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ABM on LinkedIn: how to create awareness & demand in target accounts

ABM on LinkedIn: how to create awareness & demand in target accounts

Video Transcript

(00:12) hey guys and Welcome to our regular full final event so today as we usually do on a monthly basis we are going to share with you and updated version of our ABM on LinkedIn framework and uh as promised we want to share with you the complete framework the core pillars of it and basically uh we have five items in our agenda we want to explain to you the LinkedIn ecosystem and how to leverage it to create awareness and generate demand we want to demonstrate you if we can apply the world funnel we don’t like that much that well but anyhow we are

(00:56) full funnel company right so we need to use it somewhere so we are going to share with you how to create a limited in demand generation funnel at least the way how we look at and even if it will be looking linear just believe me it’s not linear size just the way how we explained these things but step by step next we’ll present the sad leadership frame or credit and how to create content fast to end the most important thing the expert content right the content that generates demand for your product and your services and how you can do it eve

(01:33) in case if you are not subject matter expert and if you don’t have access to subject matter experts inside the organization right because this one of the questions that we are going where I get up quite often with swady also we want to present how to recognize the buy and signals and engaged accounts and though today I believe mostly marketers uh joining us right this assumption that you can share with your sales team you can explain uh to them how to use the signals and this is basically how you can create account based experience in

(02:11) your organization right when everybody is involved and finally we want to wrap it up was present and the planning how to organize this process how to make it an organized operation not a chaotic process just avoid you know the biased opinion that all you need to do is post something and the leads will come obviously it doesn’t work that way so as always uh uh I’m running webinars with my Dr co-founder Vladimir who is joining me from signing Valencia and as always a question to you guys where you all joining us from sharing the chat

(02:56) here Barcelona Lebanon Nashville Bruno Madrid rots love South Wales Orlando here very cool radical again love to see our International audience here and uh also guys uh this time the webinar would be very interactive so I will be involved in you that would be let’s say we treat it as a community event we don’t want to make a boring you know monologue sharing educational content no that should be where all together should have some fun obviously that would be 100 educational so you need to come out with something

(03:48) that you can apply but also we rely on you and we want to involve you to make it interactive and um funny so that being said let’s kick it off and let’s start with how the most B2B companies run account based marketing on LinkedIn so I selected some examples right before this webinar I don’t want to because probably you have sent from our content right that most companies are doing the Gated content and then sales are then outrage I just collected the recent examples to explain exactly how most companies treat an

(04:25) account based market and unlimited when we are asking them right the traditional setup is want to many display ads or promoted posts based on a known challenge right so because I had uh the forward started full I had my company in Poland and probably some of you know that I’m Health polish Health Ukrainian I saw this ad right so the app is invoice and will become mandatory for all businesses in Poland from 2024 but the truth is the number one mistake here I closed my polish LLC three years ago so I don’t

(05:05) own it but just because I had that title right and that I was living in Krakow these companies are still targeting me and they’re doing this for all people I believe who have um the target title CEO founder whatever right anything that is related to C plus right Executives they have they know the problem that’s uh the companies will be using invoice and they try to onboard me that page the truth is that when I was running where digit anyhow another digital space right and I already had uh I I already had a solution many years

(05:47) ago for investment there are some nothing new I was fed off of first basically paperwork so uh uh the app was completely irrelevant to me right and the second one is uh that I have no clue about this company so there is no warm up there is no nurturing but basically what these companies are trying to do they want to accumulate a bunch of accounts based on titles and regions and run these display ads Trend and whenever whenever somebody will engage with the ad right then um this person should either book a call

(06:25) book a demo or somehow interact right and the companies will track all the interactions and send this to sales and what sales are supposed to do they supposed to say I’d like to join your network and Via software development company was I haven’t just used the recent example I didn’t have an example from that company right but this is exactly what the companies are supposed to do they say hey I want to join your network but the only one reason I want to join your network is because I is growing and probably you guys have

(07:00) some money on your bank account that you need to basically give my company right because I am business development manager I have my sales quota so I just need to sell you so I’m just kidding a little bit but that’s the reality right so one too many apps and automated Outreach to everybody at home engages the relative of that process miserable Pipeline and miserable marketing Source Revenue companies are struggling to heat on Revenue quota and these are not uh this uh you might say that you might be biased and but I’m not biased because

(07:37) recently we uh launched the state of all funnel market and report and if you have if you guys have attended it right we did it on the 5th of April uh we presented some uh preliminary results interviewing almost 200-bit tech companies and this is exactly one of the things most companies stated right that this this framework this setup doesn’t work so uh I think enough to share the bad things we all know that’s a linear funnels linear approaches don’t work let’s move to the most interesting part right how should companies run ABM on

(08:19) LinkedIn so at this point I’m sharing microphone to my dear co-founder and I will check the chat and answer your questions all right hello everybody from Valencia and let’s dive into the framework if you can move on to the next slide Andre yeah of course so I’m just going to give you an overview of the framework because we are going to dive into more details and as you know we are big fans of full funnel marketing it’s even in our name and essentially what you can see on this diagram uh on our IBM on LinkedIn
(08:56) framework is that like with any full funnel framework you have activities to generate awareness and demand um with Target accounts so what you see in the mill is we are generating awareness and demand and we want to generate eventually also sales qualified opportunities with Target accounts impacting the different buyers in the Target accounts this is ABM after all but because LinkedIn is a social network we also influence people who are uh who our targets audience trusts and follows right so that’s what you see in the
(09:35) middle we generate awareness and demand and as a result of generating awareness and demand we have we basically can observe that using engagement and in 10 triggers and why LinkedIn is especially awesome when it comes to engagement and authentic triggers is that you can observe them on an individual level so not just on the level of the account but on the level of the person and then we focus we use those engagement 10 triggers to prioritize the accounts that are showing engagement and intent and start accelerating that demand and
(10:16) capturing it using a number of different activities so that’s kind of a big overview of the framework and we’re going to dive into details now we don’t have the time to dive into all the details we wanted to take kind of the 80 20 like the 20 of activities that will generate 80 percent of results and because Andrei promised you so we have to do it Andre promised you that will make it interactive will take a bit more time but hopefully will be also much more impactful and entertaining for you all right so let’s start with the number
(10:51) one core pillar uh we call it thought leadership on LinkedIn essentially it is about sharing a standout expertise content that on the one hand is real is very much related to what your buyers are struggling with it’s answering the questions that they have as they move through the buyer journey and on the other hand it is demonstrating your expertise it has an opinion it has a point of view it is related to the way that your unique way of approaching their problems and you know related obviously also to your solution right so
(11:34) that’s why we call it thought leadership content to make a difference between just sharing any content for the sake of Engagement or sharing you know content which is unfortunately how a lot of B2B companies do it which is basically self-promotional content about their company company news maybe content about their product etc etc and as you can see there is a lot of awareness and demand that is being generated by that so with that I just wanted to ask you like how many of you have actually learned about full
(12:10) funnel by seeing content that we share online so please let us know in the chat if this is how you learn about us or otherwise I’m curious if that’s not the case I would like to hear how you heard about us otherwise but I see a lot of okay there was one referral there was one referral but the best vast majority of people here attending this webinar have actually learned about us via LinkedIn right yeah that’s the tribution session you just need to ask the number one question from the full final assignment how did
(12:47) you hear about us so instead of our open field on our website we create an open field in a zoom chat all right so that’s clear right now if you can move on to the next slide Andre um just a quick note yeah I wanted you to refresh the slides that was a mistake right uh but basically what the point of this slide is simply pleasing or there’s a mistake uh here Andre if you refresh it it shouldn’t be there um the post that you’re creating you can repurpose those posts and we are talking about organic posts but you can also
(13:28) repurpose your best performing post um with your paid distribution so pay distribution helps you have a guaranteed delivery right so you’re you’re sure that your target buyers are going to see it but the best approach is to not just promote any content but content that is actually proven to work right so that’s just a quick note about that so let’s move on so I I wanted to ask you like we know that this works and like if you ask anybody right what you should be doing on LinkedIn I’m sure a lot of you will say you know based on just the comments
(14:09) that you shared so far yeah you should be creating content you should be uh educating your buyers but still we know that so many marketing and sales teams are not doing that can you share your opinion in the chat as to why do you think companies are not doing it why marketing and sales teams are not actually spending you know the time creating content and sharing it so quick question here we can hold off with the Q a more towards the end of the session um but you know there was like a specific session about repurposing into
(14:51) ads I think what I would suggest someday if you share that session that we did together with Justin uh with Katie I think uh would be a much better answer than what I can give in a minute but let’s let’s kind of check out what people consider the main reasons why uh so many marketing and sales teams are not doing that smaller teams yeah that could be um if you have smaller teams you know many large teams who are not doing that and we do know actually small teams that are doing that our team as an example conservative approach being intimidated
(15:26) I think that’s a big one not enough time of resources definitely not priorities budget resources not clear alignment and priorities focus it feels like a longer term pray play it is I don’t know how good one lack of clarity to the order of operations no time missing resources it’s a long shot habits long-term etc etc wow wow this is this is amazing all right so thank you very much this is amazing uh I think we could just try the post just based on this but I let’s kind of summarize what we have learned from the
(16:08) markets and I think you you mentioned most of these you’ve nailed it there’s a like a big picture kind of okay how does the posting lead to revenue like how do I connect the dots right and that’s what we will answer for you today and so how do you go from posting to actual sales qualified opportunities people mention like a skill set I don’t know how to write content hopefully today we are going to share some content Frameworks they can use to quickly create content so hopefully we’ll help you with that as well people
(16:41) said imposter syndrome I have nothing to share for him I who will listen to me it’s something that everybody feels at the beginning and it goes away with practice lack of patience like people said it’s a long-term game it’s not going to happen tomorrow right I think we can talk about it a bit later but I think having commitment I think as little as four weeks I think uh you will already start to see the results and become much more easy than at the beginning but that’s italically at least it worked for me I remember then some other reasons
(17:18) that we see in the market if you can switch uh people mention this very frequently today in the comments time or priority I don’t have time to write and distribute the content in other words it isn’t a priority and I remember thinking the same I really remember thinking the same but you know just looking back and reflecting on this if I knew the it’s at the end it’s not really about time it is about the priority but priority it is about impact right so we’re talking about at the end it is about the ROI so if I knew what the impacts
(17:55) uh just this daily one hour spending on LinkedIn could have on me personally and obviously on our business I would have never I would have never doubted that and and think about this as not having time for that small Network don’t have a big Network so yes you need that’s one one of the Key activities is proactively growing the network and at the end you know people believe that they might need to have the results like the thought leaders and the influencers have on LinkedIn that you need to have tens of thousands of followers to be able to
(18:33) generate results and you know all these engagement and likes but that’s not really the case you know if you uh have relevant content if you are connecting to the relevant buyers we have seen over and over again people with networks of you know one two thousand people generating sales qualified opportunities because it is about quality not so much about quantity and uh yeah there is a bit of an ego I think we all have it right and we need to deal with that all right so let’s address one of the questions there about not knowing how to create content
(19:13) I think this is really important uh to realize that yes uh content creation is a skill LinkedIn content creation is a skill apart but it isn’t as hard as people who have never done it maybe leave it to be so we have seen we have helped people who have no background in content creation have nothing to do with you know even marketing for that matter uh starting to create content by just following these simple Frameworks and the three that we wanted to share with you simple ones the first one is sharing how to’s kind of Frameworks now
(19:56) you see on all these three examples you see some images diagrams pictures this is what we like to do but you don’t need to have them like we have when we have started we have just used text post and as you can see in the middle the image that is used is just thrown on a piece of paper and you can see that a lot of people loved it and we have never seen any difference any difference between you know a nicely designed uh diagram and a doodle that can barely be read actually my most popular post about the market and under cros that had
(20:36) around 2K engagement was exactly that ugly drawing on a piece of paper you know in a lot of ways it makes you even stand out it makes you makes you much more authentic right and over design uh things Etc so uh the first one is the framework so step by step it’s actually a super simple recipe what are the top questions that your buyers have you know as they relate to a product and your expertise and you answer them you see how to do whatever the buyers need to do right so how to create content that stands out how to do
(21:18) this how to do that how to you know solve reverse Logistics problems at your large retail retailers right if you give step-by-step actionable Hands-On advice people will love it that’s guaranteed right the second one and the one that we’ll demonstrate in a minute are listicles just produce a list of things like in this case it was five obsolete B2B marketing and sale tactics it can be sales tactics it can be as simple as five you know B2B marketers um to follow in 2023 right uh five you know lessons I learned so we also have
(22:04) that’s a kind of a third one which is really a good one because even if you might not have a lot of subject matter expertise you can actually you know follow read attend webinars like this one and share the lessons that you have learned so it isn’t necessarily your expertise but it is relevant and you’re just sharing them and by the way you’re you can also tag the author you know or the person the speaker for additional engagement so these are three simple ones and I’m not sure if you have another one or no no now now comes the
(22:42) good part so I wanna do it live yeah absolutely let’s do it live so uh just to demonstrate you guys the way how it could be done right let me ask you one question I know lots of you have been following at least you said this in the chat so please share in the chat what is the number one lesson account about account based marketing you have learned by following us so share place in the chat what is the number one lesson or take away or whatever about ABM you have learned by following us always ask questions and do custom
(23:24) research to do things holistically change and okay we’ll have to share we have a bunch of stuff on ABM uh could you do a session come selection as well not everybody is your customer focus is important sales and marketing alignment absolutely it doesn’t have to be complicated alignment alignment uh practical playbooks start your console yes this is a great one Matt uh Target accounts will come from demand gen activities I love it buying committee wow there’s so many lessons I mean so what we can do here and I will share with you the
(24:11) easiest and the fastest way how you can create it right and basically what I’m doing here you can easily do with your team right if you can ask the same question so imagine you have a team meeting right and uh team meeting with your senior Executives uh the sales team right you can ask once you can ask it the same way maybe a structured right what is the number what is the number one Trend you are seeing our industry is uh going on right what is the number one challenge our industry faces Etc so just to give you an idea so uh just to say I
(24:49) will show you x uh let’s say x uh so X lessons about account based marketing in 2023 shared by trenches community and then just to give you an example so let me copy your reply so Justin Thomas uh so I hope I’m taking the right people next mate not that Justin did I make the mistake it seems so yeah Justin do you want to quickly drop your LinkedIn profile yeah that would be
(25:56) yeah we have it um uh cell profile just a quick okay [Music] um uh why I don’t see you so isn’t that one is that that’s the one all right this one I think so right helping small business adjusting no no I’m sorry I probably yeah I need to connect fast okay anyhow so let’s see uh what else uh Elena am I correct this
(27:05) again yeah just let us know if we if you make a mistake in time Okay so uh Matt if you can drop your account so I will take you what they call match your hair uh first one yeah yep so he says that I met where was your comment first okay so Justin yeah okay here we go and I should stay again seven
(28:10) uh cater Irina [Music] and let me let me do it uh quickly uh yeah [Music] John Christopher so your problem got the idea John Christopher Mari um the h c h Christopher with ch ah okay that’s going yeah a little bit complicated so I would
(29:14) John Christopher and uh okay cool so let’s do it like this and you can just summarize it uh with let’s say the key takeaway uh let’s say my five cents you need to build Echo ESF something like this I just wanted to make it fast and just to share with you the process right and here we go so that’s that’s the way
(30:20) right so you can do it uh maybe uh I didn’t add eight lessons yeah I didn’t yeah that’s true my bad uh so yeah let me quickly edit it and here we go right so I just wanted to share with you the process right and just to explain that at one but that’s that complicated as most people think but still uh we can keep it relevant right so now the let’s cover the question uh what if I’m not a subject matter expert right that was the first example so you can involve everybody from your company now in some cases you can in some cases you
(31:09) have subject matter expert maybe if you are selling to technical audience right you can involve somebody from your product team from your engineering team and what you really need to know you need obviously you need to nail down the fundamentals you need to have a crystal clear ideal customer profile you need to understand the buyer journey and you need to create something what we call the map of informational needs basically a list of questions your buyers have at different stages of their buying Journey right yosad leadership program should be
(31:43) basically aligned with it the easiest way to create expertise content the relevant content that’s basically nurtures Target accounts is by answering these questions right and one of the easiest ways to do it collect the Expressions interview in your subject matter expert and create an content about it right so like in this case six reasons why fintech companies failed to deliver value from data Investments right so the person is not a subject matter expert but this person knows the questions the buyers are genuinely interested in
(32:21) introduce the technical leader and creates content based on this interviews next one interview industry assault leaders right so that’s another way so uh share in this example coming from uh one of our clients right the author also didn’t have a big network and to compensate the lack of industrial knowledge you can the same if you don’t have access to subject matter experts and Society Organization for different reasons right business whatever it is you can interview uh you can enter industry such leaders and basically
(32:58) compensate the lack of knowledge like in this case and you can see that the content got a fantastic engagement and another one is commenting on industry Trends right there is always something happening in your industry maybe you don’t have time to create a content from scratch right but you can leverage this insights you can add your take your point of view about what’s going on or you can curate right these insights and you can share the curated content so these are three ways that should unblock you and still uh help you to be relevant
(33:35) and create the content that basically attracts the attention why we are doing this because ultimately people are buying from people they know like and trust and instead of uh being let’s say perceived as yet another vendor right what we want to do is we want to build the trust and gain credibility beforehand we want to create that engagement so later we can use I mean as an organization not uh separated now marketing from sales right so later we can connect with the target buyers and expect a higher reply right higher
(34:14) engagement rate and opportunities that being said let’s move to pillar number two multi-thread at engagement which is aside from the thought leadership this second and most important pillar in the framework and I think this is probably one of the most under used underutilized ways to really make a quick impact and engage in connect to your target buyers so let’s dive in into this now let’s if you can switch to the next slide Andre just explain what we mean by multi multi-threaded right so the idea is the following
(34:58) um if you know as you know and some somebody mentioned today in the comments when you are targeting accounts there was a new study that came out that on average depending on the size of a deal and size of the company but they are on average like 14 different buyers that’s actually the latest study that we have heard during our full funnel B2B marketing Summit in the buying committee so when you’re selling a mid-market Enterprise you have different buyers so that they have different types of roles that are buying and the idea with the
(35:33) so-called multi multi-threaded engagement is that you assign different buyer roles to different team members right so maybe somebody who is technical might be engaging with technical buyers you know maybe an executive or somebody let’s say you know higher up in the management maybe engaging with the executive buyers right and the decision makers etc etc maybe even somebody from marketing could be engaging connecting to marketers who are working as Target accounts even though they might not be directly part of the buying committee but can help you
(36:18) get introductions and you can also potentially create even some sort of co-marketing opportunities right so that is the key idea here right so you map different team members to different buyer roles now what should they do so let’s uh go on well create thoughtful comments and there is a number of reasons why you want to do this and the first reason is well first of all let’s just like when I say thoughtful comments I don’t mean go and share comments like you know amazing hey you nailed it you know spot on etc etc
(36:59) right so that’s fine right I mean thank you everybody who who did it and who is doing that I don’t mind it myself personally but I think it is a missed opportunity and missed opportunity to create awareness and to attract attention and you know people are asking like what do I do if I’m in a niche where there is not a lot of activity on LinkedIn well actually this is probably a bigger opportunity because if I’m commenting if there is somebody who is you know really posting LinkedIn they don’t have an engagement and there’s not
(37:34) a lot of of things happening in the industry I am 100 sure I guarantee you that if you create a thoughtful comment and place it on that person’s LinkedIn or even on the company’s LinkedIn you will be noticed you will attract their attention right now again this is an opportunity to share content to share your expertise so think about each comment as a mini post okay so another reason is that actually the easiest way for you to start to converse to start a conversation with a Target buyer is actually to start with a comment and
(38:18) move on into the inbox again they’re 100 percent guaranteed to notice you especially if there is some conversation going on in the comments that’s like 90 response race or whatever but majority of people are going to respond after you know having a combo in the comments if you move to the inbox then uh at the end it is easy kind of not anymore like it used to be to build followers or connections on LinkedIn and we all know this automatic Outreach and connecting uh to people and that’s probably how this you know gentleman
(39:03) here who you see on the left hand side you see kind of two pictures one screenshot of somebody’s profile who has 13 000 followers but if you see their posts they don’t really have a lot of Engagement then you see here our stuff or who in comparison only has like 2 000 followers at that time of the screenshot and yet he has a much higher engagement right so followers and connections are not really an Engaged audience right so this is why you want to be commenting this is why you want to focus on conversations like I mentioned final
(39:39) reason why you want to be doing that is because once you I told you like think about comments as many posts while actually if you take a comment uh they have spent some time thinking about so you you have commented on a relevant topic you have you know added some value to that original post well why not take that and repair purpose that as a new post okay so uh I think that kind of the the end of this section so let’s do it live and what I would suggest as well I I shared Andre’s post linked to Andres Post in the comments so you can
(40:20) participate in that um just pick any of the lessons that you’ve seen people share or the lessons that you shared but didn’t end up in the in the post and just share some of the lessons about ABM as comments to the post of Andre and Andre maybe if you want you can do a live one as well on somebody else’s post and yeah absolutely uh let me answer one quick question any at all that can help us in repurpose and you don’t need to right so when uh I’m just coming back to the example as you can see so blood share it
(41:00) lat replied with what we call meaningful comment right something that adds value to the conversation and basically what he did he slightly tweaked that comment and created a post out of it so you don’t need a tool right you just nature right now uh organize it so will the deck will be shared yes the deck will be shared as well uh let me show you how to do it live because sometimes uh one of the questions we are getting yeah but what if let’s say our buyers are not that active on LinkedIn so what what could we do let me open I know uh let me
(41:36) open uh again uh Philippe who is in deck space right so let’s uh not getting I mean that’s not like marketing space whatever so their post on Deck um Tech content and there is as well let’s let’s quickly look at that hey product managers get on the list and welcome the first edition of tech API product management newsletter dedicated to help mpms try more business value from the API strategy conference sign up for twice months Roundup of some the best contents on API first and then again so this this is the the the example right uh about
(42:19) the newsletters what we can say something great job plus launching the newsletter I have heard from many people that use letters and just showing you the live example and explain the process so basically this is the idea right uh
(43:39) okay great job as launched in the newsletter I have heard from many people that newsletters are dead but guess what people check every single day despite of social media I have direct access to the audience and control the delivery the only one thing that is essential you need to make your newsletter was worse Freedom right and uh that’s a good uh that’s a good way to have the comment and based on uh based on this comment you can I mean I expect that Philippe will reply so the next step you can proceed to the conversation chatting
(44:10) about so what are your plans with the newsletter how are you going to promote it Etc right so these things it always gives you an opportunity to move to the conversation but uh most people would do it once usually they don’t add value to the conversation right so what they would say is hey great job as the newsletter or congrats with the launch but what’s next right there is no room for for conversation in this case uh I can open I can our conversation with him but also I can I can publish a post right saying I have heard let’s say a
(44:47) lot of marketers are saying that newsletters are dead but uh actually it’s not true right and then I could repurpose this post explain our process share muscles about newsletter Etc so that’s the idea let me know if it’s clear and uh if it’s helpful type plus if if the process of how to write minions all comments and how to repurpose them is clear type plus and type minus if something is not clear feel free to ask questions and what is cool as we said you can use this again these posts right later you can turn them into demand generation ads and
(45:31) during the Q a if you will remind me I will share with you even a cool feature that you can use right you can do it directly in LinkedIn or you can use also internet based software I can quickly share with you how it might work and how you can set up how to engage with people who post comments like great job but I Target buyers so if they uh I mean if they that if somebody will uh if you mean if somebody will comment on my post great job right on this target buyer then I would reach out and start the conversation but basically we wanted to
(46:11) cover it a little bit later so I would start let’s say if that was cost about account based marketing right I might ask I would say thanks a lot for engaging with my content about whatever was the topic um I work on ABM right now I plan on to launch it um where you are in your ABM Journey so that’s an example right this is the way how you can start the conversations coming back to our webinar because we have the third pillar and this is really important right aside from your target buyers you need to engage with the
(46:48) entire LinkedIn ecosystem right and so what is the LinkedIn ecosystem we divided into two parts the first one is Target accounts right but ultimately we are not selling to companies we’re engaging with people and inside the brand committee traditionally we have forals that you all guys know like Champions influencers decision makers and blockers with blood also usually adds two roles that are really important and that everybody needs to keep in mind these are insiders the people who are not Champions who are not even have a
(47:22) power to Champion in your product right inside the organization but these are people who might share your content in the let’s say in-house slack Channel or teams right these are people with whom you can build relationship and they can share some Insider information about the company strategy where it’s going how to approach or who is the target decision maker especially that makes sense if you are targeting mid Market mid-size or Enterprise organizations where the buying can you just structure is not clear and there are there could be
(47:54) multiple people who might be a Target decision makers right and connect us these are the people who can connect you with relevant people right maybe your client success manager is connected to the client success manager from that organization because of content right and this person can connect uh let’s say your account executive to account executive or the target decision maker from the organization so just sharing with you a few ideas how it might work right that’s the first part and the second part is the ecosystem that
(48:26) consists of Niche media engagers partner Brands and Industry influencers why you need to grow your audience with these people and um also engage with them because this is how the algorithm works right you engage with people and you become not just quite often we are hearing from also from potential buyers they say hey so I saw a comment to Chris Walker’s post or pep uh perhaps live post right about this your comment was really smart so I started to follow you and enjoy the content that’s exactly the point right this we need to understand
(49:04) who is also serving your target ICP right your target buyers whom they are following and by engaging with this audience as you maximizing the chances to being discovered right also it helps to uh it helps to distribute your content to specific buyers right and get this organic Target reaching so uh this is an example right again uh just cook second degree connection uh Jonathan blunt likes this right and also uh on the uh the the only one reason why we are seeing this content right from the second degree connection it’s just
(49:49) because Jonathan who is our long-term uh friend engaged with her content right so that’s that’s how your content could be discovered and at the same time on the SEC on the right side you can see the live proof right so I don’t recall for light commented on your ABM unlimited and post for it to show up in my feedback I’m so glad it did it right so that’s that’s exactly the point right why we are doing it we uh exposure our reach and exposure our chances to be not only to be discovered by Target accounts but also to nurture the accounts that we
(50:28) already targeted and the most important part right why we are doing all of this because this creates for us the engagement triggers right so people could engage with your content people could visit your profile right people could uh leave the comments and this all gives you a fantastic opportunity right to start the conversation like in this case thanks for engaging with my recent post about ABM and Linkedin I was curious if this Samsung you are in charge of it now I guess we have lots of resources hypertension help right so engagement
(51:04) with my post opens the door so a specific Target buyer right and we are able to start the conversation so just sharing with you an example and it’s way just believe it’s way more efficient than reaching out the cold audience right you have higher reply rates you have momentum for conversations with Target buyers and you generate uh opportunities so I think at this point we can skip doing it live uh just uh in sake of time right we wanted to do one more life exercise but let’s keep it so let’s move to the results
(51:43) what can you expect from doing it uh I would just quickly what if you don’t mind I will come back to our framework to show it again right so we have three more three most important pillars right that help you to create awareness and demand you need to interact with your uh target audience and limited ecosystem that is in the middle right your content could be repurposed and then you can use it in page distribution and the way how you can match at an account based marketing right if you do an appropriate account research I saw that I forgot who
(52:20) asked that question but I would quickly explain it right when the other account research and you know uh what are the potential needs of specific accounts right you can group these accounts by different needs right and though one of your ads targeting right so you can promote specific content that is aligned with the needs of a specific group of Target accounts based on their buying Journey stage then we attract engagement and intent triggers right engagement with the content attending your events connect and visit in your profile uh
(52:57) checking your content hubs if you’re having this right checking the key pages on your website like price and case studies book a demo Etc and based on this you can use this insights to start capturing the demand so you can do the retargeting right with maybe promoting the use cases uh customer stories Etc you can do more proactive engagement with your sales team right the social scale and starting conversations Etc so this is how the framework looks holistically now let’s uh come to the results section all right so wanted to quickly share
(53:37) eight different kinds of results they can expect on LinkedIn you don’t get a married from right all of them right from the start so just quickly comment on them the first one is brand awareness you can generate an enormous awareness of your brand of not just no people getting to know your company based on some ads but actually starting to know you for your expertise linking your name and your company’s name with uh for example in our case with ABM or whatever is that you are solving for your buyers next you can
(54:18) um and the example that you see here I’m sorry maybe the example you can see is just like from one of our profiles over one year uh how many people have seen our content but even more interesting if you even just take just one of the posts and check the kind of companies that are seeing your post it’s even more interesting because that’s what it is about and it doesn’t have to be too many but if you want to start seeing the relevant companies and relevant but by the way these are not companies where the buyers have engaged with their
(54:50) content like I haven’t seen that many people from Amazon Accenture Deloitte commenting but they’re lurking and they’re looking and a lot of times people especially like decision makers senior buyers are just lurkers let’s go on Andre and second one is so-called dark social essentially what is dark social is that the most important conversations the most important research vendor Discovery vendor research happens outside of your funnel you’re not aware of it people learn from their peers right and in private communities private chats Etc
(55:32) but what you can do is you can become part of those I’m sorry you can become part of those conversations but creating content that those buyers will share in places that you cannot get to so once I had been you know closing a deal and I had to talk to five different buyers in the buying committee and I only knew one of them personally from LinkedIn that he was engaging with my post and I had some chats but didn’t know four of them but all four of them they knew me and the reason they knew me is here on top of
(56:08) the page uh that was actually the buyer commenting that he was sharing my post in their private slack and actually thanks to those posts people started to get know me and this was one of the easiest deals for me to close maybe next is inbound Pipeline and revenue this is not something that happens immediately it will take some time but usually will happen is that if you’re already connected with you know people from your network that you’ve maybe know from before Etc and you start doing these LinkedIn activities you might see them
(56:43) reaching out to you because you are going to remind them it becomes relevant to them and they say oh okay so I I remember you I should reach out to you but after a quarter or two you should also start seeing actual inbound opportunities actually I think we have so far you know starting as an unknown brand generating more than 200 inbounds over opportunities just from LinkedIn alone and majority of them pipeline mansions that I’ve heard about us on LinkedIn next another one is nurturing LinkedIn is probably like when you talk about
(57:25) nurturing people think of you know five-step email sequences and things like that but actually when it comes to nurturing it is about being on top of Mind of your buyers keep keeping uh keeping them educated keeping appearing on the radar until they are ready to buy and actually when we look back and analyze our own pipeline we saw that uh buyers haven’t just you know discovered us today on LinkedIn or wherever and reached out to us but they have been following us for a while usually we have different channels
(58:06) but LinkedIn was there the main channel that never let them forget about us the next one is Andre already shared this unfortunately we didn’t have time to do this live this is something that we see this is probably the best kept secrets of LinkedIn engagement with Outreach being able to reach out to People based on engagement will I guarantee 10x your your response rate and even better much better than just having much better response rates is that you will actually be able to start a very relevant conversation
(58:40) and then after a while you will start getting free PR and what do we mean by that I think so far we have been invited to more than 30 different podcasts to be interviewed as a guests uh to speak at various events uh we have managed to land you know yes blog posting opportunities and many other opportunities simply from being uh from being known on on LinkedIn uh type number seven uh result type number seven is essentially once you start building relationships on LinkedIn with influencers you will also be able to
(59:22) Parlay that into co-marketing or so-called influencer marketing essentially tapping into their Network and credibility in building on your in that way that’s probably the fastest way for any brand to grow is to tap into an existing audience of influence answers and not just grow in terms of numbers but especially grow in terms of credibility this really helps adding a lot of credibility and finally if you have been building this relationship for a while the one of the best outcomes is to start actually getting referrals from
(59:58) those people and this is one of the ways in which you can enter new markets where you don’t for example when we started we started more in the European market but then the way that we actually started to have also for example North American customers was through those influencers their referrals and Their audience and this this was for example one of the biggest deals that we closed was thanks to a referral like that so let’s get a bit practical Andre if you want to share how to plan ABM on LinkedIn how to get started yeah so the
(1:00:37) important question is basically how to implement the framework right I believe that it shouldn’t be chaotic it shouldn’t be a post Samsung somewhere right and expect some results and do some engagement you need to plan it you need to have a structured approach and the way how we look at it so first of all you start with specular pillars right you Define the Key activities that you want to do and could be a grow a network with Target buyers right how many buyers do you want to connect on a weekly basis right how many times do you
(1:01:12) want to post how many meaningful comments do you want to live right and how many non-sales touches do you want to have in your routine right and this is both for marketing and sales teams because marketers can uh I can’t uh emphasize enough on the opportunity that marketers have when they are creating an engagement with their appears quite often peer-to-peer engagement creates meaningful interactions and then marketers can gain additional Insider information they can share with sales right this information can help to
(1:01:49) refine the ABM messaging so it’s it’s fairly essential for both teams and the next one book the time in your calendar so if you want the things to happen you need to book a time for it and the only one thing that we have seen from years of doing it right is when the pilot team and the pilot team you know our approach one market or one is there is enough to start the pilot campaign right so these two people book time in their calendar they get a buy-in and support from Executives so everybody knows that on this specific days at this specific
(1:02:29) time this specific pilot team will be working on this activity this is the only one thing to make things to move these things forward right make sure that you have this in your calendar make sure that you work on it make sure that you present the results and don’t borrow to everybody on how the things are going otherwise it won’t happen don’t just give it a chance if you want if the let’s say our recommendation is book in one hour per day for all four pillars right you can structure it differently you can do two let’s say two
(1:03:04) weekly posts and uh for the rest of the days you just do meaningful comments and grow in the network non-sales touches Etc right you decide uh if you can allocate more time that’s really cool but I think that most companies that’s uh not really possible for pilot motion that is not proven so let’s say if you will be able to allocate three hours on a weekly basis that’s already a huge success right but just make sure that this is this the same way like you’re going to gym always sharing this example right yeah doing this on specific days
(1:03:39) on specific time the same is with this operation until you’ll get traction and can present the results to your stakeholders and this is uh how your Saturday’s launch plan might look like want to cover this one what absolutely so this is actually a plan that we use every time with our clients we use it in our trainings as well essentially the idea is the following you take 30 days during those 30 days implement the full framework but you actually also plan to spend an hour each day let’s say three five six hours each week
(1:04:19) also actually running these Key activities that we were teaching you today because only by doing that in a in a repeated way that’s probably the easiest way to build that process and create that habit so you know first week you’re probably going to do some strategics setup where you are going to start building your network your ICP you’re starting to add other audiences then you’re going to start with the engagement activities then you’re going to start nurturing buyers with content obviously also want to update your
(1:04:58) LinkedIn profile and then you will start based on these activities also start activating the buyers and having conversations this is just an oh overview of how this might look like this is actually a blueprint that we use like I mentioned during our client with our clients during our boot camps and we have tested it many many times and it works really well but the key is again you commit to spend that one month at least of course because just it’s easier to commit to spending that one month and you know committing to you know your
(1:05:32) whole life and then out of that you come out uh with a really ingrained process so I think this is uh what what is the next slide um just a quick check yes so this is just an example like I mentioned we use this process also in our boot camps in our training programs and just to show you that this works if you start repeating that uh for example we did our first boot camp it was kind of a pilot training program uh with 20 25 people I believe something like 25 to 30 people I’m not really sure how many and uh a
(1:06:12) number of them were really engaged and we’re doing these daily activities as as I was just mentioning and just look at the kind of results that I got only in four weeks you know they we in total they share like more than 250 posts got a ton of Engagement started almost 1 000 conversations as far as we know this was just based on their own reporting not everybody shared their results and lended the list five qualified sales opportunities with only within only four weeks and actually quite unexpected unexpectedly also got
(1:06:49) invites by four different influencers to speak at their show so the key is this consistent repetition that remains kind of flat at the beginning you might not see a lot of results but over time these results will compound because you’re kind of your key assets right your network your content your you know your knowledge of your you know your buyers Etc will gradually be growing and they have a multiplication Factor on everything you do so the next time you post the next time you start conversation you start it from a
(1:07:31) different place and you always keep getting better and better results that’s why you have this kind of an exponential growth and we we actually were like doing this analysis and this is really how it worked also in terms of our pipeline so I think we have really covered uh everything that we wanted to cover uh in the educational part and we just wanted to also let you know that again so this is the second time that we are launching our own ABM on LinkedIn bootcamp and before you log out if you’re in the case
(1:08:08) you’re not interested feel free to log out but please please before you do that share with us what did you think of this webinar did you learn something did you enjoy this we really appreciate your feedback and anybody who is interested to learn more about our ABM on LinkedIn bootcamp I will just take five minutes to explain it’s not a pitch just wanted to let you know that this is something that we are doing right now and I know a lot of people were had a lot of value out of it so let us know please what you
(1:08:40) thought of this webinar before you log in and if you want to stay I will quickly explain the bootcamp so like I mentioned we are well I wanted to say that you guys can stay for Q a if you want to ask any questions live feel free to just raise your hand we’ll call you and unmute you so it can cause you can ask your questions live if you are not comfortable with joining us live feel free to type the questions in the chat and we’ll cover everything yeah and like the most frequent question that we are getting always is whether
(1:09:21) the recording and slides will be available yes the recording slides will be available I think we have foreseen quite some time to answer any questions that you might have so if you just give me five minutes to present the the boot camp I’ll um I will get into your question so like I mentioned we run these boot camps and the reason we call them both hands because they’re very Hands-On you kind of got a small preview of how this might feel like but we actually make our students go through this process and this is one of the
(1:09:55) biggest value that they mentioned uh they got from this bootcamp the next one starts in on May uh May 8th and if you switch to the next slide it’s essentially four weeks eight workshops eight two hour workshops meant to help you implement our framework raise brand awareness nurture the buyers and build relationships and land sales qualified opportunities and next um the results we have shown you the results these are some just some examples we just wanted to let them in the slide so you can see uh if you want
(1:10:34) to dive in and and watch more um and watch more about it essentially uh just to mention pretty practically we do it every Monday and Thursday uh 3 P.M CET Central period time which is 9 A.M um eastern time for North American friends and all the sessions get recorded you get access lifetime access to all the sessions all the templates examples we have a ton of that and there is an ongoing q a support so you get basically any questions that you have as you’re implementing the process you can get it answered by Andrea or myself uh
(1:11:16) and you also get a kind of a community to give you that extra accountability and motivation to do it and let me just check so I don’t think this is boot camp is for everybody it is really meant for B2B so if you’re a marketer or sales person working for a B2B company whether or a Consulting agency type that’s also totally okay um but it should be like 30 000 a year kind of deal plus I don’t think this makes sense for you know SAS companies that sell hundreds per month or things like that I don’t think this process would be a good fit
(1:12:02) um if you’re struggling to get on the one hand your brand being recognized by your target buyers not having demand for your product this would be a good fit and if you have tried to do LinkedIn but you’re failing to do it consistently or you’re or you’re struggling to get your messages or your content noticed I think this is definitely a good fit as well and the next one is the outcomes I think we spoke a lot about the outcomes and I think we can very uh so I’m seeing your yeah yeah I know yes we spoke a lot
(1:12:42) about the outcomes but I think the main outcome is really this habit and routine right so obviously you know improve better awareness starting conversations having your own content framework that you can like keep on you know posting on LinkedIn and all of these nice things but at the end everything is not going to be worth unless you really Implement that process and I think this is probably one of the one of the reasons why you want to join this live and do it as a part of community is because of exactly that right
(1:13:17) and then I think maybe there is just one more okay uh you can read about those experiences if you’re interested they’re all on the landing page I don’t think uh we need to go into that but I wanted to just mention one more thing before we jump into questions and that is that we do have a kind of promotion running until Friday early bird pricing if you want so until Friday midnight I believe I don’t know how we set it up essentially on on Saturday morning we are going to up the price by 200 bucks so uh in case you’re interested uh I
(1:13:55) think Andre shared the link to the landing page check it out and anyhow ask us any questions that you might have about the Boot Camp or otherwise we are going to be happy to take them yes so let’s call it the question question from Tamara question on Sat leadership how do you think about striking a balance between sharing useful and detailed content but not giving away too much in 443 example for companies with small sales legit your motion where you want to focus more on gated lead magnet content so uh that’s
(1:14:28) the point um I will share with you uh my opinion uh blood problem will drop five cents as well about it so the first thing there is uh the one thing that you don’t need to be afraid is that you can give all your knowledge and honestly if you guys are following us on LinkedIn um just compare let’s say the content that we are publishing on LinkedIn so they majority of content you see about account based market and I’m not saying I’m not saying about evaluating it but uh just compare right so we always try to share structured Frameworks we want
(1:15:13) to explain it simple right we want to give it we want to create step-by-step processes we’ll do this this we’ll do the same way at the podcasts right um we always share detailed case studies not just saying hey company reached us out vegetable and they generated 5 million in Revenue right but the question that you might be wondering how right we always share how the truth is that the majority of companies Point number eight they will never see your content but they might see and just forget about this content tomorrow uh
(1:15:50) the second the second one the majority of people will never take an action on the content but the most important Point here then when people experience and gated the same like you’ve been following us right so that’s why you decided to attend the webinar some of you might just decide to enroll in our boot camp uh let’s say a tiny part of people who attended the webinar might become our clients right and it’s not gated right you chat with us you’ve been following with us there is a trust imagine if uh we were hidden in all of
(1:16:26) this right we’ll be always compared to other vendors that pretends they know account based Market or not try to uh make it really complicated and the only one way to understand that if by reaching out to these people right then we could have a problem with the pipeline so the first thing don’t worry about it and uh this is how you can stand out in your Niche the more details contents you will be publishing right the faster your print will be growing the more engagement triggers your team will see and the better outcomes your
(1:17:04) sales team that might be connecting to Target buyers could demonstrate this engagement three basically engages with you with your brand right the more conversations and opportunities there would be generated so that’s an answer to that question innocent that blood no I think that uh essentially if you think about it from the perspective of buyers right so the buyers what they want is they want to understand and they are doing majority of their buying journey and educating themselves about the solution beforehand
(1:17:41) before talking to the sales people so what they want is they want to get their questions answered and if you don’t answer that question somebody else will that’s kind of one way to look at it so the more questions that you can answer the more you can educate them the more you can actually also influence also not just them personally and maybe their colleagues but you can actually start influencing their purchase um um criteria essentially once you start educating about the best way to do X you can start actually to influence their
(1:18:18) purchase criteria and actually stack you know increase the odds of you being the one not just being considered but actually finally selected so there is a lot to be gained and little to be lost little to be lost like you know Andre shared this with you and we are a knowledge company all we have all we are selling is our knowledge and we still we still give most of our knowledge away and uh you know people in most cases don’t are just not gonna take all of that and and run away and Implement and if if they want to do that that’s
(1:18:55) probably they’re not your ideal buyer that’s probably the case and let me take the second question I think that’s really great this question uh um I think somebody has already asked it and I partially covered it so let me cover it again so Jessica asks how does a paid campaign fit into this strategy right maybe that’s a whole different webinar topic and then deep Vegeta create webinar with Justin Rose so uh maybe a lot of you can find that link can share that would be cool but I would explain how to fit at an ABM right I
(1:19:30) told you so imagine you have a list of targeted accounts right that you want to Target and with uh one-on-one or one to many programs typically uh depending on how many products you are selling but let’s say let’s let’s keep it simple let’s have let’s say you have one product right and uh you have different use cases or different challenges your product uh being used by your target accounts right so the next point is running account research and understanding where these wires are in their buying Journey right so again we
(1:20:07) have a fantastic webinar we covered how to do it maybe if you can find that one as well uh share place but but generally speaking you collect the insights and you understand okay so let’s say we have uh 10 or 15 accounts in one-on-one programs tier one right and we have let’s say 50 accounts in one too few programs so then you do the account research and you understand that this account sound different uh by engine stages so among the 50 accounts uh in tier two you have 10 accounts that are in that let’s say in the beginning of
(1:20:42) the buy and journey they’re just collecting the content about the different challenges right maybe something has happened in their business so let’s say in our case the company uh the company doesn’t hit Revenue quota for a long time so I will give you a more precise example right the company doesn’t hit the revenue quota for a long time the company dissatisfied with uh let’s say performance market and the cost per liter and cost per click is drastically proven and sales has not hidden the revenue quota they do the
(1:21:14) analysis and they see that they have low win rates right and uh marketing and sales are working in Silas typical challenge right lots of companies are facing this so they start looking for different solutions and occasionally they discover account based marketing right this is the early beginning of their Journey they are not considering a Converse market and demand generation lead generation so they’re seeking the solutions to that challenge right what actually we need to do right so at this point coming back to the to the content
(1:21:51) right so let’s imagine you have published the contents uh where you cover this uh topic so let’s say the reasons why your market and sales teams are working in Silas and how to fix it right uh whatever how to grow in 2023 if you are dealing with this and that so several ideas and solutions you see where I’m going with this right you pick up that content and you start mapping it out with the buying Journey then you can basically in LinkedIn you can upload the list of accounts that you want to Target right you select the target rules and
(1:22:26) you start boosting your content to these specific roles or there is another feature so let’s say if you want uh I’m sharing the let’s say one-time process if you do a pilot motion but on the operationalization level let me show you even uh bad examples of how you can do it so here’s albacross and by the way guys we have uh officially partnered with albacross so they promised to give the discounts to all our networks so if you are interested and you need that solution just DM me I will make an interest all across team so your team
(1:23:02) can get a discount so what Alba cross has they have uh really cool features and if you go to workflow uh let me show you so you see they have LinkedIn matched audience I will show you some basically what you can do you can retarget high intent accounts and what are the high intent accounts so in our case we have this um I will show you with your right high end and sourced ABM so these are the companies uh we have these filters uh the target markets Target verticals uh the engagement right how much time did they spend on our web
(1:23:39) websites or some of these companies already qualified and the tier science Etc right and what you can do next you can uh basically you can match um you can set up different filters based on the buy and journey here right and then you can transfer you can make this match and Linkedin and let’s say just open the opening this company right so let’s say philips66 so these guys uh engage on this go to market strategy guide with ideal customer profile guide ABM campaign and ABM strategy right so my assumption is that the company is
(1:24:18) receiving the ICP I’m just sharing with you the way how we can make the hypothesis right so there recent and the ICP right and uh probably a they are going uh to build a pilot ABM strategy motion because they are checking two guides go to market and ABM and this requires to receive the ideal customer profile so in this case my assumption would be okay so I have a post uh let’s say I have a post on how to launch ABM step by step right so I would use that post as uh cross targeting right if they engage with the post uh uh if if they
(1:24:57) engage with the post I might be sharing additional case studies as we have let’s say on our website if you’ll go to B2B content Hub we have actually a bunch of them right so uh maybe I might uh be boost in that case study nine sales opportunities and 10 x ACV from LinkedIn or maybe I can chat or maybe I would be targeting this case study ABM campaign that generated 300K or let’s say on WordPress as we have uh like a customer interviews right with the results they got from from engagement so that’s the way uh let me know if it if this answer
(1:25:34) uh if I answered your question if it’s clear and uh yeah feel free to ask any other questions uh let me know please Jessica if that was a good answer yeah cool so I hate but I just wanted to make it uh practical right really fast I could just make it theoretical but just wanted to share a few examples and just uh uh explain how the content could be mapped uh the key point I have heard um one person jumped me and said yes sir you guys for 30 minutes spoke about uh creating content on LinkedIn but we’re a sexual ABM but that’s exactly the point
(1:26:24) right this content is being used right so the marketing in uh the part of account based marketing is creating awareness right but how can we create awareness we can’t create awareness with just display ads you know even with personalized banners if you have demand base right and even if you have attended our assignment right the CMO and co-founder John Miller told right it’s not enough just to run personalized display ads there are so how many activities being involved and we share at these activities right so first of
(1:26:58) all you do manual engagement you do this manual nurturing with this content right and then you can boost it you can amplify your age you can make more targeted reach but first you need to nail down the fundamental principles right and paid ads they come as an enhancement to that to that strategy right this is an additional layer that helps to get more results uh well I think we have covered all the questions there was one more question about the um boot camp and if I have an offer for the teams yes we do and actually we have
(1:27:40) this on the uh website right so let me open this one and basically we have that package for the teams you can sign up right we have uh for maximum three people or if you want to enroll a bigger team now seat limit to consultations one-on-one feedback right so this one and another question about the price uh correct so the usual price for the boot camps uh is 1K this is our standard price and aside from ABM strategy because that’s uh bootcamp is longer and more intensive but all other boot camps they usually 1K and whether
(1:28:22) the early birth price and so you can sign up let’s say 800 the first Saturday or more precisely try this midnight right and then the price will go up um that’s it it seems that we have covered Everest and sent you so much guys for your time and thanks a lot for the feedback it was a pleasure to uh working with you was really nice and interactive uh today also was created here all of your learnings and takeaways and trades and this um let’s say collaborative post together was my second post of the day and uh yeah
(1:29:07) appreciate your engagement and see you very soon during our next full final life events cheers take care thank you very much


This video offers a detailed framework for implementing LinkedIn Account-Based Marketing (ABM) to create demand and awareness for target accounts. The presenters break down LinkedIn’s ecosystem and the importance of demand generation using a structured, full-funnel approach that integrates marketing and sales efforts. Key components include building thought leadership, creating tailored content, and recognizing buying signals to engage accounts at different stages of the journey. Multi-threaded engagement and networking across LinkedIn’s extended ecosystem help nurture potential buyers by connecting with decision-makers and building trust through consistent, relevant interactions.

Key Takeaways

Successful ABM on LinkedIn depends on understanding your audience’s needs and aligning your content to address specific challenges within target accounts. To do this effectively, establish your ideal customer profile and divide targets into tiers to prioritize and customize engagement strategies. Thought leadership content plays a pivotal role; it must address genuine customer issues and convey expertise, whether through LinkedIn posts, comments, or targeted ads. Utilizing tools like Sales Navigator, intent signals, and engagement triggers enables teams to prioritize interested accounts and initiate relevant conversations, enhancing lead quality. Engaging thoughtfully with influencers and industry leaders in your niche also expands brand awareness, reaching potential clients through mutual networks and fostering credibility.


ABM on LinkedIn goes beyond posting and hoping for responses—it’s about a coordinated, strategic approach that builds lasting awareness and trust among high-value accounts. By creating a mix of informative content and leveraging LinkedIn’s social environment, brands can position themselves as go-to resources for solutions, ensuring that when prospects are ready, they are top-of-mind. With a structured engagement plan, multi-tiered account focus, and a blend of organic and paid distribution, LinkedIn ABM can lead to substantial pipeline growth and more meaningful connections.

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