 rows and so you’ll see what happens is now I’ve gone from essentially just the domain to fully enriched information about both the company as well as contact information for that founder as well as personal information for that founder based off of their LinkedIn profile right because I can map all of this to the table I can map their title I can map its summary of their profile if I want to which is right in here um and this will kind of show up
(03:24) depending on whether the person’s profile is public or not I can also open map their country whatever I want all the information is here and so uh now I’ve got like a essentially a fully basic enriched list and also I’ll map these emails right here I’m going to pull out that information I’ve got a fully image list of contacts I can reach out to and I’ve got information about both their company and their personal background that I can use now again in the case that you are looking for more than one person I’m going to go through that in the advanced
(03:58) section because there’s a few more steps to follow but I’d say this is a pretty awesome starting point and just kind of show you the power of how you can go from domain to fully outbound campaign
In the video, the speaker demonstrates how to find decision-makers and their contact information for sales prospecting using Clay and LinkedIn integrations. The process begins with a list of companies that have already been enriched, so the salesperson can identify which companies they want to target. The next step involves finding the key individuals within those companies. Instead of just relying on company domains, the salesperson looks for decision-makers by searching for specific roles such as CEO, Founder, or Co-Founder.
Once the target individuals are identified, their LinkedIn profiles are accessed to gather relevant information like their name, title, and professional background. This data is used to enrich the prospect list further. After gathering profile information, the next step is to find their work email. The Clay integration allows the salesperson to map the name and company domain to retrieve this information, creating a complete and enriched list of contacts.
The final outcome is a fully enriched list with both company details and contact information, enabling the salesperson to craft personalized outreach messages. While the method works efficiently for finding one person, the video also touches on more advanced steps for identifying and reaching out to multiple contacts within a company. This approach leverages AI and LinkedIn integrations to improve the sales prospecting process by gathering accurate, targeted information quickly.