Advanced B2B Lead Generation Tutorial ( 2024)
Video Transcript
(00:00) my last Advanced Apollo video was deleted by YouTube after going absolutely viral but this Apollo i o tutorial is going to be even better I’m going to be pulling up the curtain on my own workflow that makes my company five hundred thousand dollars every single month on autopilot now here’s some of the things we’re going to be discussing during this video and feel free to jump around guys I’ve got time stamps if any of this does not apply to you first thing is going to be the plans which plan do you need that’s going to be
(00:24) optimized for your specific use case the second Advanced targeting Apollo has some of the best data targeting options that exist that I’ve ever seen in my life and their most recent additions to their targeting has been an absolute game changer for us I’m going to show you the exact strategy we’re using in their data to generate 90 open rates next we’re going to talk about sequences how to actually set up your email sequence the way that I do it how many days in between how to do split tests and most importantly how to use AI to
(00:53) generate these sequences for you next we’re going to talk about plays and automations this is how to get your campaigns running on autopilot so you don’t have to go in every day or every week and repopulate your sequences with new data this will actually do it for you and if you follow the steps that I’m about to show you it’s going to be so easy for you to set this up forget it and just generate leads on autopilot lastly there’s a lot of settings that you’re going to have to manipulate in order to get the most out of your
(01:20) all this is going to be covered during this video again feel free to skip around and let’s get right into it my name is Lee Genji I run a company that does five hundred thousand dollars per month in revenue and if you want to work with me specifically click the link down in the description now let’s get right in and I’m going to share my screen all right welcome to apollo.
(01:36) io so we’re going to be discussing some of the plan options so that when you’re going to sign up for this you choose one that’s going to be the right fit for you and they’ve got some really affordable plans here guys I personally were on the Enterprise plan because I like to be able to export thousands of contacts at one time I don’t like to come in here every day and click lots of buttons to get the contact data that I need so this organization plan or Enterprise plan is what you’re probably going to need if you want to use all of the tools that I’m about to
(02:01) show you and if you want access to basically unlimited data if you do select one of these free or basic plans you’re going to be restricted in the number of exports that you can do every single week every single month and it’s going to be a little bit more tedious you’re going to have to come in here every so often and add more data to your campaigns you’re going to have to do more clicking more exporting and you’re not going to have access to some of the AI tools and some of the automation tools that I’m going to be showing you
(02:25) later so here’s what I recommend if you’re new and you don’t have a lot of funding and you’re starting a lead gen agency from scratch or trying to do B2B lead gen for yourself and you’re not sure this is going to make you money yet you should start on a basic plan just until you can get this ramped up now once you do get it ramped up and this is clearly making you money you should upgrade to a professional or an Enterprise plan and I’ll tell you what if you stuck with me until the end here I will show you exactly what we’re
(02:48) paying for our Enterprise plan you can negotiate with them and if you use our rate to negotiate it might actually help you guys out so you’re going to need a higher level plan to use the tools that I’m showing you but if you’re new and you don’t have a lot of money to invest and Lead generation yet you can start with a basic plan and then upgrade later alright here we are under the hood of my Apollo account this is what an Enterprise plan looks like with access to all of their tools now I do want to mention up front that Apollo is a full
(03:12) CRM as well as a sending platform as well as a lead database so there’s a lot that you can do in here for the purposes of this video I’m going to be showing you how to optimally use Apollo for lead generation not necessarily as a CRM but I’ll show you around some of the functionalities that you can use and some of the possibilities so if you do have a team of sdrs or bdrs or sales assistants you can assign them each an Apollo user account so that they can manage their deals and opportunities right here in Apollo they can manage all
(03:39) their conversations right here in Apollo and they can do outbound calling right here from Apollo you can link phone numbers it’s an insanely powerful platform now again I’m just going to be showing you how to use Apollo for lead generation and I’ll just be dabbling in some of these other CRM tools we only use it for the lead generation tools not as a CRM so let’s jump in I’m going to give you a little bit of a tour around Apollo first all right starting from the top bar these are the most important functionalities that Apollo has to offer
(04:04) we see home this is where you’ll get a nice dashboard of all the metrics for the week for the day and if you’ve got a team here you’ll be able to visualize what your team is doing as well now this sales rep cockpit that I’m in right now is what I was talking about if you’re using this as a CRM if you’ve got your sales team in here you’re really able to get a good overview of what’s going on today what’s going on this week what do the stats look like really cool stuff if you’re using this for your for your sales team now coming over to search
(04:28) this is my favorite database by far for search now I’m not allowed to actually bring up anyone’s contact information during this YouTube video but I want to walk you through some of the nooks and crannies of their search function that doesn’t exist in any other lead database Apollo is the most advanced thing that I’ve seen by far and I’m about to show you why not a lot of the stuff that you’re going to see here on the left hand side is probably going to look familiar if you’ve used any other database the ones that should not look
(04:52) familiar are scores this will score leads based on How likely they are to convert for your business this is done using a Ai and different metrics over time in order to use this you can come down here and create scores so that you can set different parameters that actually give them the score that’s going to work for you so this is going to be based on your business I definitely recommend checking this out and seeing if you can create a score and get Apollo to actually feed you leads that meet your minimum score criteria
(05:19) the next one that’s going to be really unique in this search function is going to be news so this will actually tell you based on any of these categories which companies which people have been featured in the news recently why is this important because if they’re getting featured in the news that means they’re successful they’re active and you can give them a compliment for being recently seen in the news there’s a little nugget of information right there and that’s one of the techniques that we use to actually get our open rates up to
(05:44) 90 percent so if I were to click receives award now you can then use that information in your cold email sequence I noticed you just received an award congratulations that person will say wow they actually did some research into our company they know something about us I wonder what this is all about so any way that you can personalize your your email using any of these metrics is going to be a big deal you can also use news investment so this is someone getting featured in the media for recently receiving an investment which is
(06:09) something that you can use if you’re targeting companies that just received funding just a couple examples here of how this news function can be used and not a lot of other lead databases have this news function all right moving on to the next one that’s very unique to Apollo is signals so these are signals to Apollo that a company or a person is doing something some examples are awarder recognition new client signed up which means they’re onboarding new clients new partnership meaning the company just acquired a new partnership
(06:33) office expansion that means the company’s growing that’s awesome they’re cutting costs so maybe you have a service or a product that can help them cut costs if they have a new product or service so if you’re a PR agency and you want to help them launch this new product or service merger acquisition high buying intent recent funding rapid growth open two plus emails in the past week which means they’re actually opening emails or a new role all of these things are really good signals that you can use to build your campaigns
(06:59) that are going to get you you lots of results and here’s a couple ways that I’m using these new product or service for my PR agency when someone launches something they’re typically going to need help getting the word out and building some Authority around it that’s a really good signal for us I also sometimes run this open two plus emails in the past week combined with us only decision makers and you’re going to get people that are very responsive to those cold emails all right moving on to the next really unique function that Apollo
(07:24) has for searching great leads is buying intent so Apollo actually knows what users are interested in purchasing it does that by scraping information on what a company is searching for from an IP address so for example if people in my company are searching for management consulting companies Apollo will know that otter PR is looking for management consultants and it’ll put us in here as a low medium or high intent score for that search for that intent topic and there’s a lot of different intent topics that you can choose from and I’ll come
(07:54) in here just to show you a few now I was recently doing some lead generation work for a company that does cyber security so all my intent topics are people who are looking for firewall software anti-virus software cyber security Consulting but there’s a lot of different topics in here that you can choose from hundreds maybe even thousands so whoever it relates to your business or your offering you can see companies who are searching for exactly what you do or something similar so that you automatically know that they have a
(08:19) need and they have a want for what you have to offer so you’re not just blasting cold emails to random strangers you’re targeting someone that actually wants what you have to offer okay next I’d like to share something really cool about Apollo you can come into email status and only search by verified emails this will save you a lot of money on cleaning although we still clean our emails afterwards but this way you don’t have to just export a bunch of data start sending to it without knowing that it’s actually going to be good data so
(08:43) always search with verified emails only a couple other cool functions in the search bar is going to be Technologies so what technologies are your leads actually using so for example if you are a Google ads agency and you help people improve their Google ads you can come into Technologies and see what kind of ads they’re running maybe they’re doing native ads let’s see if they’re doing Google Analytics Google tag manager Google analytics there’s a lot of different options here Google AdSense that you can look at to
(09:11) see what similar Technologies are they using maybe they need my software product maybe they need my service to help them with that technology so this is in a few other lead databases this Technologies function but it’s really really useful so I definitely recommend testing a couple of campaigns with this Technologies okay next job postings so the way that we use this and the theory here is that if a company is looking for a publicist they’re hiring a publicist then they probably also might need a PR agency so that’s what we look for and
(09:38) this could be useful for recruiting agencies what not but if they’re looking for someone to help them with marketing then there’s a good chance they need someone to help them with ads or content or a lead generation to figure out what companies are hiring for and then make a campaign based around that because they probably need what you have to offer if they’re looking to hire someone in that position not a lot of other lead generation databases have this job postings function so definitely play with it alright I hope this was helpful
(10:01) there’s also really Advanced ways here to save contacts to lists so that you you can include or exclude lists on your searches so that you don’t end up hitting the same person more than once and as you can see from the top here they’ve got a total of 267 million contacts to choose from out of those 259 million are new to me and I have 8 million contacts in here save that I can access anytime I want all right now most people don’t use this next part in the lead search but I’m going to show you something cool come down to more filters
(10:28) at the bottom and there’s even more things that you can choose from here so some important ones that I like to to look for time and current role so if somebody’s new to a job that might be a good time to prospect for them another cool one is head count growth so this will show you how fast a company is growing founded year so this is if you’re like an ERC company and you need to Target companies that were founded between X and Y number of years you can actually do that right here and if you’re using Apollo as a CRM you can use
(10:53) the engagement activity to help you actually fine tune your CRM alright the next thing in this video that I’d like to show you is the engage Tab and as soon as I hover over this it looks really scary right we’ve got a lot of options sequences emails tasks calls Snippets meetings analytics templates settings and mailboxes there’s a lot that Apollo can do now I’m going to stick to Apollo’s use case as lead generation not really CRM so I’m going to skip over tasks meetings and calls if you have your sales team in here just
(11:19) know that you can hook them up with a phone number record all their calls in Apollo actually do outbound dialing in a Potter and Apollo on autopilot create tasks for your leads to follow up on them book meetings right there in Apollo create automations it’s very very powerful now for the sake of lead generation which is what you’re here for we’re going to come down to settings and mailboxes first alright so now we’re here in settings and mailboxes and you need to link your mailbox in order to get started with starting to put
(11:45) together your sequences obviously you can’t send emails if you don’t have any of these sender accounts linked so we’re going to link your mailbox I’m not going to show you exactly how to do this because of the process is exactly the same as my former videos but I recommend using Office 365 or Gmail and Office 365 is actually preferred for me nowadays so I definitely recommend using that please watch my other video on how to set set up Office 365 sender accounts using GoDaddy for only two dollars per month this will help you a lot the link
(12:10) process is very easy you just need to put in your email and password and go ahead and Link that now in terms of settings and this is very cool because Apollo just launched a mailbox warm-up in beta so you don’t have to warm up your emails anywhere else you can actually do it right here and Apollo’s so cool because they’re always coming out with new fun Updates this is just one of them I actually discovered this today so I would set your daily maximum of warm-up emails to 50 your daily warm-up goal to five and your daily ramp
(12:34) up increments to two this will be good settings to actually ramp up your emails you can also set a default signature here so you don’t have to do it in every email I definitely recommend doing that and remember another nugget of information for you to avoid getting in trouble with the canned spam act to make sure that you have an address listed on all of your emails and make sure you have a way to unsubscribe on all of your emails another nugget of information if you do set up warming you’re going to start to see your inbox get flooded with
(12:58) all of these fake warm-up emails that are going to be good for your inbox Health they give you a unique token here so you’ll create a filter in your mailbox to look for this token string and then Mark as read Mark as important never send a Spam and then you can move it to a warm-up folder all right now some things I’ll just touch on in settings and mailboxes a voice this is where you can set up a phone number schedules if you want to send during specific times of the day sequence rule sets you can set some of these rules for
(13:25) your sequences here these aren’t this is pretty Advanced I don’t need to go into all of this if you’re not using it as a CRM integration so if you are using it as a CRM this is where you’ll actually come to integrate all of your different tools and priority settings this is one that I actually do recommend that you set I would say prioritize by sequence with the highest interested rate and then you can come and add all of your sequences to actually prioritize the ones that matter the most the ones that are getting the highest interacted rate
(13:49) all right so now we’re in sequences I’m going to skip over emails calls tasks templates analytics Snippets meetings because most of these are just for CRM obviously emails will track my outbound email so if you want to see what it looks like see what’s set up to be sent this is where you’re going to need to go this actually really helpful because you can see if your Snippets are working if your variables are working so I definitely recommend coming in here after you set up your sequences so that you can just make sure everything looks
(14:14) okay calls we’re not going to go into because frankly we’re not using calls right now tasks I don’t particularly use tasks but if you’re somebody that is doing a lot of manual work inside of Apollo tasks might be good for example after you email somebody create a task to go connect with them on LinkedIn you’ll have a list of tasks and you have to go through them manually to actually do I hate this personally but some people might like it so good luck feel free to set up some tasks templates these are good and you can set these up
(14:39) right from sequences but this is just so that you can copy and paste stuff into sequences that you use a lot so definitely create some templates and I’ll go over some templates that you can use as well analytics this will give you an overview of some of your campaigns and what they look like you can filter by different variations like email engagement performance call engagement performance you can build your own dashboard it’s very very cool Snippets is good if you’re using it as a CRM this is like fast ways to send a response
(15:03) obviously we’re not using it as a CRM for the purpose of this video just like meetings we’re going to skip over these things but definitely come and play with it it’s got the potential to be used as an all-in-one all right so one of the most important things we’ll be talking about in this video is creating a sequence so I’m going to go click on new sequence here in the top right hand corner now you can do a couple different things here pre-format it this is where they help you with some of their pre-formatted templates if you’re new to
(15:26) cold email you can use a pre-formatted template and just edit it I always start from scratch because I’m Advanced I know what I’m doing so I’m going to go ahead and do this now now once I set up the sequence I’m making this one private so it doesn’t bother my team you can set up your schedule and I recommend doing this each time each schedule is going to be a little bit different based on who you’re targeting the industry I definitely recommend looking when those industry professionals are most active you can do
(15:49) that using chat GPT or some Google research sequence rule sets so we talked about rule sets just a minute ago so if you want to use any of these rule sets and apply them you can you can also create a rule set by Campaign which is typically what I do you can tag it so if you’ve got a lot of campaigns you can find them quickly I’m going to go ahead and create them let’s go into what this campaign Builder looks like all right one of the coolest things about Apollo and the recent updates is their implementation of AI and it’s usable
(16:14) it’s actually usable we do actually use it now I will say with a caveat I don’t trust AI generated cold emails to convert I always write my own but it’s a good place to start especially if you’re new so we’re going to add our first step all right now here we can pick our first step so the first one that we use and this is the only one that I pretty much use for Apollo is automatic email all these other things are tasks they might look interesting but all it does is it’ll create a task for you to do something manually none of this stuff is
(16:40) worth using or testing in my opinion if you’re going to do something manually multiple times you should find a way to automate it especially if you don’t even know that person is interested yet for LinkedIn I definitely recommend using the LinkedIn tool for my LinkedIn video so please check that out when you’re done watching this so let’s start with automatic email this is going to be your go-to every time so next It’ll ask you when to start this step either immediately or with a slight delay I actually like a slight delay it gives me
(17:04) some space to change something last second if I ever want to and do I want to limit the number of emails sent from the step for 24 hours no so I’m going to go ahead and continue and do that first step all right we are now in Apollo’s email Builder and they’ve integrated AI really nicely into this so if you’re somebody who needs help writing cold email this is definitely something worth trying so on the right hand side here is the AI assistant you will tell it which email you’re writing whether it’s the an initial Outreach which is Outreach a
(17:31) follow-up so a second or third email or a last pitch a final attempt at getting that person’s attention and getting them to reply as a first email it’s going to be Outreach and you’re going to go ahead and put in information about your company fill it the more information that you feed this AI the better that email is going to come out I’m going to go ahead and feed this AI information about my company and then see what it spits out alright that was very simple in my language company otter leads what we offer we book qualified B2B leads on
(17:57) your calendar on autopilot pain point you don’t have to worry about generating interested leads anymore value prop we will book your calendar full of leads where you don’t pay call to action book a meeting let’s see what it spits out alright the AI is all done and we’ve got subject lines that we can use and we’ve got bodies that we can use and these are actually pretty good so I’m going to go ahead and insert subject line and body one now this video isn’t going to be a tutorial on how to write great cold emails for that I have other videos but
(18:21) this is going to show you how to use Apollo and all of its functionality as well so the AI does its job it does a very nice job and one exciting thing that I’m looking forward to is if you come down here to personalize email with AI you’ll be able to add personalized openers very soon now a couple of other options on the screen that you should know about are the variables so you can add variables by clicking on this add Dynamic variables button down on the bottom left and you can add in a lot of variables that other platforms don’t let
(18:48) you for example now time of day you could say good morning good afternoon or good evening on autopilot that that’s one that we use quite often because most cold emailers don’t do that all these other data points are pulled straight from Apollo and you can also go to custom and make your own custom fields or you can come into advanced and do if and if ands this is a very advanced stuff that you’re going to need to play with and it’s going to take probably too much time to explain but definitely something that’s worth looking into for
(19:13) example now month minus one so if it’s November you can minus one and say September there’s a lot of really advanced stuff that you can do in here that you can’t really do in other platforms you can save any email as a template here that’s why I don’t really go into that templates tab I just use this and then to load templates you’ll just hover over this load templates button and add any templates that you want to that cold email now here in the bottom left include signature is checked so you’re going to make sure that your
(19:39) signature is not included in this cold email because it’s going to be added at the end now another thing you’re going to want to be careful of is this button reply to previous thread and the first email there is no previous thread so this obviously gets left unchecked now I just closed out that AI button and it generated a preview for me and you can select a contact to actually generate a preview for that specific contact to make sure that your variables actually work and look okay and I’m going to save now if you’ve watched any of my previous
(20:03) videos you’ll know I’m a big fan of split testing so that’s something that I definitely recommend that you also do in Apollo so you can add an A B test here or you can come into more actions on the right hand side and clone and that will clone that into an A B test so that you can just edit say the subject line or edit one variation in that first line okay so that’s on step one step two you’re going to add a step by clicking that blue button again automatic email when do you want this one to be sent I recommend three days after the previous
(20:30) step you can do two days if you’d like or even one day if you really want to get aggressive now for this one I’m going to open up that AI assistant again generate email now instead of Outreach we’re going to do follow-up and hit generate now important note here this one we are going to reply to previous thread so the subject lines are going to be taken out and these bodies are formulated for a follow-up so let’s go ahead and put body one in there we are not going to include signature because it’s a follow-up email in the same
(20:55) thread and this actually looks pretty good so we’ll leave this again and we’re not talking about writing cold email templates here signature is unclicked so I’ve got sender first name here awesome reply to previous thread is clicked awesome let’s go to preview and we can close out this AI assistant now so it’ll show us the preview here looks good variables look clean it is working we’re going to hit save all right finally let’s add one last step because I like to do at least three emails in a sequence I go up to seven sometimes but
(21:21) I do at least three automatic email this time we’re going to wait five days and we’re going to open up that AI assistant generate email last pitch it’s already got my information saved so let’s go ahead and generate that email this one I’m not going to do in the exact same thread as the previous email because they already saw that thread they didn’t reply to it let’s try a new new thread let’s try a new subject line last chance for leads I’ll go ahead and hit body one now again I’m not focusing too much here
(21:46) on writing the cold email I’m focusing on the functionality of Apollo so in this one I used the last chance AI template I’m going to include my signature I am going to not click reply to previous thread and you see how it did one variation without spacing one variation with spacing you can also regenerate the AI AI using this refresh button and adding a new body to your email alright so let’s go ahead and click save now we’ve got a 3 Series sequence that is ready to go and once your email is attached to it you can go
(22:14) ahead and flip this on to active and get it sending immediately now even if I made this active right now it would not start sending because this campaign does not have any contacts in it there’s not a single person to send emails to so let’s come into contacts and figure out how to get actually get people into this campaign let’s hover over ad contacts and it can automate add-in contacts using a play that’s what I’m about to show you in a second this is unbelievable and no other platform can do this you can select a list from
(22:39) Apollo or you can upload a CSV file now the final thing I’d like to touch on before we move on to Automation and plays is the settings in the campaign so you can edit every single setting by campaign or you can do it in the general settings but let’s show you some of the things that you can do here so this is pretty cool if you use it as a CRM create a phone call task if an active contact opens an email at least x amount of times so this is really cool if you’ve got your sales people in here and some somebody is interested but not
(23:05) replying you can create a task to go call that person you can Market contact as finished in the sequence when they click on an email sometimes they might click and book a call and then get your follow-up sequences which isn’t really what you want and then you can mark them as unresponsive if they don’t reply within x amount of days after the last step so here is very cool you can edit all of the settings by campaign you can CC emails for replies a lot of really advanced stuff that you can’t do on other platforms alright so now we’re
(23:31) back at the home page and I’m going to show you something unbelievable that’s going to be insanely valuable for Apollo users and if you’re not already using Apollo this is going to blow your mind it’s going to disrupt all of your current workflows I guarantee it and that is this place functionality this is something Apollo added in 2023 and it is an absolute game changer for us lead generation agencies as well as any B2B company who uses cold email because now you no longer have to go in and add contacts every so often this will do it
(23:59) for you every day it will perform a new search so you’re getting clean data and if you’re using any of the sigma signals like news or signals that I mentioned in the search function it will only pull in fresh signals and fresh news so there’s a lot of play templates that you can look through and choose from here by clicking templates but I’ll be honest I don’t use any of these the way that I use plays is to keep my campaigns populated with fresh data every single day on autopilot but there are a lot of really cool things that you can do here
(24:27) for example call when emails clicked or opened hit companies that are scaling hit form abandoners there’s a lot of interesting things that Apollo lets you do but I’m going to go ahead and create one from scratch alright so now I’m in the play details and I’m creating this play I’m going to name the play test and come down to configuration so on on a specific date schedule is what you’re going to want to select to use this the way that I use it which is to keep your campaigns constantly populated with data you’re going to run every one
(24:53) day and never you’re going to limit the number of people processed to say 50 per campaign if eligible how often should the same person be added only once and then filters so this is going to be just like the lead filter so it’s going to give you every single option so where this is so powerful is you’re going to set the exact filters that you want essentially like a saved search so if you’re only looking for CEOs in the US that were featured in the news recently you’ll set that filter here make sure to come to email status and click verified
(25:23) you don’t want guest emails automatically going into your campaign before you clean them this needs to be verified once you’ve got your filter set you will save filters and then down here in actions what should actually happen every single day for 50 users I don’t do create alert because I don’t do anything manually what we do do is automate these actions so we’re going to click on that drop down and we’re going to add contacts to sequence and this way we can select the sequence that we want people to be added to I’m going to pick this
(25:51) one just as an example and send email from which email do you actually want to deliver this email from if you’re using it as a CRM contact owner or account owner could work I usually do specific user or round robin or rotate mailbox doesn’t really matter where it comes from as long as all of them are going to the same place you can rotate mailboxes direct only all right so what did I just set up every single day 50 contacts are going to be added to the sequence it’s going to rotate through all of my mailboxes to send emails to those people
(26:18) and this is going to happen on autopilot every single day it is going to use your email credits but you’re never going to have to come in and repopulate with data you can let this run on autopilot and it will never stop now you can also add a step if you like automation there’s other things that you can do for example add to a list so if you want to pull a full list of plays and then so when you’re filtering in the search function you don’t hit the people that have already been added you can add these people to a list that way you can
(26:45) exclude that list when you’re filtering again now let’s go ahead and save changes and you can set that play to active here and it will start feeding it into your sequence on autopilot and the last thing that I promise to go over with you was some of the settings within Apollo so I’m going to click that gear icon in the top right it’s going to come up with all of these crazy options that I have within Apollo so I’m going to go over just the important ones here once I click the settings icon I can quickly view my mailboxes if you’re using it as
(27:11) a phone you can view voice and then all the stuff on the left is pretty important as well so you can manage your team manage your users this is going to be if you have multiple people in your system operating make sure that you have all this stuff set up so one of the first things that I recommend you do is set up personas so Apollo has an AI tool on the left under configurations you’ll come to personas and then it’ll guide you through streamlining prospecting with personas you’ll hit confirm once it understands you and your business and
(27:36) then it will create personas that might be a good Target for you so I’m going to go ahead and confirm personas here now the next thing you’re going to need to set up here in the settings is tracking subdomains so this one’s old that I have in here and it’s unhealthy but you’re going to want to click a subdomain up here follow the instructions and set up a tracking domain you can do this in your DNS records it’s going to be very easy to do and they do have a support article that guides you through how to set up these
(27:59) tracking domains and if you’ve watched my other videos I’ve gone over this as well this is going to be very important for deliverability so before you start your campaigns make sure that you set up this tracking subdomain so Integrations if you are using this for as a CRM you can integrate Zoom Google me any higher level crms slack whatever you really need I don’t do any of this personally other than zapier which I do have some automation set up be sure to join my course in community if you want access to those automations they are free
(28:25) lastly one interesting thing about Apollo is that when you search for data and you basically export that data it will not send it it will not download it automatically it will send it here system activity imports and exports so these are all of my recent exports under here CSV exports this is is where the data actually goes so you can download it from here now you need to know where this is you’re going to get very confused one thing that I definitely recommend you set up before you start exporting data and this is if you’re
(28:52) using it to export data we mostly use Apollo to get the data out clean it and then import it into instantly but you can use Apollo to never do CSV exports at all you can just keep everything right in here with the instructions that I’ve just given you but if you are using this to export like we do you’re going to come into CSV export settings and I typically only export contacts so I’m going to edit settings and by default it’s going to have a lot of stuff selected that you really don’t need which is going to make the files really
(29:17) big long hard to work with so go through these and check only the ones that you need so for example if you use Technologies and you need to export that information you can check that but we don’t typically need that we don’t need their funding info we don’t need their intent score or their Apollo ID so come in here and edit these settings to make them friendly for you to actually work with that data now if you want to see the video that I did on Apollo that actually got banned please go to my free course in community it’s absolutely free
(29:41) you can join using the link below to see that video for any topics or subjects that I may have missed in this one but this one I hope gave you all the tools that you need to go start booking leads for your company or for your clients on autopilot and if you got a ton of value please like And subscribe and if you want to join my course in community click on the link down in the description I’ll see in the next video
This video is an advanced guide to using for B2B lead generation, focusing on building efficient workflows that drive substantial monthly revenue through automation. The tutorial breaks down everything from choosing the right Apollo plan based on your business needs to targeting options and setting up email sequences that maximize open rates. With Apollo’s advanced targeting, users can filter leads based on news, buying intent, and recent hiring activities. Additionally, the platform’s “Plays” feature automates campaigns by adding new contacts daily, keeping outreach efforts fresh and reducing manual work. This in-depth guide is perfect for users looking to streamline their lead generation and convert prospects into high-quality clients through Apollo’s powerful tools.
Key Takeaways offers exceptional targeting tools, allowing users to create detailed filters and engage leads based on specific criteria like recent news mentions, buyer interest, or company hiring activities. The “Plays” feature automates lead generation, continuously adding new contacts to campaigns on a set schedule, which helps maintain consistency in outreach. The email sequence tool is enhanced by AI, supporting personalized sequences, follow-ups, and split testing to improve open rates and engagement. For new users, the basic plan is ideal, while seasoned professionals may find value in the professional or enterprise plans that unlock more robust features like bulk exporting, AI-driven insights, and more comprehensive automation options. Beyond lead generation, can also be used as a CRM, with tools for managing sales tasks, tracking conversations, and making outbound calls, making it an all-in-one solution for businesses of various sizes.
Conclusion is a versatile and powerful platform for B2B lead generation, equipped with tools to automate, personalize, and streamline outreach efforts. From AI-powered targeting and email automation to CRM capabilities and customizable workflows, Apollo is designed to help businesses increase the quality of their leads while minimizing manual workload. This advanced tutorial offers valuable insights into using effectively, making it an essential guide for both beginners and experienced marketers looking to scale their B2B lead generation and optimize their outreach.