Video Transcript
(00:00) okay we’re back with another upload today and it’s going to be on an automated LinkedIn strategy for getting clients so if you need appointments you need clients you need cash then this is a perfect video for you and if you want to do it on LinkedIn then even better so you will learn everything from how to actually find high quality leads to message to then actually being able to fully automate the process so you can run it on autopilot in the background of your computer or PC or laptop whatever you’re on um so yeah it’s a full guide a
(00:32) toz let’s get into this so step one is to actually find out how we can scrape leads from LinkedIn so if we click on this um essentially right in order to run a high quality outbound campaign whether it’s on Instagram LinkedIn Twitter whatever you’re on right you need to find high quality underexposed leads to message now what I mean by this is the reason most of you guys fail isn’t because your copy so it isn’t because your words when you you reach out to these guys are bad um it’s probably because you’re messaging the
(01:04) same leads that everyone else is messaging so what I’m going to show you is a completely like new more upto-date version of how to find leads on LinkedIn in your Niche but also that haven’t been messaged by other people running the same type of offer as you so in order to do this we’re going to go into the LinkedIn search bar and you’re going to search for whatever Niche you are in this works for coaches gyms dentists B2B sales Fitness you name it chiropractors you can do this so just go into the search bar really simple put
(01:37) the niche that you’re in and the old way was to find people like this that you can connect with message but this like this is out of date right what you want to do is you want to go to events so click on events and what you’re going to find is quite literally hundreds if not thousands of people who are in your Niche who are attending events so coaching is one but if we click like B2B we go back B2B you’ll see when we go to uh events just like what I told you to do you’ll see that we can literally find like
(02:13) things which have like 18,000 people who are all probably coaches and these are like workshops or um master classes yeah like this basically um so if we click on this you’ll see that all we need to do is register so really simple just put your um email address company name title click submit it’s literally like completely free to do you don’t need to pay for anything and what you’re going to get access to is 36,000 people who are also interested in generating leads on LinkedIn so if mainly these are going to be coaches or
(02:50) people in the B2B space that you can literally just message and what it looks like from the inside because I’ve already done this like because I know I was going to make this YouTube video is it will look like this so you’ll basically be able to find all these people who are like nutrition um we’ve got like other like CEOs um like yeah co-founder CEO so all like really high level entrepreneurs who own like this is just like a fitness event that I just like entered to show you how it is but you literally see how we’re literally
(03:22) finding like unlimited CEOs like actual owners so no more Gatekeepers and these are all in like the fitness space so um don’t don’t how you pronounce that but like Health mental health gym um you get the point right you can literally find like unlimited CEOs um and in order to actually message these people you’ll need LinkedIn sales Navigator but yeah I I don’t really do LinkedIn outbound Too Much Anymore um I used to when I was first starting but yeah you you need LinkedIn sales Navigator and what you’ll
(03:52) find is you’ll there’ll be a message a literal like option to message people right here if you have LinkedIn sales Navigator which is insane because you can just message all of these people who are like owners um for completely free and it’s not really an inmail it it’s just like infinite you can do this as many times as you want if you have LinkedIn sales Navigator and you’ll see it here but nonetheless this video is a lot more advanced than that because we we don’t want to have to message
(04:20) everyone manually I mean you could get a virtual assistant and do that but I’m going to actually show you how to automate this entire process so if we go back to the notion um and by the way I’ll put literally all these instructions in the free course so yeah if you literally want like all of these instructions plus 10 hours of free content then I’ll put it in the first link in the description it’s once again completely free and I’ll give you more value than you know what to do with um but anyway back to this right uh once
(04:48) you’ve done this you’ve been able to find groups of your Niche just like what I’ve explained we now need to go back and we need to convert these leads into Google Sheets so we do this by essentially um yeah running an automation through them so you’re going to download one of the following free automated tools now some of these aren’t free but they give you an option to have a free 14 days or free seven days um the easiest one to use is this one right here and if we click it it will take you to this page
(05:18) um so this is by far the easiest way in which to export leads into Google Sheets um and you can do this for free with no credit card required um and I’m not affiliated with this this is just honestly one of the best softwares to do it um another one would be bardine so I’ll quickly show you how to use bardine or aumai um so just yeah you create a scraper just like what I’m about to show you right now really simple you go to your search um if you’re using bardine you would install it and pin it
(05:44) at the top you would do that you would basically scraper you would uh new scraper template uh Focus tabs you would put search here um You Want to Build It Yourself single page start building so you want to essentially click what you want to um so we can put this as get text I guess we can get link as well get data so that’s pretty much done it for you if you want actually we can do coo as well like the [Music] um let’s put this as we can just put this as input it doesn’t really matter um so get data so now you’ve done that
(06:21) you want to save template um and now it’s going to bring you to this so This Is A playbook now A playbook is essentially how you build um the actual scraper so what you can do is it can go through your group and just automate like pretty much um every single process of it I mean getting it into a Google Sheets basically so it’ll just go onto like the pages and put their first name username um and what other details like CEO or um their company name into the Google Sheets so then we can run aim. a which I’ll show
(06:53) you how to do and I’m actually going to do something better than showing you how to do this I’m actually going to give you um actual code that you can put into aim. to just install the template to actually run the or send the messages like fully automated so I’m actually going to give you like the all the sorts you need basically so um yeah so essentially right do this um and let me quickly hang on two secs okay so we’re back and essentially what I’ve done is I’ve just basically built a um a
(07:19) Playbook so really simple you want to obviously create like a trigger so the first one is it’s going to find all links um and this should be argument text if you see it in there um but essenti what it’s going to do is it’s going to find all the links so the name the um the URL the company name and then it’s going to scrape data on active tab so obviously it’s going to scrape what we have built as a scraper so whatever you know parts of the page that you decided to um put that’s what it’s going
(07:47) to scrape so um you can use scrape a template LinkedIn group members um and I just put as an example it’s going to extract 10 uh people um and it’s going to limit to one page however if you were to put a, you could literally do a thousand leads into Google Sheets um and just let it run in the background um just set the delay to like 5 seconds or 10 seconds um per like time it does it um and then it’s going to scrape it automatically pretty much and it’s going to add a row to Google sheet so we created a Google
(08:19) sheet called it cold LinkedIn leads um to yeah Tab and essentially it’s going to put the title find all links in text URL their name company name Etc and then put it into the Google Sheets which we’ve already created so I recommend already creating one and just naming it whatever you want and once you click done then basically all you need to do is just click on it and it will start running in the background um obviously you would want to put text so yeah you need to do this actually but um after you’ve just put the text um so you can
(08:52) just put whatever because this doesn’t really matter for now um and then just uh remember inputs I you know we don’t need to UT and then run Playbook um example URL so just copy this one I believe put that in there um and then click go and it’s going to start running the automation pretty simple um like what it’s going to do is it’s going to uh run scraping data on active tab using a scraper template that we built um and you can stop at any point but if you just let it run just let it run in the
(09:22) background come back 30 minutes later you have a bunch of leads um I think I did it slightly wrong but you can ever play around with this um and get it to work and then once you’ve done that there honestly if you want the easiest option and you don’t want to have to do all of this you could just uh do this basically and Export leads for literally completely free and there’s a demo video on there as well um but if we go back to the thing now all we need to do now is to run aim.
(09:48) a through the lead list that we’ve created um and we do that really simply because I’m a bit of a legend so I’ve decided to give you guys um actual like code just need to download this code um and then paste it into your desktop app of um axium and the reason we use a uh the desktop not the actual cloud is because if you have it as a Chrome extension and it’s running and it’s messaging all these people on a day-to-day basis then your account is going to be flagged as suspicious and Linkedin will be able to
(10:17) tell that you’re running some type of automation whereas if we actually download the app so you have it like at the bottom or um yeah in in the actual like downloaded you can literally let it run put this code into it and then just let it run in the background of your PC Mac or whatever device you’re on really simple I’ll put this code in the free course um so yeah I think you should put your email phone number and boom you get access um first link in the description and yeah that’s pretty much how or the
(10:48) most simplest way to do this on LinkedIn you obviously need LinkedIn sales Navigator but besides that like it’s a pretty straightforward process um so yeah hopefully you found this video valuable um and insightful hopefully um if you did just like And subscribe most of you watching this aren’t subscribed um and I post like so much raw value like this on my channel pretty much every single day so yeah it would mean the world if you could subscribe um and yeah if you want um just way more content like this then once again check
(11:17) out the free course um no strings attached um and yeah I’ll catch you in the next video take care and have an amazing rest of your week
The transcript details an automated LinkedIn strategy aimed at acquiring clients, particularly beneficial for those seeking appointments, clients, and cash. The video offers a thorough guide on automating the process of identifying high-quality leads, messaging them, and enabling this activity to run autonomously in the background. The strategy begins with scraping LinkedIn for leads using free or trial automation tools and exporting these leads into Google Sheets. It emphasizes using LinkedIn’s Sales Navigator for sending messages to potential clients, such as business owners, for free and without limits, as long as one possesses a Sales Navigator subscription.
The transcript elaborates on automating the process to avoid manual messaging or hiring a virtual assistant. A code, which is part of a free course, is suggested to enable automation to operate quietly in the background of a computer or Mac. A key reason for failed outreach, according to the video, is not the quality of copy but targeting the same leads as everyone else. Thus, the video provides updated strategies for finding leads that others might overlook.
It suggests using LinkedIn’s events feature to uncover hundreds or thousands of niche professionals, such as coaches, gyms, or B2B specialists, attending workshops or classes. Registering for these events grants access to thousands of potential leads interested in similar interests, all possible without any cost. The free course mentioned also claims to provide more content and detailed instructions.