Video Transcript
(00:01) we’re going to start cool so today we are going to talk about account based marketing on linkedin basically how to warm up and lend opportunities with your target accounts we want to discuss five points today first of all the company-centric uh versus client-centric marketing approach next we want to talk about linkedin demand generation funnel uh as well we want to talk how to warm up target accounts how to recognize the buying signals you can use for activation this is critical in your abm campaigns and finally how to
(00:40) refine and accelerate linkedin demand generation and account based marketing campaigns with linkedin ads this is where i will pass mike to my co-author and co-founder of b2b marketers and founders community ricardo who is from my point of view is the best person who can describe this process to you so a few words about ourselves if you don’t know us uh i’m founder of full funnel dot io this is for final b2b marketing consultants for uh b2b tech and service based companies with complex and long sales cycles as well i am co-founder of roi plan
(01:25) this is a b2b market and planning software together with ricardo we wrote last year published last year a book called linkedin b2b inbound marketing which was awarded as best and uh it was actually included in 100 best b2b marketing books of all the time by book authority so today we are going to share some principles with you as well from that book and together we are running for the last four years we are running b2b marketers and founders community on facebook uh and by the way uh anybody here from our community
(02:04) let us know in the chat please i’m really curious if uh if you are in our community and uh actually this is my 16 yeah i’m i have spent actually so far 15 years in b2b marketing and sales so yeah uh monitor share with you that experience and this is my co-founder ricardo who is right now head of uh paid social at abstract belgium based uh agency they have 52 digital gigs they used to call that way themselves as i mentioned he is co-founder of b2b marketers and founders community and author of my book so that’s all about us i believe it
(02:49) didn’t come just to listen about uh bias so let’s immediately dive in first point company centric versus client-centric marketing yesterday i made a post about this topic on linkedin you know lots of companies in bitter b space unfortunately have this company-centric mindset and when it comes to linkedin this company let’s say company-centric marketing works like on this screenshot sdr has a business development manager has a linkedin profile and this person is reaching out to everybody who might be potentially interested
(03:28) in the service or like product like this one and they basically invite everybody to connect with these generic messages sometimes these messages might be somehow personalized based on job role or whatever and then one when the icp accepts the connection request bdm or sdr starts spamming these people suggesting to book the call or buy something from them that company and in case if this company has some budget some bandwidth to pour some water into linkedin nets then they try to set up some generic ads and we see what we actually
(04:13) we faced the situation which we can see on these screenshots we are sending all like we face these generic messages hey would you like this stuff just because i have a title uh i’m co-founder of sas product then these companies tend to think that i need to buy this services like mobile app development or whatever flight and hotel booking app development this is crazy people are just reaching out sending all the spam and if you have any interest then you should book a call obviously the reply rates to these spending messages are
(04:50) very very low and the same comes to ads even with well-known software like chili piper you know companies are really just you know the other day we were chatting with ricardo and when we were discussing these ads we were like just simply saying that it basically makes more sense to uh you know transfer money immediately to linkedin it’s just literally you give them your money when you’re running this like generic ads nobody is going to download this let’s say really not good gated content but unfortunately this is
(05:28) one of the most common mistakes and all comes from the let’s say all comes from the uh lead generation mindset these companies have attribution mindset because it it seems to be scalable you know send one thousand connection requests 500 will uh accept them we need to follow up with booking a call message this 500 and we expect that if one person will book the call this is fine and it seems to be scalable but i always have a question what will you do when your list of target accounts will be finished what’s next the same with linkedin ads
(06:11) when your budget when you know when you just uh allocate all your budget ads and then you have nothing to pay to link it in what you’ll be doing next so unfortunately this assumption that you shouldn’t be doing on linkedin and the other day i was checking you know the guys who are posting about linkedin and one of the from my point of view one of the best linkedin social serving coaches uh daniel disney he uh posted his actual observations about what’s going on in the b2b space he analyzed 250 connection requests
(06:48) received on linkedin over the last months and 80 percent of them were not personalized again just because of this lead generation mindset you don’t have time this is you know quite often i hear from sales people well you know i don’t have time to personalize my connection requests i don’t have time to check these profiles we we just we are all growths obsessed we need to scale this process and that’s why they are spamming everybody then 20 percent only 20 percent were personalized 20 percent were just poor sales pitches and if you can
(07:22) see the reactions to that post and the comments people are simply tired of this approach and uh you know as well you never buy complex or let’s say high ticket products or services from these generic messages maybe there is an opportunity to buy some low ticket i don’t know product or software but it’s not possible for let’s say for me for companies that are selling tickets above like 1 000 euros 10 000 euros and of course it’s not applicable for companies that have a big average contract value above 1 million euros etc so
(08:06) how this ends up as a result if you have this lead generation mindset you’ll always be dealing with slow response rate with high call cost per action you’ll all the the worst actual part for your sdrs is that you’ll be always begging for a meeting you always be asking can you please have a meeting with me you know that’s that’s that’s actually and the another worst case scenario is that all other companies and any given b2b market is doing the same they are sending the same spam messages and the same way they are begging for
(08:43) meetings so there is always a question that comes from the target audience why should we have this meeting with you and it leads to another issue leads don’t show up or they go called after the discovery call or demo call and quite often if you have this broad target and your waste time is from contact solids who are just not or who are just basically interested but never going to buy something from you and because of this you potentially might have a low deal close rate and finally you create audience fatigue and burn
(09:16) bridges with potential clients so i want to present uh to you the client-centric market and basically this is what we described with ricardo in our book uh and uh today i want to share with you the refined process because after publishing that book i was uh mostly working on let’s say inbound parts and social selling and ricardo was refining this final with ads and today we want to present with you our learnings and how you can build the entire account based marketing strategy on linkedin using this client-centric market and basically
(09:53) using uh applying the pr principles or let’s say aligning your marketing and sales processes with how your audience is buying all starts with top of the funnel and we used to call it that you need to flip out one to inbound you put inbound activities on the top of the funnel it all starts with connecting and engaging with the buying committee of your target accounts so that’s the part of account based marketing operations you need to have awareness and nurturing content this is the way how you actually create this demand this is how you grab the
(10:28) attention of target audience and you can refine this process just uh the most important point here ads and let’s say this demand generation content don’t replace each other basically these are complementary strategies you need to have both of them at the place if you want to get the best results from this strategy so with the mat the demand generation you build this thought leadership you attract the attention with the right content and with the ads you can simply accelerate the process and drive target accounts to let’s say to other
(11:06) stages of your sales funnel and this top of the final activities create the engagement triggers uh we’ll discuss disengagement triggers in this presentation so when you know that and by engagement triggers by default i mean that these companies let’s say raise their hand and demonstrate the potential i would like to underline uh the keyword here the potential interest in your product or your service so then you start with activation playbooks you can start connecting with these people you can start the qualification conversations
(11:43) you can share middle of the final content and you can stand can start trying the ads that are actually leading people to me to consume the middle of the final content and then our goal is tracking the buying signals basically the signals that might say okay these accounts are potentially ready to have a demo or discovery call with us and then we start the personalized outreach the we can share the bottom of the final content and we can run bottom of the final ads to finally generate sales qualified opportunities and you can see that i avoid the world
(12:26) leads because leads this is the most vanity metric you can use you need to have at the end of the day at the end of the day you need to have real sales qualified opportunities real sales pipeline and revenues result so let’s discuss this step by step let’s start with linkedin demand generation funnel if you have attended previous webinars i have done with expand and the slam list i have discussed it uh so far but i can i want to quickly highlight the key ideas of demand generation funnel on linkedin so you have your linkedin profile and
(13:01) you need to treat your linkedin profile as a landing page and with the help of this let’s say top of the funnel and bound activities you drive traffic to your profile this is where people can see what what your product or what your company uh can help with you need to have the same like on london patch you need to have a social proof you need to have the relevant call to actions you need to have your unique value proposition and you need to have let’s say your copy which you usually put in about section or in your job profile
(13:31) description then you need to proactively so while content will be generated you know new connection requests of course you can some of your potential customers will be reaching out to you but you don’t need to rely on let’s say this passive approach you need to proactively connecting with the target audience and basically we have for audiences we need to connect with this assumption that i will describe later then we have this let’s say this content inbound activity and this environment activity generates profile views
(14:04) connection requests content engagement and once we or pro website visits and when we have when we have this data we can reach out with a personalized message and then depending on the engagement with the content you can send some relevant let’s say middle middle of the final content you can put it into content hub and now you can control the content consumption and can reach out and suggest if the company company potentially is interested you can suggest to have a call where you can provide more insights answer the questions and share
(14:38) the ideas how to implement the product or service at this specific account so it’s just a high level overview so i want to dive deeply into details right now six core principles of linkedin demand generation file growing audience warming up and nurture target accounts keep an eye on engagement and buying signals flip out bound to inbound start sales conversations without cold pitching and the sixth principle is never stop nurturing so let’s start with the first one growing your linkedin network with the target audience
(15:15) four types of audience you should connection with the first one are engagers this is our terminology it’s not it’s not scientific one this is science and that’s we agreed with ricardo how we used to call this audiences engagers these are people that highly active on linkedin they love your content but they will never buy from you you might be wondering why you should be connecting with these people the reason why because actually these people help to get more exposure for your content they boost their organic views of your content
(15:52) because of this consistent engagement and in most cases these people are connected with your target audience and just because of this your content will be regularly shown in the news feed of your target accounts i will share with you in a moment how it’s happening next ideal customer profile or icp these are the people that are the buying committee members of your target accounts decision makers champions blockers and influencers the sub audience are event organizers and these are people that obviously hosting the events
(16:31) you want to speak and basically the events which your target audience attends like this one for example uh and your goal obviously to connect with this uh with this audience just because you can co-host partnership webinars you see that today i’m not doing this webinar alone so we are partnering with ricardo and we promoted that webinar to our audiences and so that’s that’s the best opportunity to present you know your product or your service to a new audience by delivering value so that’s that’s why you should connect
(17:06) with the sub group and finally the group number four which is called co-pilots these are people that have the same audience but sell different solutions to your ideal customer profile so in our case i mentioned that uh before this webinar i have done several webinars with lem list and expander by the way guys uh did any of you attend this webinars let me know please in the comments uh interested to see so the reason why i was doing this webinars is uh just because you know i can present this software to my audience and this is the best way to
(17:44) natively promote that software and the same for this software we have our customers who might be potentially customers of this software and this is the best way to to actually collaborate so more or less it’s similar with event organizers but you can collaborate differently it’s not only about the events it could be you know you can interview each other on the podcast it could be content collaboration or whatever so can be a sort of referral uh program up to you so these are four types of audiences you need to
(18:19) connect with and uh in one of the posts i have described why uh you need to connect with these people because this is actually the linkedin ecosystem that helps you to regularly appear in the news feed of target accounts build a strong brand and trail relationship with the target accounts generate and capture the demand and educate and nurture the target market now take a look on the right screenshot you can see a screenshot of my newsfeed and now in my news feed i see the content of the second and the thought connection
(18:53) and the only reason why i see it because leon and gaia tana who are my connections engaged with that content and just because of that i’m seeing it in my news feed so that’s why you need to connect with this for audiences these people help you to get this organic exposure this organic awareness and basically this is what we call demand generation with the help of your content you attract the attention people are visiting your profile they see you know again treat your linkedin profile as a landing page they see your position in your unique
(19:29) value proposition you capture this demand and when it comes to account based marketing you can start on building a relationship and activate on these accounts so before launching this campaign your team’s marketing and sales team should be aligned on three key points ideal customer profile you need to be very clear what accounts you’d be targeting and uh if you missed one of the webinars uh there is a link on youtube you can but anyway i will be sending the link uh with the recording of this webinar i will send you the link to that webinar
(20:07) where i explained how to build the account list for account based marketing programs so you can double check don’t want to dive deeply on that point so next one is uh the qualification and disqualification criteria for countless building you must be very clear what accounts should be excluded from your abm program and the same you know it’s it’s even more important for ads as well if you’ll be running if you’ll be paying linkedin for ads and you’ll be targeting the wrong accounts you’ll be just wasting your money on time and finally
(20:40) warm-up and activation campaigns the craziest mistake you can do when sales are working on let’s say one list of accounts and marketing for example is targeting with the event service the ads completely different accounts this is the like the number one mistake that ruins the abm program and you need to avoid this at any price so how to grow your audience that’s the first point we need to focus on you have of course you have inbound approach basically people will be reaching out to you or connecting with you uh because
(21:21) of your content but as i mentioned we don’t need to rely solely on inbound process we need to have proactive outbound so you need to connect with these people and i suggest especially if you are reaching out to your icps i suggest you to be creative try to it’s again it’s not a shortcut it’s not a hack but keep in mind how can you you know cut through the noise how can you grab this attention it can be a personalized video it can be a personalized audio message or whatever so it’s not but again it’s not about setting up
(22:00) let’s say automation in expander with like high price integration and sending one photo to everybody just putting some first name it’s not the personalization personalization is when you’re checking the profile of your target account see the way what exactly you can say in your message and you know this is how you’re going to personalize why exactly you are reaching out what do you want to have from this let’s say connection that’s the key point here and uh it leads us to the second point warm-up and nurture target accounts
(22:36) for this purpose you need to have a diversified content strategy it means that if you have diff if you know if you have a complex buying committee let’s say if you are targeting enterprise accounts you might have six to seven or maybe even more people inside your buying committee so for this purpose you need to have diversified strategy because one profile can be targeted only one specific role and in this case you can see the real example so you need to create different let’s say uh content strategies to in this case
(23:10) you can see different strategy to cto and different strategy to ceo just because they these people have different interests they consume different content and you can’t you know satisfy both of the audiences that’s why the one profile should be focusing only on one specific job role and have the content strategy that is dedicated to this specific role next one once you have this in place again you need to have this proactive let’s say nurturing outreach or nurturing process and uh when when you know that let’s say you had a good post that is
(23:53) relevant to some of your target accounts or some of the target job roles from your uh buying from the buying committee of your target accounts you can reach out and say share this post and involve actually this accounts in the conversation and this is actually what you know lots of people are talking about by providing the value but all there is always a question what does it mean to provide the value for me basically when i know that something might be helpful and in this case i reach out to person and say uh by the way i noticed that your company
(24:28) provides i.t security and consulting services i recently published a case study how did i help a custom software development company to generate 300k and sales pipeline from one campaign so that might be valuable for you and i share a link to my linkedin post not the website and the reason why because i don’t uh let’s say i don’t try to keep uh to move that person from the platform this person stays on linkedin and they can immediately see the preview of that post in their inbox and see if it makes sense to them or no
(25:04) and basically if it’s indeed a valuable post it attracts their attention and they might check and this is actually the best part how you can start the conversations because if they are interested and i will share with you some examples later you can proceed and actually start on this remember this client-centric process you can start suggesting some of let’s say middle of the final bottom of the final content you can create a personalized content hub and you can track the content consumption and you can target these people with
(25:35) let’s say middle of the funnel or bottom of the final ads this is something that ricardo will share with you later next principle keep an eye on engagement and buying signals this is uh the next part in our let’s say demand generation funnel we need to leverage the linkedin intent data we can see uh the first of all we can use ip identification website like lead feeder albacross happy release there are a bunch of solutions up to you which one you’ll be using you can see what companies visited your website what
(26:08) exactly they consumed on your website and if you are running on linkedin ads for example or uh you have let’s say you have attached a case uh you have a case study and your call to action in your profile you can again add an utm link so you can see in let’s say ipa identification software where these people came from and based on this you can start retargeting them or reaching them out on linkedin and saying like let’s say ricardo uh if let’s say if ricardo is chief marketing officer at my target account i might reach out and say
(26:45) uh somebody from your team uh was interested in this case study and basically i checked your company this assumption that i feel i might share with you let me know if that sounds interesting to you i have this okay started on these results etc and basically uh can can build my outreach based on this the same you can see who checked your content who visited your profile and these are the best let’s say sources of intent data uh again this is something what i was describing oh let’s say if ricardo was working at m for the moon i might reach out and if
(27:23) i have seen that his team was visiting my system marketing course multiple times yeah then i can reach out that if if you have any questions on on this topic and you are wondering if it might be a good fit for your team and what results you can expect let’s have a like call i i’m eager you know to provide some ideas what might be the the results and we can see if this is a good fit for you so that’s an idea of this let’s say engagement triggers next one you can leverage certain signals and as well what we are sharing
(27:56) right now these principles can be uh applied to linkedin ads as well something that we shall add in our presentations based on this you can not only you know you cannot only start the proactive outreach again not pitching but outreach to connect and qualify this account and you can add this accounts to your linkedin ads uh campaigns to for further prospecting so next solution is software like bombard that provides you a list of companies on any given market that are interested in specific topics like in this case you can see the topics
(28:37) uh i i just selected several of them that’s uh related to the service services we are providing uh b2b marketing lead generation account based marketing account based sales development and this software actually attracts the same like alba crossover feeder they uh check the they have this ip identification and they see if somebody you know from let’s say this first company itaf was searching for these articles by clicking on this articles and consuming that content and the more people you know click these links the more people spend
(29:17) the time on this articles the high is the score and basically this is how they provide the average score and you might identify the accounts that are let’s say on a consideration or on the research stage they’re consuming that content and basically if you are let’s say providing account based marketing services then it totally makes sense to start connecting with these accounts follow the social signals quite often you can find the public available information at uh you know at your target accounts uh websites let’s say if you are
(29:55) let’s pretend you are running software development agency and uh you are collaborating with sas companies so you can that’s like a very specific example you can visit their website and almost all sales companies have public road maps so you can see the most voted features that audience expects and always they have you know the plan plan section the section and progress and the section with the completed list of features and then they have a section for the like submit a feature where you can submit your ideas and basically then you
(30:37) can you know sort this let’s say features by the requests by the demand and reach out to people and say hey let’s say i have noticed you guys at recruits uh have this request and basically i have a case study how to quickly implement this feature let’s have on this framework with this skill set just in two weeks let me know if this assumption that might be interesting to you something that might be available for you just an example of personalized outreach of personalized connection requests um the same you can you know follow
(31:10) these target accounts that’s why i mentioned you need to connect with the buying committee quite often they might post something you know something about their needs priorities initiatives and you can uh see if like if they are interested in something then you can again reach out with the same personalized approach sorry so the next principle is flipping outbound to inbound and this is why you start instead of pitching you start helping this is the key point and your goal in most cases you know all of us are running discovery calls before
(31:52) selling the process in bitter bit if you are not selling let’s say low ticket sales product then discovery calls are inevitable company wants to meet with you they want to share the challenges they want to see the solutions to their challenges or to their needs and your goal to learn to hear this from your target accounts and then create or present a personalized solution the most common mistake with the lots of companies you know when they receive a connection request or when they are connecting with somebody they immediately start pitching
(32:28) i suggest to flip out bound to inbound because it helps to qualify beforehand the target accounts and this is an example let’s say i connected with a target person and this person says thanks for connecting i have been meaning to practice and learn more about account based marketing looking forward to staying in touch and i say like hey happy to connect as well any specific questions you have i have lots of content on this topic and send some articles that might help and if this person belongs to my tier one or tier two target accounts
(33:03) then i create a personalized content hub for this company completely branded and i put some relevant materials in this content hub and i quite often record a video with sharing some let’s say some ideas i have for these people like and ask some questions have you guys tried this stuff at what’s let’s say at what point of your adm journey you are right now etc etc and i send this content hub just because it helps to track the content consumption i can see it you can see just a screenshot from docs and the software i was using before right
(33:41) now we partnered with another vendor so the content hub gives you and comprehensive data of the content consumption so you can see what exact content did they consume at what pages they spent the most time and this gives you a very like very good idea on how to follow up so these are basically priceless this is priceless data so let’s say if i know that ricardo spent let’s say two minutes on campaign orchestration i then i then can simply follow up and say ricardo actually quite often people asking me about the ibm campaign
(34:23) orchestration if you have the same question let’s have a free call um i can you know answer your questions and share my experience on how you usually orchestrate the abm campaigns and i can share some ideas you know that you can let’s say uh use at upstrass just to give you an idea and this is the best way to follow up this is the best way when you know that people spend 10 minutes 18 minutes one hour you need to define you know your let’s say your activation point or your engagement criteria then it means but basically of course if
(34:59) they spend 10 minutes it means they definitely might have some interest and if the person another one uh spent 13 seconds in your content hut it makes no sense to reach out uh uh suggest not not to reach out but suggest booking a call with you you can reach out and ask like what prevented this person to checking your content hub like was this person busy or whatever and this is the best way to remind about yourself in non-obtrusive way and it brings us to the next point start sales conversations without called
(35:36) pitching so this is what i have described and you can see the real follow-up let’s say i have sent the content hub and yeah i am sharing with you the screenshots from right from my inbox so i’m reaching out to that person and say did you have a chance to check the case study curious to hear your feedback and then as uh the person replies i’m sorry i haven’t i will read it right now thanks for reminding me that’s the best way so if you know that person didn’t visit your content hub or spend just 13 seconds and then was
(36:06) distracted or whatever then you just remind about yourself that’s that’s the best way and obviously you can see if the person has no idea who you are and what you do let’s pretend if we are skipping all the steps i’m sharing with you right now and you are just simply going to pitch the call then basically this person might be might like the worst case they will mark your request as spam and block you the best case for your day will simply start ignoring your messages so that’s that’s the real problem and you need to give
(36:38) an idea why you are following up so i’m saying in this case no worries at all the reason i sent a follow-up is that the case study is about the company from a similar industry as your company and i’m really curious if you found some insights that you can implement and basically based from this you can book discovery calls you can see like wow happy to hear if you the person replies yeah this like totally makes sense to me and then ask like if if you’d be interested we can jump next week on the call i will answer your
(37:10) questions and provide some ideas and the last principle i want to share with you before passing the mic to ricardo is that you should never stop nurturing there is a classic bull book called the ultimate sales machine by chad holmes and in this book he shared one of the best principles that describes the let’s say uh the any given b2b market he says that at in any given b2b market 97 percent not 97 of the companies are not ready to buy 52 percent of the companies on on the awareness stage where they’re just trying to find the
(37:58) challenges they might have and just learning more about some let’s say ideas or solutions that might help them 45 percent are companies that are in their research stage so they value their evaluating different solutions different ideas etc and only three percent are actively buying so that’s why most of the leads are not sales ready and you should never stop nurturing these leads and the best part if you’re applying this process we are sharing with you if you are doing this demand generation on linkedin if you have this
(38:32) diversified content strategy that is targeting different job roles then you have a fantastic opportunity to repurpose this content in your email nurturing sequence so keep in mind on linkedin you can reach out to the cold audience to people who have no idea who you are what’s your company i want what your product does and uh if your content gets traction on linkedin if you see the views by target accounts you know you can click on the views on that section and it will show 10 uh the top 10 companies by views if you got the attention of your target
(39:20) accounts if they were consuming your content if you got the engagement if you got and it’s not only about the likes or comments but if you got the messages from your target accounts or if you were sending these let’s say post to some of your target accounts and these people replied that yeah it totally makes sense it’s valuable for them then you know that you can repurpose this content in email nurturing sequences because the truth is that we all need to have the multi-channel approach not all people are active on linkedin not everybody is hanging out
(39:57) on linkedin all the day alone and is waiting when you’ll post something on linkedin that’s why you can validate your content on linkedin and later put it on nurturing sequences and you can create dedicated email nurturing sequences to different job roles just because you have this diversified content strategy and that’s the best way to nurture your target accounts and actually do the account based marketing on linkedin so this is one of the real time examples you can see i feel uh it’s like uh a little it’s it’s an all want it’s you can see
(40:32) the data from 2018 and 2019 uh but basically this is the best example for me so i had a chat with the person like at the end of 2018 about the marketing audit and later the ceo of that company he was on my lead nurturing sequence and you can see i basically made a screenshot that i was sending this uh let’s say marketing emails to that person it wasn’t like a generic follow-up hey i just wanted to check in did you think about me should we start the you know the conversation but basically i was sharing the content that is
(41:11) relevant to that person and after six months of nurturing this person replied to me so yeah it’s been a while since our call could you please send me an updates quote i’m considering to start working so that’s actually something that you need to keep in mind and these are the six key principles that will help to let’s say skyrocket your demand generation processes uh and improve the results of your abm campaigns now we have the second part where we are going to present you the linkedin ads and how they can help you
(41:47) to get better results from the uh ibm campaigns you’ll be running and i’m passing mike the recorder and let me know before ricardo will start let me know was it valuable and interesting for you just shy in the comments please awesome andre thank you very much i just have to stop sharing a screen so i can take over and then we can get started there we go thank you very much and then moving over to the webinar there we go so uh there’s three things that i really want to cover today so i know this is going to be really
(42:29) practical so the first thing that i really want to talk about is the three side linking strategy so if you think about linkedin what should you be thinking it from a strategic point of view also going to talk about a few of the misconceptions that still people have around the platform especially on the linkedin ad sites um also going to tell you why most ads are failing and luckily for you also show you how to fix them basically so you walk away today knowing what is the framework you need to be thinking about when running ads
(43:01) on linkedin and then also we’re going to get very very practical so i’m going to show you example campaigns things that work things that you should be trying and really getting out of this webinar thinking okay this is stuff that i can now you know do myself be my agency think about uh next steps and it’s really going to be really practical so if you stay until the end i’m just going to show you what what has worked for us and what you should be trying for your next campaigns all right getting started so the first topic is very simple
(43:30) three-sided linkedin strategy so andre really talked about a few things so if you think about linkedin or b2b in general on a linkedin strategy you’ll see on the left side is the b2b marketing strategy think about icps think about uh market segmentation that all needs to happen before you can start the real process on linkedin because you know just as any channel you need a strategy before you walk into the space and i think andre really mentioned a few things about inbound and outbound so outbound what are the emails or what are
(44:02) the uh what are the linkedin messages you should be sending towards your target audience then also inbounds talking about okay how do we how do we attract and create contents to attract and nurture our leads once we are connected so that’s the two topics that were really covered in the first part of the strategy now of course there’s a three part so if you think about linkedin there is album inbounds but there’s also ppc as what we call and ppc is a fancy term for pay-per-click which is basically a very fancy term for saying
(44:31) linkedin ads so these are the three things that uh we really want you to be aware of that you can cover and andre covered the first two and i’m really going to cover the last part which is the ppc side and how to run linkedin ads which can run same stainlessly which is a very difficult word to pronounce i just realized for your outbound and inbound campaigns so you can run in bandana but at the same time while you’re running your ppc ads um before we get started i just want to highlight a few things because i think
(45:01) there’s a lot of misconceptions about the platform especially about linkedin and most of the people believe that uh linkedin is super expensive when it when it comes to clicks and honestly i’ve seen very expensive campaigns where the highest cost per click was 97 euros just for one click so i’ve do you seen a lot of um i would say weird stuff happening on the platform um but there’s definitely opportunities where you can get really good cpcs comparable to other platforms like facebook or instagram if you do it right and this is actually
(45:37) an example you can basically see from the naming convention we are targeting payroll which is one of the most competitive industries because there’s high margins especially because we’ve done google ads for them as well and if you look at google ads it can up go up to 40 euros 50 years per click because they know the margins are so high in this industry so it’s a very competitive industry but still you can get cpcs of 50 cents one euro two euro on average when you do stuff right now on another thing is that there’s a
(46:08) misconception i know andre doesn’t like to talk about leads but there’s also something that you need to generate is demand and this is also part of the demand generations just just leads but also just running campaigns towards your target audience which we’ll be covering in a second but it’s also a misconception and i see this when agencies come in and say hey um you know this is not possible or it’s too expensive is that you can generate leads on on linkedin and this is basically screenshot from two of the campaigns that we’re running
(46:36) at uptrust where we can see over the course of years that we got about i would say 1200 leads in one account 900 leads across a few months uh so it’s definitely possible and i think a lot of people just have that misconception that it’s not possible at all now of course the next question will be yes well probably have an ad budget uh of salesforce i don’t know how much they spent but they i see them a lot on my feet uh where it’s it’s just outrageous to have that cost per lead and looking at this slide this is the
(47:07) same screenshot from a different campaign where you can see that the average cost per lead was a stable you can see some peaks going up and down but we had a stable cost per lead from november until january which is about three months a stable cost per heat of about 10 euros which is something similar you would see on different campaigns on different uh channels as well so if you do it right it doesn’t have to you know as andre likes to call it uh just send your money to linkedin there are actually opportunities to actually
(47:39) get this right and this is basically what we’re going to talk about today so this is another screenshot from some campaigns again this is a very competitive industry hr anything related to payroll and you can see that we had a stable cost per lead of about 11 euros 24 euros and a total of 344 leads coming across the period so it is definitely possible but i think you just need to know the tricks and and stuff and do things a little differently and i’ll show you exactly what we’ve been doing differently on how to get there basically
(48:10) now this is where the second part comes in uh is because why linkedin adds film most of the time and you know how to rock yours and this is really something i want to cover with you because i see so many ad accounts where it’s just a big mess and people don’t know how to run linkedin campaigns somehow so i really want to show you the framework that you need to be thinking about when you’re running campaigns now the framework i like to use is called oma oma stands for grammar and dutch but it’s basically just a reminder on
(48:43) how you should be thinking about creating campaigns and if you think about a campaign or a linkedin campaign in general there’s three things that you need to get right and three things you can actually change within your campaigns one is the audience so basically what’s the audience you’re selling towards we’ve talked about icps we talked about market segments we really need to know what is the audience that we’re targeting basically are we targeting the ctos are we targeting the ceos we all know that we have this dmu
(49:13) decision making unit that has multiple stakeholders that you need to influence so we need to think about what is that audience and what do they need now the other two things that we can cover because audience really honestly is the easiest part i mean i always say any donkey with a credit card can actually come in on linkedin and run ads because it’s so simple nowadays you just have to click an audience and say this is the job titles i want and boom you have your campaign live and ready um so picking an audience is not always
(49:43) the hardest part but i feel that the second two other the other two which is the message and the offer those are the ones that are the hardest part so what i want to cover is once you have the audience you’ll have to look at the offer and i think andre already talked about the uh that you need to have a content strategy for not just a general content strategy but a content strategy based on the personals or dmus that you want to target and based on your audience you’re going to think about what is the offer that you want to put forward and
(50:13) an offer and i’ll walk to that in a second is not start a free trial that is not what we call an offer and i’ll give you an example in a second what that means uh but the offer basically answers the question about how will you loop in the audience to gather the first touch points the first likes the first view is the first information from these people what is the offer that you’re gonna gonna put forward now based on that you’ll also have to think about a message and what i always see when when people put forward offers
(50:47) uh they say they have for example an e-book and they say this is the best e-book in the world that’s not the case so a message really consists of three main things one is the creative second is the angle and third is the copy and maybe angle and copy is not very clear for what difference is and i’m just gonna highlight this in the webinar so if you think about you have your audience let’s take a payroll manager you have your offer that’s called an ebook for now a payroll hr analytics ebook now based on that you can craft different creatives so for
(51:21) example you can have a a child screaming saying this is the best ebook ever and you can have a banana picture basically those are different creatives just to visualize that in your head but based on that you also have what is called angles and copy so copy is you know describing what the offer is all about but the angle is what is most of the time missed in the in the whole communication scheme because most of the marketeers they start from the ebook and say well i have an ebook i haven’t actually read it so i’m just gonna say this is an ebook
(51:53) about payroll analytics get it now and that’s just the shittiest offer you can think about and i’ll give you straightforward examples and following slides on how to cr craft really good offer as well but the angle is really what is called the concept of the campaign so when you’re crafting your campaigns i really want you to think about creatives angle and copy and the angle is basically how are you going to put that offer forward basically so i always give the example of blueberries because once i was explaining it and i had blueberries
(52:26) for breakfast and i had them next to me so it was the best way to explain it is that if you think about blueberries and let’s take the offer let’s say that the offer is if you buy one blueberry you get one for free and you put that into the market but you can use different angles to communicate around that offer one angle could be hey blueberries is super healthy for you so in order to become the super healthy person that you want to be you should get this offer because you’ll get two blueberries and you’ll become the healthy version of
(52:58) yourself this is a completely different angle than picking for example blueberries is good for you know pimples for example so you if you are you know if you have a lot of pimples on your face just making something up if you have a lot of pimples on your face well blueberries is one of the best things that you can consume because it has xyz basically and so if you want to get rid of your pimples well you have blueberries so you can see that the exact same offer which is buy one get one free blueberries can be put into the market completely
(53:30) different and so when crafting campaigns i really want you to think about what are the different message angles i can put forward and the benefits that they can get from this but in a different way and pronouncing it so you can see what is the best thing that works for your market and your offer all right now that we know the emu or the oma framework we’re going to head over to the offer and what i try to always communicate and as i actually made a post about this on linkedin is i have never ever seen a campaign
(54:04) where you run a cold audience so basically people that have never heard about you asking for a free trial or a demo like i have never seen it in my entire career running and i’ve seen it so many times already passing by and i still don’t understand why people do this maybe from a retargeting point of view it kind of makes sense but really running cold audiences and asking for a free trial or a demo it just doesn’t make sense and the funny thing is that’s especially in the sas industry we always see like yeah but
(54:33) i mean once they experience a product they’ll just blow their mind and like yeah but they don’t want to do that right now that’s not what they’re looking for right now they don’t want to sign up to your product demo uh they’ll just want to first be educated so if you’re crafting an offer be a customer and ask yourself what’s in it for me and if the answer is not hey this is actually really beneficial for me then the answer should be this is not a great offer now that is the coming to the question is that what type of content do you need
(55:04) um for linkedin for linkedin ads and specifically i think andre spoke about this is crafting your content based on the bofu mofo tofu example so you have your bottom out of file contents middle of the funnel content and topolo funnel content a few examples are for example podcasts as top of the funnel middle of the funnel or ebooks or how-to videos and then bottom of the funnel is you know really case studies uh book a trial all those kind of things before and you’ll see that based on how high you go inside the
(55:36) pyramids the higher or the lower the friction it gets so if you think about promoting a case study around hey this company we did a case study around you know with this company and i’m gonna promote it most of the times it really won’t work because you have high friction not a lot of people are looking forward to getting to reading a case study on a sunday evening that’s not what they’re looking for so this is why most of the time you’ll need to find a balance between what is high friction what is medium friction and what is low friction and
(56:06) most of the time where you see the sweet spots is really between the high friction and the medium friction so really crafting content that is still at the bottom of the funnel but it’s still a little bit of a medium friction i’ll give you an example uh right after to give you some concrete examples on how this would look like basically so if you think about linkedin ads you can just come in and say okay i actually have this you know beautiful landing page created by my amazing designer to create to to book a demo it’s not
(56:36) gonna work so you need to have something that is in the middle of a medium friction to high friction in order to get those customers through um and i love this slide i just keep on using it i just love it because if you think about the message and we spoke a little bit about the angles and the message uh what i see most companies miss is the fact that they always talk about uh the thing the i mean this is the ebook this is a hr analytics ebook and nobody cares about your ebook and nobody cares about uh what is what
(57:10) what the customer is that you need to think about what can your ebook or your template or whatever it is do to become the super awesome mario who can do rat as you can see on the slides and you really need to think about if you’re crafting your message is not this ebook contains xyz but with this ebook you’ll be able to do this amazing fireballs that you’re going to slay the dragons with so if you think about your message don’t think about what’s in the e-book think about how it benefits the end user on becoming the really awesome maxi
(57:48) mario i think it’s maximum i actually don’t know uh the maxi mario who can shoot fireballs and and become the hero he wants basically so this is really cree when he’s crafting your message as well now let’s get a little bit really really practical so what i want you to get from this is really examples on how to do this yourself and also think about you know your next campaign on you know this is a possibility for us that we can do so i it surprises me that in when people run linkedin ads they don’t know this feature and it’s a very
(58:22) very old feature but what you can basically see if you pull up all your campaigns and click on all your campaigns you can basically pull up demographic reports and when i coach link on linkedin as i see that not a lot of people are actually aware that once you run ads you can actually perfectly see what kind of companies were seeing your ads and who what kind of companies were actually clicking on your ads and you can see this on a campaign group level you can see this on one specific ad you can basically zoom in into a lot of things and say
(58:54) okay this company actually saw this type of content so you can run your abm and we talked about triggers and we’re gonna talk about triggers very concretely in the next slides but if you think about it from an abn perspective you can basically see what kind of companies are engaging the most now the fun thing is this is actually an outdated feature i’ll be showing you a new feature which launched in 2021 to get a very detailed view on this same thing here based on you can see the companies but you can actually also see the job titles
(59:25) you can see the demographics you can see what kind of video they were looking at you can see how long the videos were completed so you can basically get some really good insights on what type of segments that you’re reaching within your dmu are actually interested in the type of content that you’re putting forward now andre talked about uh search intent so bombora for some uh that don’t know bamboo is basically a website where you can get intense data so they gather data from across the whole web and they see which type of company is
(1:00:00) looking for what kind of solutions i would say so what you can do is go to bombora talk to one of their sales and actually this one we actually got completely for free so sometimes actually make mistakes and they actually send you a few samples or actually the entire list for free and it gives you an id on for example people that are looking for uh hr software or people that are looking for um you know accountant software so they have that data and they also know the company size this is actually a sheet that you’re going to get back
(1:00:32) from bambora which basically says what is the company name what is the main what is the company size what is the industry that they’re in their average score the topic count and the topic count delta so just on for people that don’t know what the average scores are so a company search basically is basically people that are looking for a specific topic compared to their historical baseline so that ranges between 0 and 10 and a score of 50 equals the average consumption so you can see for example this company nhs national services were
(1:01:03) actually looking for global payroll solutions uh recently and they have a really nice course so these are companies and you have now that intent data and now it’s about using that intent data and this is a practical example of what you’re going to get if you talk to member and getting uh getting a nice deal out of it we actually got it for free so maybe you can score it as well if you talk to a smart salesperson at the bombora as well uh second one is uh is website signals so we talked about ip identifier service
(1:01:35) like albacross like lead feeder zoom info there’s so many ip identifier tools out there i’m just using all the calls because we used to run ads for them as well um but in albacron’s you’re basically able to export certain companies whether is their you know what were they looking at how are they looking at it um you know what kind of content were they consuming and you can export that data and i’ll show you exactly what to do with it exported data because one is knowing the data but the other thing is also how to use the data
(1:02:06) which i’ll explain to you in a second so you can also use website signals to create audiences that basically you can target on linkedin as well and of course what you also have is social signals and social signals i identify as how do you listen to the web how do you listen to the web to understand what kind of companies are looking for what specific thing basically so a very concrete example is that i want you to think about certain triggers that happen in the life of a company in order for people to think huh i
(1:02:42) actually need a solution like this so in the very concrete example when you look at global payroll when when is the moment that they are starting to look for a new payroll solution is basically when merging happens so when a company x buys a company y they will reconsider the whole process of okay what kind of software are we going to use what kind of crm system are we going to use are we going to blend the systems together are we not are we looking for a more global solution more local solution so when that moment happens
(1:03:15) you can actually capture those moments from the internet and think about i’m going to use that data in order to run campaigns because i’m listening to what is happening on the web and i want you to think about for your own company what are what we call the social signals to understand what a company is going through and when they kind of need your services or they need your software basically in order to run that those campaigns and for example here for us we have a website called tenders electronic daily where we can get and
(1:03:44) actually scrape an entire list of all the companies that have merged in the past xyz days in order to run campaigns because we know these are people that we can target because they’ll be looking for a solution in the coming months weeks or even days and from there is what you can do is you can create an upload list of companies with buying signals or icps so that is a lovely thing about it so i showed you how to get a bamboora list or anything related to getting intent data from you from the website from bambora
(1:04:17) or even from just social signals and those are the lists that you can actually start uploading inside linkedin this is also the template you’ll get from linkedin and the stuff that you need to know so the company name the company website linkedin company page and the stock symbol now sometimes some services will give you just the company name sometimes just a company website sometimes they’ll give you everything that you need to know um and i do know that sometimes that’s actually manual work so making that list thinking about okay
(1:04:49) what kind of you know companies are we going to put in there um and and finding all the relevant information it does take some time and the reason why i’m saying it takes time because i’ve done it before manually uh and i don’t want to do it again uh so what we usually do and i’m just giving you the back end process for us on how things work at us is what we do is we send out briefings to va so this is johannes this is my va back in the philippines uh please don’t steal him he’s mine working very nicely together and what we
(1:05:20) do with him is i’m just showing you the back-end process here is that we should send a briefing using loom lumi is a video recording software which we use in order to brief anybody basically in our team and we use loom to basically say look uh johannes i want you to go to this website and take this and we basically give him one example on what he should be doing and from there once he knows the process he can basically run the process on himself so what we do is we send him a briefing we give him a document and then from
(1:05:50) there of course we ask if you have any questions please let us know the reason why i’m giving you this is because this might become a dangerous process and the better you can actually tell to linkedin what kind of data you want to upload the better it is also since uh recently linkedin can actually tell you what kind of companies it matched and what kind of companies it didn’t match so it will give you back the data saying okay if you want to uh if you want to also upload this company you probably need to change or add a few things so you’ll
(1:06:20) know that from linkedin as well so this is if you need some support from the backend system as well and sometimes you just automate a few tasks like for example maybe some of you actually got an invite from me um for this linkedin webinar um and you might be thinking hey ricardo has a lot of time to invite all of these lovely people i’m very sorry but i didn’t so i use for example tool called phantombuster in order to send bulk events to this event and as you can see it kind of worked because we had 19 people i think on monday and now we have
(1:06:57) about 156 people so i used this process in order to automate a few uh nice things to to this webinar um and then i had andre which was my lovely companion to send out a few and actually i’m kind of wondering who actually came to this webinar through an invite on linkedin and we saw the invite on linkedin and actually showed up i’m actually curious to see in the chats who actually came through this automated process uh in order to get to the webinar funnel um so just let me know in the chat i’d love to see that one as well
(1:07:34) um so just to know is that what you can do so once you upload once you have a bombora list or you have your social signal list or you have your website list you can basically start uploading them and seeing what kind of match rate they have so i’m just gonna move this a little bit up there we go you can see what the match rate is and you can basically see this is for example the bambora list that we set up and you’ll see just take into consideration that it will basically say in the beginning that your audience is too small just a
(1:08:04) pro tip because i used to freak out about this in the beginning but it’s all fine you’ll be uploading the list and it takes about 24 to 48 hours to in order for linkedin to start the matching process and actually finish the matching process and it will keep saying audience is too small don’t change anything just wait for it and normally it really if you have more than 300 companies inside it will start to match great and will give you a lot of data but i’m just saying 300 companies but most of the time it’s really focused on can
(1:08:33) linkedin find 300 or more members from this company or any company and if that’s the case that should be fine as well of course it doesn’t make sense to upload one company just run a campaign with it and this is what i wanted to say on the new feature and i see that in not all camping or not all accounts is this active but i see that i would say 80 to 90 percent of the campaigns or on the accounts i that i manage those this feature has now become active which is called company engagement reports something very new that if you upload
(1:09:06) lists from any you know any channel anything you uploads you’ll be able to see what is called company engagement report so this is reports uh from from an account where you can basically see what is the company name what is the engagement level what is the members that you’re targeted in certain campaigns what kind of campaigns are actually targeting this specific company uh and see what impressions ad engagement organic engagement and website visits you got from running those campaigns so basically you’re now able to see on an abn perspective and
(1:09:39) basically if you upload your favorite list you can now pull data seeing what kind of engagement level that you know my my preferably target audience gets or actually not just target audience but also company audience that is in there and this is i showed this yesterday to and uh to one of our clients and they were just blown away that they can actually get this information to give the to the salespersons and say okay now that we know that there’s so much engagement level happening for this specific company let’s reach
(1:10:08) out and do an outbound campaign based on these companies because we know now the engagement level is a medium or high now it’s time to reach out and make sure that sales is following up basically and this is also what andre is was talking about flipping the outbound to the inbound and going from inbound all the way to outbound so using this new feature in order to navigate to your album campaigns as well um i do have to warn it’s not perfect yet so i ran a lot of issues with it as usual linkedin tries to copy the entire
(1:10:43) platform of facebook and it always ends up in some hacky way um so as you can see they’re trying to escalate a few things technical escalations all the way so if you uh don’t see or you get an internal server error don’t worry i’ve actually had this a lot of times so just be patient as linkedin tries to solve it in a few months or weeks inside your account you’ll be able to see it um i’m not gonna run through the whole thing but i just want you to know the criteria in order to see your linkedin engagement report because sometimes people wonder
(1:11:15) hey this is not working for me this is the slides you’ll get after this webinar to identify and understand why maybe your engagement report is not working out but a few things that you do need to know is that you need to have at least matched about 300 linkedin members so if you’re uploading very small companies it won’t make sense but mostly if you’re running abm that’s not going to be the case and i think also one important one is that the art shaft or archived companies that you cannot archive any um any of your lists in or
(1:11:49) in the last six months so it needs to be active ready or updating otherwise it won’t be able to show your your account or in your account basically and of course one of your campaigns has targeted members who work for companies in the last 90 days very important but anyways you’ll receive the slides after the webinar so you can basically understand if something goes wrong just have this checklist before you basically um and then a few things that have worked so one of the things that we always try to say is okay what what are things that
(1:12:17) are really working in this space and nobody actually wants to share these things and one of the things that we’ve been doing very well or which way i enjoy as well is running specific campaigns towards specific audiences but also with a great offer and this is where the offer is basically the ceo wrote a book he’s he has this amazing book that he wrote about the company culture um at his company and also how he managed the company culture and instead of paying 20 euros for it well now basically it’s zero euros it’s a great
(1:12:50) offer for people in hr in order to get acquainted with the company but also reading around the content and of course you know based on what the answers are we’re gonna distribute a few of the books um you know to towards the relevant companies are coming in so we upload a list of target companies we want and of course there is the great offer that you can now win this book instead of paying 20 euros you’ll be paying zero euros for this book another thing that i wanted to mention on one of the examples is once you find content you need to
(1:13:25) find a trigger between what is high friction and medium friction we talked about it in the content friction funnel but you’ll need to find content that is not too high in the funnel like a podcast it could be really really high in the funnel because you know if you have a podcast about international payroll solutions what the future about is it can be really high level so sometimes you’re targeting and getting a lot of leads or a lot of engagement around it but those people are so far in the funnel that maybe for
(1:13:53) your sales people it will be very hard to convert so one example of what has worked before is for example what we call an rfp template an rfp template for people that don’t know this is the request for proposal and this is when bigger companies need to decide on for example a crm or or any big software they’ll create a template of all questions that need to be happening or what the criteria is for them in order to find uh you know a certain software tool and they need to find those questions and this is when you get to the mindset of hey
(1:14:27) i need to have content for my comp for my target audience inside that medium to high friction and rfp templates is a great example because if people download an rfp template most of the cases they’re actually looking into getting certain software or certain solution basically for them or or they’re inside their their journey of finding a solution so it’s really in the middle ground of really being very valuable but also be at the bottom baltimore funnel so it’s like a content piece that isn’t too high in funnel
(1:14:59) but also not too low in the funnel in order to convert basically um and then also things that worked uh very well is the conversation ads i don’t feel a lot of people actually are running conversation ads on linkedin at uh right now uh they’re mostly in mail ads or or just sponsored content because i think that’s the easiest part as well but conversation ads is something that’s really skyrocketed for us and we’re actually almost using it at every single track is to run conversations because the ad space for it because not a lot of people
(1:15:29) are actually using it uh there’s still a lot of ad space to buy for your target audience and it’s also because it’s not um it’s not on the feet because most ads that are run are on the feet or on the screen that people see but in this case it’s basically really targeting another i would call channel or a different area where your customers is behaving which is the inbox uh and conversation ads is definitely something i would recommend for most companies because it’s very personal it does show up of course as a little
(1:15:58) bit sponsored but if you get it right you can really get some really interesting results from it so conversation that’s definitely something you should try out as well for your company um one of the things as well uh is is running album campaigns towards likers and engagers so i do see and we ran about the strategic part which is outbound inbound and and basically ppc ads but for me in my ideal world and i know this is very hard but in the ideal world you have these three in sync so the outbound persons and the inbound persons are
(1:16:30) talking to the ppc managers or the ads managers in order to get this 360 view on what kind of companies are engaging what kind of companies are really you know top performing when it comes to not just converting because it’s easy to see the leads inside your funnel but sometimes it’s also very hard if they don’t convert them they’re not in your crm system they’re still somewhere there so you’re still targeting them so one is the of course the engagement reports because i showed already but also uh what people don’t really see most of
(1:17:01) the times is the likes and the comments the likes in the comments is definitely something that you should be watching out for as a marketeer in order to understand hey there’s actually interesting people that are commenting or liking or tagging certain people so if you think about it from this perspective inika on the left or barbara attacked inika and if inika is an interesting profile for you to reach out to this is something that you need to start communicating back to your album or your salespersons in order to say hey this person actually
(1:17:30) tagged one of the ads and it was around this topic around getting your payroll service uh inaccuracies so this is something you can start talking about uh in your album campaigns and this is where andre started talking about flipping the funnel going from inbound all the way to outbound and making sure that you’re leveraging the data from the three parts um something very interesting that you won’t be able to see is the conversation that’s andre i hear some noise in the background there we go perfect um so if you run
(1:18:10) your ads and your conversation ads the interesting part and this is something a lot of people know in their ads accounts is you can click on them and see flow charts so you’re basically able to see what kind of flow was actually best performing for you when you’re running conversation ads you can basically see who clicked on the interested i am interested button for example you can see how many people clicked on the rfp template and then basically see what kind of flow works best for you in order to run your campaigns and
(1:18:36) optimize your campaigns as well so this is also some insights you can get and for me the the real goal and not just from linkedin but i think any channel um where you’re running ads is really to understand the platform is to really get some really insights on what are the possibilities of the platform and then really get creative and this is one example where i drank one beer maybe two um and i started thinking and having a chat with an sdr saying well linkedin you know why can’t we just you know target specific people
(1:19:10) on linkedin because they clicked on their ads and my answer was gd ppr and we went back and forth a little bit around this but i started thinking about well actually if you think about it from a perspective of an ads manager linkedin will not tell you the exact same person that show you’re at but from the linkedin pixel they’ll they’ll know exactly who visited if you visit my website the linkedin pixel is activated and i will not know that you visited my website but linkedin does know and we use this to leverage uh this in our
(1:19:43) ads so this is for example an ad where michael uh was actually running a campaign and this is what it’s actually a retargeting campaign uh saying this is targeted to people that have visited certain specific pages on the website and reaching back out of to them and as a personalized message but actually we don’t know that they are actually visiting but we pretend to say we know that you visited so the copy goes a little bit like hey there maxine notices visited our website upgrade.
(1:20:11) com but never actually said hi this is why i figured i would start saying hello first and the copy goes about you know knowing that the problem is at two percent of visitors actually the contact details and the rest actually doesn’t leave contact details so i this is why i want to reach out first and this is for example an ads that got picked up by max saying example of the right marketing because you’re basically addressing one specific copy towards a situation because max was on the website visiting certain things and he’s being
(1:20:41) retargeted with a very specific ads towards his needs basically so for me the goal if you linked in linkedin ads you need to understand what are the possibilities of the platform and from there really get creative on how to leverage that data and how to leverage that for your ad campaigns now i always say i’m very big fan of tracking i need to track everything i need to know business volume leads all that stuff i need to know those things otherwise i don’t function very well and i also do this in my personal life
(1:21:13) because recently i figured out after having a corona in december is that after being i think it was hospitals for a week back in december and my personal health was just completely and not good i would say so i figured out okay you know let’s get it back on track and figure out what are the kpis i need to be looking for in order to get my weight back under control and really go towards the target and i think if you think about it from a b2b marketing campaign you do the same thing you have two kind of kpis one is the
(1:21:47) leading kpis and one is the lagging kpi so leading kpis for me for example is how many times did i sport today what is the food that i ate what is the alcohol i consumed what is the water i was drinking these are really leading kpis it’s not it’s things like leads mqls all that stuff those are things that could indicate that i’m going to be losing weight because these are the metrics for me if i control these rights i’ll be able to control my weight and actually get to my goal that i want and for b2b marketing is the same you’ll
(1:22:16) need to be not just measuring leads because if you measure leads like undress set you won’t be able to get very far you need to be measuring leads as a leading kpi but it’s not the overall metric you need to be looking at your lagging kpis which is basically deal value pipeline revenue pipeline velocity all those metrics those are the things that you should also be measuring as a marketeer running b2b and abm campaigns um and this is an example what happens if you don’t measure all the way so this is a what’s up conversations is
(1:22:51) richie’s screenshot where we said hey um this is uh this is a screenshot i got where uh the mark there said look we got a lead actually an mql that came true and sales spoke to him and the actual value of the lead or the mql is worth 460 000 euros basically um and i was like oh nice and i went back to my campaigns because we are able to measure all the way end to end and i replied i said really cool came in through a message ads as mentioned before on linkedin which were targeting payroll job titles we switched off the campaigns because of
(1:23:28) the high cpl which was 35 years at that then i’ll switch them back on and this is where sales and marketing read the lines between each other you need to be able to measure all the way down the line because if you don’t measure all the way down the line you don’t know it is a c p l of 35 high maybe yes compared to other things but if they bring in leads that are actually turning into customers with deal value of 460 euros 35 euros is actually peanuts if you think about it so you need to have that feedback loop to
(1:23:58) just look at your leading kpis but also your lagging kpis to finish a few things i want to say that you there are some advanced targeting tips which i always try to use things that you can just implement today because i’ve been using them for every single campaign first of all a lot of things that are not excluding is unless you’re targeting job seekers try to exclude job seekers to avoid targeting people who are not longer that at the company sometimes you’re running campaigns and you think i have this beautiful lead that came in
(1:24:30) he’s working for xyz and then later on sales comes back to you and says well he actually left the company he’s looking for a job he’s not working at the company anymore so try to exclude job seekers because sometimes you’ll be uh mesmerized about hey i have so many leads coming from this company and they’re all job seekers that’s not something you want to be targeting on uh exclusive competitors they’re just you know avoid clicking on their ads because you know linkedin ads could be expensive just try to avoid it and just
(1:24:58) exclude them also use seniority instead of age or years of experience so what i always try to do is seniority because linkedin doesn’t really always know what your age is unless you give it to them they kind of guess it based on how many years of experience you have um so that’s why i always try to use seniority because they have a better sense of the seniority and not of the years of experience and then also a thing that is always on and i hate it for linkedin for it is the audience expansion so if you create a campaign it will always be
(1:25:31) ticked on the audience expansion and i always try to switch it off just for a reason that if you want to target specific companies why would you want to say to linkedin but you know you can target these kind of audiences but you can also target a million others if you want if you see some similarities uh in a platform where you’re able to decide so well what you want it really doesn’t make sense to write try to avoid and and expand your audiences especially not in an abn strategy um and to finish um just to know that you can actually learn all of
(1:26:04) this to all the things that we’ve mentioned and also i think have the book here which is actually next to me um which are the abm playbook course the linkedin ads masterclass course of mine and also the linkedin content marketing book which are actually now in a promotion so usually it’s called is 650 euros and today we’re actually giving it away for a 350 which is basically a discount basically to learn everything and then the abm play because we’re really going to target anything about the mindset the strategy
(1:26:36) warming up campaigns to run your entire program then from there in the linkedin ads masterclass you’re going to learn everything that goes around how to create beautiful ads that convert and then of course the linkedin content marketing book you learn how to run outbound inbound campaigns that convert so if that’s something that you’re interested in uh chat as well um and we’re just gonna run through it because basically this is an offer that stands until the fifth of april so you need to pay the full price if you’re ever
(1:27:10) interested in this again i also see that some people i’m just gonna come back i also see that some people are actually also uh from the course i actually also joined so i’m super happy to see that as well uh that that some people that joined the courses already are joining here as well and i just want to thank everybody for being here i know it was a lot of information i’ll be sending over the slides and also some information around uh you know the webinar recording and yeah if you have questions we’re here uh we went a little bit over time which
(1:27:40) is basically half an hour over time i’m very sorry for that but i know it was a lot of information so if you have any questions left we can actually answer one to one around anything that you want to know around abm or linkedin ads we’ll be happy to to chat about and meanwhile i would like to ask you guys to share quick feedback in the comments was it valuable for you what i take aways or insights from this webinar so always curious to hear your feedback that’s the first thing and the second one uh would you be able
(1:28:15) to turn off your turtleneck actually a camera i would like to make a collective picture of all of us you need to figure yes of course i always it’s always pleasure to see all these great people all this fellow full funnel beautiful marketers and yeah that’s that’s a pleasure to have a collective picture so yeah thanks a lot guys for turning them on yeah eureka looks always the best on the pictures you know whenever we meet with you krakow antwerp you’re always the most the guy with the beautiful smile it’s the hair man it’s the hair
(1:29:10) guys thanks a lot for attending our workshop if you have any questions uh you you can always reach us out on linkedin on twitter you can join our facebook community i drop the link in this chat and i will be sending the recording as well i will add these links i will add the link to this let’s say easter easter linkedin bundle and yeah i wish you happy holidays and see you on the future events cheers
The video dives into LinkedIn-based Account-Based Marketing (ABM) strategies that focus on building meaningful engagement with target accounts. The main emphasis is on creating a shift from traditional, company-centric marketing methods to a client-centric approach, enhancing buyer engagement, and using personalized strategies to nurture leads and increase conversion rates. This approach is particularly effective for B2B businesses with high-ticket, complex sales cycles.
Key Takeaways
A client-centric approach significantly improves the chances of meaningful engagement compared to generic outreach. LinkedIn’s demand generation funnel starts with awareness, using content and profile optimization to draw in potential leads. Effective ABM on LinkedIn involves building relationships with key members of the buying committee, leveraging demand generation content, and employing engagement triggers. Personalized, inbound interactions replace cold outreach, ensuring prospects feel valued and understood. Incorporating intent data from tools like Bombora, alongside LinkedIn’s targeting capabilities, can further refine audience engagement.
By building a diverse content strategy that speaks to each role in a buying committee, marketers can effectively nurture relationships and influence decision-making. LinkedIn’s newer features, like the Company Engagement Report and Conversation Ads, offer advanced insights and engagement avenues, allowing for more strategic ABM campaigns.
This approach to LinkedIn-based ABM allows B2B companies to flip the typical sales funnel, creating a more natural and impactful buyer journey. By aligning LinkedIn content, inbound strategies, and paid ads, marketers can nurture leads through a tailored experience that resonates with their unique needs and buying signals. This strategy ultimately results in more qualified leads, better engagement, and a stronger, trust-based relationship with potential clients.