Cold Email Outreach – Built-in Prospect Enrichment –

Video Transcript

(00:03) all right hello everyone um my name is Yaro I would like to briefly on board you with a set of new features that we recently shipped to people AI um these features are part of our uh built-in enrichment functional and aim to provide you with a tool set to truly personalize your out reach to every Prospect to every company using a set of built-in features that we just Shi so without further Ado let’s jump straight into it so this is the dashboard that you would typically see with um with your people AI account and in order to access a set
(00:41) of new features you would need to tap into one of your uh campaigns and uh you will notice uh the new uh button called enrich uh leads and this is all about uh how we approach um adding more sales intelligence data into your list of prospects so that you can further utilize this data in your uh called email campaign so let’s say I have a list of 51 uh prospects in this case and I have basic data points like their email address their company name the company website uh the job title that the person is uh having of course we have like
(01:23) their first name last name their location and uh personal LinkedIn and the company LinkedIn uh data points now what exactly can we do with this data uh we just shipped uh this um this set of features so it’s just an MVP and we will add more and more uh functional as we go back and forth so the first thing that you can do with the list of prospects is obviously to scrape uh their website in order to do that uh any enrichment starts was clicking at column bottom here to uh to the far right so I just going to do that I’m going to select uh
(02:03) scrape website and uh in order to uh properly scrape the uh the company website I would need to select uh where uh in our table we store the uh company uh URL uh in this case that’s going to be company website and uh here on the bottom we can select what data points from the website we uh can scrape so obviously the entirety of company website goes without saying we can also add meta title meta description if available and meta keywords if available uh to uh to our list and that workflow will basically execute the scraping task
(02:48) for all the prospects that we have in our uh in our uh list uh we will start with uh running first 10 test rows so that we can make make sure that the workflow works correctly and you’re not getting charged for whatever uh errors uh that might appear during the enrichment process and if any of the enrichment uh enrichments within uh uh this workflow fail uh we will not charge you any uh credits whatsoever and with this simple click of a button the enrichment process starts for our first 10 rows it will take some
(03:30) time to uh to process uh but you can already see uh the data appears from our Target Prospect websites directly importing into the uh enrichment uh table this data contains all the this column for example contains the entirety of of the content uh that is available on a Target URL they we also import uh titles of uh of the website that you’re scraping uh the description The Meta description and uh and the keywords of course in some cases we won’t be able to uh to scrape uh the uh Prospect website due to some uh technical uh technical
(04:11) issues but overall it’s not an issue and you’re not going to be charged for any um for any errors that appear during scraping now uh with uh with the fact that we made sure that uh the enrichment flow works we can now go ahead and execute the same enrichment workflow for uh all the prospects that are available in your table not just first 10 and in order to do that I’m going to click this fancy play button at at the top of the enrichment field and select run all rows that haven’t run and that will basically execute the workflow for all the
(04:53) prospects in uh in our campaign now in order to access the um contents of of the scraping web scraping results I can just go ahead and select uh um expand button for any Prospect and any enrichment result and that will give me uh the entirety of the content scraped from uh from the prospect uh website uh same applies to uh titles same applies to uh descriptions and same applies to keywords of course were available so this this this is pretty neat and you can already uh utilize this data uh in your uh Outreach campaigns
(05:39) personalizing your uh called emails to whatever uh content found on uh on the prospect website now how exactly we going to do that for that purpose we will utilize another enrichment uh which is associated with AI uh workflow and our connection to uh to chat GPT in order to do uh to do that we’ll just click add column and select use AI now we can specify our um our prompt uh let’s say we want to uh we want to personalize our uh Outreach uh based on the services mentioned on the website or a product your prospects are uh are
(06:24) working on or are uh selling so you can as well uh create your own uh prompt but there is also a set of templates that uh you can uh you can use so for example uh we would go with um um not worthy product or service and that will bring uh this uh this prom template directly to uh to the uh to the field highlight product or service mentioned on their website here we would uh we will insert the info that we just scraped so website uh content we will pass it as a token uh to the uh chpt uh task and we’ll ask AI to generate a brief sentence showcasing
(07:16) genuine interest starting with uh something like your Innovative approach to Etc uh I would uh replace that with um I recently broke that your website and and noticed hold on let’s through website and noticed that all right and from there on you can just click on save and run first turn rows uh there are some settings that you can utilize to um to further tune the uh results that chat GPT is giving us back like a creative temperature um business account users can also use their own open API key uh so that we will not charge uh you for uh
(08:22) charge you people AI credits for running this uh workflow let’s start with that and just like that we will generate first line ice breakers to our prospects uh that we can use in uh in our campaign and then we can literally pass this a AI result field as a data point to our sequence so that we will take this data and paste it directly into the sequence so there is a short sentence that uh that will highlight that we did our homework that we did our research uh while reaching out to our prospects of course you can fine-tune your uh prompts
(09:11) to uh bring uh more robust more natural uh results but this is uh a good starting point for you to uh to personalize your uh your campaigns and of course in order to go through the entire list and execute the entire uh AI workflow you would need to click on display button on the associated workflow and select run or rows that haven’t run yet and that will execute the uh the personalization workflow for all of your um entries in in this specific uh Prospect list now there are a couple more capabilities that we
(09:52) recently shipped let’s talk about that so along with scraping website we can also scrape the LinkedIn URL let’s do that inside of scraping LinkedIn URL you will see four different options we are able to scrape a personal LinkedIn URL bringing data points like uh their headline about section followers it’s not limited to it uh we can also scrape the company URL uh to bring you tagline description of the company industry they operate in among with a couple other data points that we will touch upon a bit uh a bit later in
(10:30) the video we can also scrape the profile uh the the the personal profile and search for the recent uh post of that person so that you can use that post in the AI workflow once again to personalize your Outreach based on the most recent post of your prospect and of course we can do the same for uh for the uh company post let’s go ahead and try to scrape the uh personal URL and see what kind of data you can um you can expect from this workflow to do that we will just select the personal uh URL scraper we will go ahead and select uh
(11:10) the uh the date the the column in in the list where uh that stores personal URLs of your prospects in our case that’s going to be a custom LinkedIn profile field and we’re going to click on save and run first uh 10 rows as you can see the workflow has already started it will briefly uh scrape all the information that is available within uh your uh prospects and it will automatically bring you results like their headline uh like uh the uh personal about section and of course how many uh followers this or that person
(11:52) has on uh has on LinkedIn it’s not limited just to these results in order to access more results you would just need need to click on this plus button and from here on you will be able to select what our data points we scraped to be added to uh to the spreadsheet to be used further in your enrichment and personalization workflow so for example you can add their first name their last name full name a headline number of connections number of followers um if uh they are open to connections uh for example if what is
(12:30) their address what is the profile picture the about section whatever experiences they have on that uh on their LinkedIn profile all the previous jobs that they had their title their subtitle um their education licenses and certificates honors and awards all these data points and many many more could be added as uh data points to your table so for example let’s uh for for the sake of this workflow I’m interested in um let’s say in their in their about section about section typically contains a lot of information that you can use to
(13:23) personalize your Outreach so I will just go ahead and add this data point as a new column to to my uh to my list it will automatically bring this data to uh to my table so that I can use it in my personalization workflow moving forward I can also select a couple of other data points like uh their experiences uh and um I can um let’s say add the title that they have previously uh previously um had and uh the company LinkedIn URL that they worked for in the past all right so it really gives you a lot of different options and different ideas on
(14:26) how you can personalize uh your Outreach based on Dat you select to import to your table and again um this workflow the the first run of the workflow will only process first 10 rows of your shet uh and in order to execute the same exact workflow for uh the entire list of your prospects you would just need to run all rows that haven’t run um uh haven’t run in the past all right of course that will just add uh the data the um default data that we have in uh in our workflow but you can manually then uh select uh what our data
(15:16) points for newly processed prospects that you want to add into the spreadsheet and uh do that manually we’re working to uh to simplify that process to remove this manual component and probably it will be live in in a few days or so all right moving on to the next um LinkedIn enrichment workflow just like I said we can also scrape the company uh U uh LinkedIn company URL in order to do that we will just select uh the company URL scraper and uh we will need to select the custom company LinkedIn um column that stores uh
(15:54) LinkedIn URLs of our Target companies we’ll just do that and uh save and run uh first 10 rows and we will see what kind of information that brings uh to us let’s wait for a few seconds till data starts to show up and here we go here we have all the results uh from uh company LinkedIn URL scraping we have their tagline we have uh the uh company description we have uh their industry and of course these results are just are not just limited to these three data points by clicking this plus and it does not uh charge you any any more credits
(16:38) uh you will access the entirety of scraped data points that you can add to your uh table for example uh the uh number of employees that this company has for example uh another example could be uh the uh similar organizations that are quite similar to to the target company uh it could be uh the number of followers that this company has on LinkedIn it could be for example um the uh place where this um this company is headquarter for example uh we’re interested in in the postal code of their headquarters it could be like
(17:24) hundreds of different things and we really encourage each one of our users to go had to explore the capabilities of these enrichment workflows think of ways how you can use this data in your outbound campaigns think of ways how you can personalize uh this data uh moving on to the next enrichment type we’re able to uh of course scrape the most recent post of uh your prospects whenever available in order to do that we’ll just select the profile post on the LinkedIn enrichment field and we will put in the personal LinkedIn custom
(18:00) LinkedIn profile into as an input to this uh to this enrichment and click uh start button of course some people uh will not be active on LinkedIn and this in these cases we will not see any information but uh a lot of people they are active on LinkedIn and this way you will be able to scrape the content of their most recent post on LinkedIn and use that as an input to your uh chat GP personalization workflow and draft uh automatically draft the uh ice breaker the first line based on the content of their recent post on LinkedIn to be
(18:39) included in your uh in your uh cold uh email uh it doesn’t end uh here we’re also able to scrape uh the company recent most recent company posts uh you will just need to select the company post workflow and select the uh column Within your spreadsheet that contains uh company LinkedIn uh URLs and from there own by executing this workflow you will be able to uh to scrape the content of the re most recent post that their company has posted on LinkedIn and again you will be able to use all this data to personalize your outre using uh AI
(19:25) integration that we have inside of people it will just uh put in um a prompt like um draft a a nice breaker based on recent post of the prospect on LinkedIn post content and here we will include the data that we just scra scraped so that’s that would be um LinkedIn profile post that will pass the information from our table on the LinkedIn post scrip into our openi uh sorry CH GPT uh workflow um start message with I liked with I liked your recent post on
(20:33) LinkedIn about about keep it short and sweet all right and from there on we will just execute this workflow and whatever available whatever the person had uh the uh the post uh on their timeline uh in on LinkedIn we will get a personaliz personalized um first line based on that data I like your recent post on LinkedIn about uh about something that they included in uh in that post and that will will really uh bring your uh C uh email uh to uh to the next level your prospects will really appreciate that you did your
(21:23) homework researching their uh profile before you actually reached out uh and uh folks that pretty much uh wraps it up uh again we just released uh this workflows this uh functional will be adding more and more possibilities uh ability to find uh your prospects email address ability to validate your prospect’s email address and hundreds of other different scrapers and enrichments so you can access different bits of data and use this data to personalize your Outreach even further go ahead test uh this new functional let us know if you
(22:03) face any bugs or issues any ideas would be appreciated and thank you very much for your attention cheers


The YouTube video introduces a new set of features in designed to enrich sales prospecting efforts and improve cold email outreach. The speaker, Yaro, walks through these features, emphasizing their value for personalizing outreach and improving engagement with prospects. The new built-in enrichment tools allow users to enhance the data on their prospect lists, providing more actionable insights that can be used to craft more targeted and personalized emails.

The first step in utilizing these new features is to access your campaign dashboard and click on the “Enrich” button to begin the enrichment process. This feature allows users to scrape data from the websites of the companies on their prospect list, pulling relevant information such as the company’s meta titles, descriptions, and keywords. This allows sales professionals to gain deeper insights into a prospect’s business, which can then be used to tailor cold outreach emails. The enrichment process is designed to ensure accuracy, with a preview step where users can test the enrichment on a subset of their data before running it across the entire list.

Further personalization is possible by scraping LinkedIn profiles. allows users to pull data from personal LinkedIn profiles, including job titles, about sections, follower counts, and recent posts. This information can be used to create personalized email openers or “icebreakers,” which demonstrate that the salesperson has done their research. The platform even integrates AI workflows, specifically using ChatGPT, to help craft these personalized outreach lines automatically based on the scraped data, including insights from LinkedIn posts or company details from their website.

The video also demonstrates how to scrape both LinkedIn profiles and company LinkedIn URLs to pull in data about the prospect’s role and the company’s industry, description, and other valuable information. All of this can be combined with AI to generate even more personalized and thoughtful outreach messages. The speaker emphasizes how these enriched data points, combined with AI assistance, can make cold email outreach much more effective by ensuring that each email feels specifically tailored to the individual or company.

In conclusion, provides a powerful suite of tools for improving cold outreach campaigns through automated enrichment and AI-driven personalization. These features are designed to streamline the sales process by offering valuable insights from company websites, LinkedIn profiles, and even recent social media activity. By integrating these tools into their campaigns, sales teams can ensure that their outreach is as relevant and impactful as possible, ultimately increasing the chances of conversion.

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